Using dialysis, naked eye semi-quantification was achieved at the clinical level for amikacin, tobramycin and streptomycin. The dialysis efficiency and dialysis coefficient of amikacin were also measured to prove the efficacy of dialysis as a fast and efficient protein-removal method. This strategy is expected to be applicable universally as a pretreatment for the assay of small molecules with plasmonic assays in crude biological samples.Water-soluble polyacrylamides have often been used to modify flow response in various water-based technologies and industrial processes, including paints, water treatment, paper manufacturing, and chemical enhanced oil recovery. Polymers are susceptible to degradation at combined high salinity and elevated temperature conditions which limits their overall performance. Hybrid mixtures of hydrophobically modified polyacrylamide (HMPAM) with hydrophobically modified silica nanoparticles (NPs) emerged as a promising strategy for achieving enhanced stability and high viscosity in brines having a high total dissolved solids (TDS) content and high hardness at elevated temperatures (>20 wt% TDS, including >1.5 wt% divalent cations at T > 70 °C). The rheological response of the hybrids at various concentrations of HMPAM and NPs was examined to investigate the synergic effects. Hybridization of HMPAM with NPs led to a higher viscosity at high salinity and elevated temperature. The viscosity improvement was more pronounced when the concentration of HMPAM was in the semi-dilute regime and concentration of NPs was higher than a critical threshold where the viscosity increased roughly by a factor of 1.5. Here we present the mechanisms of improved viscosity behaviour. The rheological data suggest the role of NPs in the bridging between HMPAM molecules, which in turn increases the hydrodynamic radius and consequently the viscosity of the hybrids. Covid-19 is a latent threat; a sector of the population with a labor obligation carries out its work not in person in an unplanned context due to the extraordinary social distancing expressed in remote work, without previous experience in many cases and with health exposure due to psychosocial risk factors conditioning stress. Our objective was to describe the fatigue and mental burden in teleworkers through a bibliographic review, of interest for occupational health, public health, clinical research, psychology and other areas of knowledge. We also intend to inform the community about these issues to promote safe telework and ensure a balanced quality of life. Structured information on the topics of fatigue and mental load was presented, based on the analysis of international literature, mainly from recent years, obtained from the search engine reviews of scientific publications Ebsco, PubMed, and supplemented with Google Scholar, according to recognized thesauri, in English and Spanish. There are also psychosocial risks in teleworking; work-related stress can be linked to fatigue, which should also be addressed as a psychosocial risk. Fatigue, although multi-causal, can be occupational in origin and may be conditioned by various aspects of labour, such as the mental workload, which is pernicious at its extremes. We conclude that both fatigue and mental workload must be watched, their extremes threaten the quality of work life. We conclude that both fatigue and mental workload must be watched, their extremes threaten the quality of work life.The excitation of magnetically ordered materials with ultrashort laser pulses results in magnetization dynamics on femto- to picosecond timescales. These non-equilibrium spin dynamics have emerged as a rapidly developing research field in recent years. Unraveling the fundamental microscopic processes in the interaction of ultrashort optical pulses with the charge, spin, orbital, and lattice degrees of freedom in magnetic materials shows the potential for controlling spin dynamics on their intrinsic timescales and thereby bring spintronics applications into the femtosecond range. In particular, femtosecond spin currents offer fascinating new possibilities to manipulate magnetization in an ultrafast and non-local manner, via spin injection and spin transfer torque at the interfaces of ferromagnetic layered structures. This topical review covers recent progress on spin dynamics at interfaces on femtosecond time scales. The development of the field of ultrafast spin dynamics in ferromagnetic heterostructures will be reviewed, starting from spin currents propagating on nanometer length scales through layered structures before focusing on femtosecond spin transfer at interfaces. The properties of these ultrafast spin-dependent charge currents will be discussed, as well as the materials dependence of femtosecond spin injection, the role of the interface properties, and competing microscopic processes leading to a loss of spin polarization on sub-picosecond timescales.A microtubule hollow structure is one type of cytoskeletons which directs a number of important cellular functions. When recapitulating biological events in a cell-free system, artificial frames are often required to execute similar cytoskeletal functions in synthetic systems. Here, I report a prototypical microtubular assembly using a DNA origami nanostructuring method. Through structural design at the molecular level, 32HB (helices bundle)-based DNA origami objects can form micrometers long tubular structures via shape-complementary side patterns engagement and head-to-tail blunt-end stacking. Multiple parameters have been investigated to gain optimized polymerization conditions. Conformational change with an open vs closed hinge is also included, rendering conformational changes for a dynamic assembly. When implementing further improved external regulation with DNA dynamics (DNA strand displacement reactions or using other switchable non-canonical DNA secondary structures) or chemical stimuli, the DNA origami-based microtubule analogue will have great potential to assemble and disassemble on purpose and conduct significantly complicated cytoskeletal tasks in vitro.