Platinum group elements (PGE Ru, Rh, Pd, Os Ir, Pt) are rare metals with low abundance in the continental crust. The elements of the palladium subgroup of PGE (PPGE Pt, Pd, Rh) have been exploited more and more over the last thirty years for their physicochemical properties such as high melting point, high resistance to corrosion, mechanical strength and ductility. This led to emerging environmental contamination in different media such as air, road dust, soil, sediment, vegetation, and snow. The aim of this review is to summarize the available data on soil contamination by PPGE and its potential environmental impact. In this paper, the environmental issue of PPGE is discussed with regard to their anthropogenic emission and fate, which includes speciation, possible transformations into bioavailable forms and toxicity. Soil contamination by PPGE is described taking into account urban and non-urban areas. The analytical determination process is also discussed.The association between air pollution and infant mortality has been inconsistently reported. A few studies have estimated short-term effects of air pollution on infants' health. This population-based case-control study aimed to examine the potential effects of air pollution on sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in the post-neonatal period in Taiwan during 1997-2002. Each case of infant death was matched with 20 randomly selected sex-matched controls who were born on the same day and were still alive. We obtained 24-h measurements of air pollutants and meteorological factors in each case and control with 1- to 14-day lags from 55 air-quality monitoring stations. After controlling for potential confounders, conditional logistic regression analysis was performed to estimate effects of air pollutants on SIDS (n = 398) and respiratory death (n = 121) among neonates. In single- and multi-pollutant models, we found that 100-ppb increment in carbon monoxide (