Results from this study can be used to more accurately model indoor and inner-city outdoor NH3 concentrations and associated chemistry.Increasing battery energy density is greatly desired for applications such as portable electronics and transportation. However, many next-generation batteries are limited by electrolyte selection because high ionic conductivity and poor electrochemical stability are typically observed in most electrolytes. For example, ether-based electrolytes have high ionic conductivity but are oxidatively unstable above 4 V, which prevents the use of high-voltage cathodes that promise higher energy densities. In contrast, hydrofluoroethers (HFEs) have high oxidative stability but do not dissolve lithium salt. In this work, we synthesize a new class of fluorinated ether electrolytes that combine the oxidative stability of HFEs with the ionic conductivity of ethers in a single compound. We show that conductivities of up to 2.7 × 10-4 S/cm (at 30 °C) can be obtained with oxidative stability up to 5.6 V. The compounds also show higher lithium transference numbers compared to typical ethers. Furthermore, we use nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and molecular dynamics (MD) to study their ionic transport behavior and ion solvation environment, respectively. Finally, we demonstrate that this new class of electrolytes can be used with a Ni-rich layered cathode (NMC 811) to obtain over 100 cycles at a C/5 rate. The design of new molecules with high ionic conductivity and high electrochemical stability is a novel approach for the rational design of next-generation batteries.γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS). Dysfunctional GABAergic neurotransmission is associated with numerous neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. The GABAB receptor (GABAB-R) is a heterodimeric class C G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) comprised of GABAB1a/b and GABAB2 subunits. The orthosteric binding site for GABA is located in the extracellular Venus flytrap (VFT) domain of the GABAB1a/b. Knowledge about molecular mechanisms and druggable receptor conformations associated with activation is highly important to understand the receptor function and for rational drug design. Currently, the conformational changes of the receptor upon activation are not well described. On the basis of other class C members, the VFT is proposed to fluctuate between an open/inactive and closed/active state and one of these conformations is stabilized upon ligand binding. In the present study, we investigated the dynamics of the GABAB1b-R VFT in the apo form by combining unbiased molecular dynamics with path-metadynamics. Our simulations confirmed the open/inactive and closed/active state as the main conformations adopted by the receptor. Sizeable energy barriers were found between stable minima, suggesting a relatively slow interconversion. Previously undisclosed metastable states were also identified, which might hold potential for future drug discovery efforts.The combination of photoredox catalysis with the Wolff-Kishner (WK) reaction allows the difunctionalization of carbonyl groups by a radical-carbanion relay sequence (photo-Wolff-Kishner reaction). Photoredox initiated radical addition to N-sulfonylhydrazones yields α-functionalized carbanions following the WK-type mechanism. With sulfur-centered radicals, the carbanions are further functionalized by reaction with electrophiles including CO2 and aldehydes, whereas CF3 radical addition furnishes a wide range of gem-difluoroalkenes through β-fluoride elimination of the generated α-CF3 carbanions. More than 80 substrate examples demonstrate the broad applicability of this reaction sequence. A series of investigations including radical inhibition, deuterium labeling, fluorescence quenching, cyclic voltammetry, and control experiments support the proposed radical-carbanion relay mechanism.Simultaneous ion counting and waveform averaging implemented on a field-programmable gate array compiled with a high-speed digitizer was applied to ultraperformance liquid chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometric analysis of sulfa drugs. Ion counting was carried out by a "Peak Detection" (PKD) function that works together with signal averaging (AVG). Sulfadimidine (SDD) and sulfadimethoxine (SDMX) were measured in human serum (HS) model sample matrix. By using simultaneous PKD and AVG acquisition, we observed a unified calibration curve for more than 3 orders of magnitude of sample amounts (0.010-100.0 pmol). The ion count rate for the "practical" sample amounts, such as less than 1 pmol, was below 30%, which is suitable for PKD-based ion counting for quantitative accuracy and excellent peak identification performance. Samples containing 200 fmol or less could not be identified from the AVG waveform. Adding HS treated with acetonitrile severely suppressed the SDMX ion to less than one-half (58.1%). However, a linear response was observed for chromatographic peak area for analytes calculated from PKD waveforms. Also, the mass-resolving power calculated from the peak on the PKD waveform was 24% better than the corresponding AVG waveform, which also improves performance for analyte identification.We report for the first time the construction of mechanoresponsive and redox-active metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and covalent organic frameworks (COFs) by anchoring ferrocene (Fc) pendants as mechanophores in the pore wall. This work outlines a simple, general, and low-cost route to tailor MOFs and COFs by a Fc unit for mechanoresponsive nature, the release of Fe ions, redox behavior, and modulation of the skeleton charge together.Ion mobility spectrometry (IMS)-based instruments have historically been accurate to, at best, ±2% of the reduced ion mobility (K0) value of the chemical of interest. Fielded IMS-based detectors that are in use for hazardous and illicit substance detection are subject to false-positive alarms because of this inaccuracy and the resulting wide alarm windows, which are required to maintain a high rate of true-positive alarms. To reduce false-positive alarm rates and improve the accuracy of any IMS-based instrument, accurate K0 values of an ion mobility reference standard need to be used for ion mobility scale calibration. However, a suitable calibrant has yet to be accurately analyzed and agreed upon by the IMS community. In this study, we have chosen five potential IMS calibrants on the basis of their rating against seven criteria for suitable standards and analyzed them as a function of drift gas temperature and humidity using an accurate ion mobility instrument. Recommendations are made herein for each potential calibrant's suitability as a standard for the wider IMS community.