I'm proud to say that those years in the Rangers were not wasted on me! While I may not be the best with a bow, I am no stranger to the great outdoors. With the supplies I purchased from a village, I have set up a simple shelter. Setting traps for game and collecting the edible flora is trivial, and with my abilities a bit almost makes me forget where I am. Almost. It's not as if I could pack my whole kitchen after all. Once I find a place to build my home I'll have to restock on spices. ---- A few beasts have attempted to assault me but my barriers have proved adequate so far. I'll have to prepare something special in case I attract the attention of larger threats. Hopefully, I can avoid such a dire scenario. ---- I get the feeling that something is watching me. Whatever it is, it has been careful to stay hidden. I expected it to pounce sooner or later, but so far it has kept its distance. What could its intentions be? ---- Sometimes I awake and think Father has come to send me back to the academy. I hope the explosions haven't been too disruptive. I'm certain he isn't my stalker -- he doesn't have the patience for such nonsense. Still, it's only a matter of time before they realize I've gone missing. Will he even care?