A 32-week preterm-born male with symptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus infection was treated with valganciclovir. He was also affected by congenital severe bilateral hearing loss and, unexpectedly, a normalization of the hearing threshold was reached at one year of age. The improvement of hearing level in relationship with both the late development of the auditory system and the administration of antiviral therapy is discussed. This case also highlights the importance of early diagnosis of congenital cytomegalovirus associated with close follow-up.Tinea barbae profunda is a rare mycotic infection of the beard, caused by dermatophytic fungi. Patients with suppressed immune systems and severe comorbidities, such as diabetes mellitus, are more prone to this disease, but it could also be seen in agricultural workers and stockbreeders. The most frequent etiological agents of this infection are the zoophilic dermatophytes. But in rare cases, an infection with anthropophilic dermatophytes as Trichophyton rubrum can be observed.We present a case of a 55-year-old patient with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and tinea barbae profunda, caused by Trichophyton rubrum, as a consequence of autoinoculation from concomitant Tinea pedis. The patient was treated with oral antibiotics before admission to the clinic, but with no effect due to incorrect diagnosis and lack of mycological laboratory investigations. A satisfactory therapeutic outcome was achieved after a two-month course with antimycotic medications.Presacral teratoid cyst (PTC) is a congenital structural abnormality located in the pararectal area and containing tissues from different germ layers. Cases of diagnosis and treatment of PTC in adults are extremely rare and there is little information about the treatment tactics and prognosis. We describe a case of PTC in a 28-year-old woman, with a description of the diagnostic process, preoperative and postoperative management, as well as a brief review of the literature on this topic. A reconstructive surgery was performed on the perineum, including parasacral access, excision of the presacral cyst together with removal of the coccyx and plastic of the opening. The postoperative observation of the patient was without complications.Though being usually a cutaneous tumor, melanomas can occur in several extracutaneous sites. Primary mucosal melanomas are rare, and primary gastric mucosal melanomas are considered extremely rare. Compared with cutaneous and ocular melanoma, mucosal melanomas have the lowest five-year survival. High level of suspicion of such rare condition may be the only way for early detection, diagnosis and chance for successful management of similar cases. In the present report, a case of a primary gastric melanoma in a 73-year-old man is described, along with a short review of the literature.Thymic cysts are a rare abnormality accounting for 1%-3% of all mediastinal masses. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/pd0166285.html In most cases, they are asymptomatic and localized in the anterior mediastinum. Despite their benign nature, the presence of a mass is an indication for surgery to obtain a histological conclusion and reliably exclude an oncological process. Epidermoid cysts are rare and only a few cases are described in the literature. In our case report, we present a rare case of examination and treatment of a patient with a large anterior mediastinum mass, which, according to the results of histology, was an epidermoid cyst of the thymus.Mermaid syndrome or sirenomelia is an extremely rare congenital malformation with an incidence between 1.5 and 4.2 per 1,000,000 pregnancies. Association of mermaid syndrome with VACTERL-H syndrome is extremely rare, with only two cases reported so far in the literature. We present a new case of type I sirenomelia associated with VACTERL-H syndrome and review the relevant literature. A 15-year-old female patient was admitted to the Department of Pathological Pregnancy at St George University Hospital, Plovdiv with progredient abortion during her first pregnancy. She had low socioeconomic status, negative history of concomitant diseases and addictions. The patient avoided prophylactic intake of folic acid during her pregnancy. Prenatal ultrasound found a malformative fetus. Consequently, magnetic resonance imaging was performed which established the presence of hydrocephalus and defects in the lower part of the spine. These pathological findings indicated interruption of pregnancy at 20 weeks of gestation. The fetopathological examination found sirenomelia type I associated with myelomeningocele, hydrocephalus, anal imperforation, single umbilical artery, bilateral renal and ureteric agenesis, bladder agenesis, tracheo-esophageal fistula, agenesis of external genitals, monkey fold of the left palm of the hand, also known as VACTERL-H syndrome.Our case demonstrates that mermaid syndrome and VACTERL-H syndrome represent different manifestations of a single pathological process that results in disorders of the blastogenesis at different stages during embryonic development. Surgical treatment of early onset scoliosis (EOS) is one of the most challenging problems of spine surgery and includes staged distraction and final fusion at the end of skeletal maturity that remains debatable. The objective of the review is to evaluate the efficacy of final fusion following staged distraction with VEPTR instrumentation in patients with EOS. Outcomes of multi-staged operative treatment of 37 patients with EOS of different etiology were reviewed. Medical records and radiographs of the patients were retrospectively analyzed. Standing postero-anterior and lateral spine radiographs were used for the spinal radiologic assessment before and after each stage of distraction-based treatment, before and after final fusion and at the last follow-up. The mean age of patients at baseline was 5.2 years and the mean age at final fusion was 13.9 years. All patients demonstrated decrease in the angle of primary (from 81.5° to 51.6°) and secondary (from 59.3° to 37.8°) curves, increase of the height ain the spinal fusion of the major arch and this is the cause for the use of third-generation instrumented final spinal fusion in the patients. Multi-staged pediatric surgeries performed in the first decade of life facilitate radical changes in the natural history of progressive scoliosis and ensure satisfactory functional and cosmetic results despite multiple difficulties and complications. The VEPTR instrumentation used for the thoracic curve is unlikely to result in the spinal fusion of the major arch and this is the cause for the use of third-generation instrumented final spinal fusion in the patients.