Fetal sex discordance is an entity that is becoming more frequent due to the expansion of the cfDNA for prenatal diagnosis. Its incidence can be estimated in 1/1500-2000 pregnancies, a frequency as high as that of some common chromosomopathies. The causes of this phenomenon are multiple and diverse, ranging from laboratory errors to important pathologies such as disorders of sexual differentiation. The management of a case of fetal sex discordance must be structured, starting with the review of the clinical history and the tests performed, and may require the performance of invasive tests to reach a diagnosis. Prevention through adequate pretest counseling and ultrasound confirmation can help to reduce its incidence.The objective of index study is to review the available literature on hepatic rupture or hematoma in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy to find the incidence, associated risk factors, clinical presentation, mode of management and feto-maternal outcome. Electronic database was searched using hepatic rupture or hematoma in pregnancy, preeclampsia, eclampsia, and HELLP syndrome (Hemolysis, EL elevated liver enzymes, LP low platelet count) as key words and literature published since January, 2000 to December, 2018 which met the inclusion criteria was reviewed. A total of 56 articles were reviewed describing 93 cases of hepatic hemorrhage in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Treatment varied from conservative management to abdominal packing, hepatic artery embolization, and partial hepatectomy to liver transplantation. Seven out of 93 patients with liver rupture met mortality and in one of them diagnosis was established on autopsy. Unawareness of the hepatic rupture in pregnancy by an obstetrician demands high index of suspicion for diagnosis and requires specialized, focused and exhaustive management for optimal feto-maternal outcome. Laparotomy and perihepatic packing is a viable option in patients with unstable vitals and is feasible even in limited resource settings.Short interval between diagnosis and management may enhance the feto-maternal survival rate and prevent further morbidity or mortality.Streptococcus (S.) agalactiae colonizes in the female genitourinary and lower gastrointestinal tracts and is responsible for a wide range of infections in newborns, pregnant women and non-pregnant adults. Therefore, antibiotic prophylaxis and infection treatment against S. agalactiae is important. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of S. agalactiae antibiotic resistance in Iranian patients, especially among pregnant women. A systematic literature search was conducted in PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar and the Scientific Information Database (SID) databases by using related keywords and without any time limitation. A total of 26 studies reporting the prevalence of S. agalactiae antibiotic resistance in Iran met our predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria and were included in the meta-analysis. High rates of S. agalactiae antibiotic resistance in pregnant women were found against tetracycline (96.2%), trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (84.7%), cefotaxime (41.3%), clindamycin (26.8%) and erythromycin (21%). Additionally, resistance to penicillin (4.2%), ampicillin (2.7%), cefazolin (7.6%), vancomycin (2.4%), ceftriaxone (12.5%), ciprofloxacin (13.6%) and nitrofurantoin (0%) was low. Our results revealed that penicillin and ampicillin among penicillin-tolerant Iranian pregnant women, and vancomycin and cefazolin among penicillin-allergic women are still drugs of choice in intrapartum prophylaxis for preventing S. agalactiae vertical transmission and early-onset neonatal disease.Analogical reasoning is a useful analytical tool for formulating a hypothesis from which to springboard rigorous methodological analysis. Paradoxically, the tool's utility lies in its capacity to conceptualize a viable avenue for further inquiry as much as in its capacity to expose flaws in the analogical concept hypothesized. While it should not be the exclusive means upon which to rely absent evidence-based data or other valid corroboration, analogies provide an important means of stimulating creative thought. An illustration is offered analogizing synaptic plasticity in neurological deficits to the invocation of a contractual indemnification.The objective of this study was to evaluate brain knowledge and the prevalence of neuromyths among teachers in Morocco. We aimed also predicting factors that may improve teachers' brain knowledge and widespread of neuromyths. An online questionnaire was sent to a large population of Moroccan teachers. The questionnaire contains 32 questions, 20 of them are designed to assess teachers' knowledge about the brain and the remaining 12 questions are neuromyths. The mean score of brain knowledge was (64.34% (SD = 27.9%)) and the mean score of neuromyths was (66.56% (SD= 25.73%)). Besides, 50% of teachers were unable to correctly answer seven out of the 20 brain knowledge questions. Moreover, half of the teachers believed in 9 out of the 12 neuromyths. Knowledge about the brain was the foremost predictor of neuromyths. The study disclosed a real lack of brain knowledge with a widespread of neuromyths among teachers in Morocco. Congenital amusia is a rare neurogenetic and neuropsychological condition which hinders the ability to recognize variations in all aspects of a musical piece. Although previous studies have determined the prevalence of congenital amusia in the general population, few have studied its presence among university students. Findings regarding the association between this condition and academic performance are equivocal, although evidence suggests that musical training improves scholastic achievement. We conducted a cross-sectional study on a sample of 383 university students, all pursuing health-related degrees, comparing their class rank with their performance on the BRAMS Online Test for amusia. We found a prevalence of 0.52% for pitch-based amusia. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ve-822.html When applying the Off-Scale test failure criterion for the definition of amusia in our sample, we found a prevalence of 4.4%. Logistic models showed an increase in risk of poor academic performance (lowest quartile) in subjects who failed the off-scale test (Odds Ratio 7.