Mouse geneticists will find CE data informative in identifying causative mutations within quantitative trait loci, while clinical geneticists may use CE to help connect causative variants with rare heritable diseases of immunity, even in the absence of linkage information. CE displays integrated mutation, phenotype, and linkage data, and is freely available for query online.Adaptation to different climates fuels the origins and maintenance of biodiversity. Detailing how organisms optimize fitness for their local climates is therefore an essential goal in biology. Although we increasingly understand how survival-related traits evolve as organisms adapt to climatic conditions, it is unclear whether organisms also optimize traits that coordinate mating between the sexes. Here, we show that dragonflies consistently adapt to warmer climates across space and time by evolving less male melanin ornamentation-a mating-related trait that also absorbs solar radiation and heats individuals above ambient temperatures. Continent-wide macroevolutionary analyses reveal that species inhabiting warmer climates evolve less male ornamentation. Community-science observations across 10 species indicate that populations adapt to warmer parts of species' ranges through microevolution of smaller male ornaments. Observations from 2005 to 2019 detail that contemporary selective pressures oppose male ornaments in warmer years; and our climate-warming projections predict further decreases by 2070. Conversely, our analyses show that female ornamentation responds idiosyncratically to temperature across space and time, indicating the sexes evolve in different ways to meet the demands of the local climate. Overall, these macro- and microevolutionary findings demonstrate that organisms predictably optimize their mating-related traits for the climate just as they do their survival-related traits.Family planning programs are believed to have substantial long-term benefits for women's health and well-being, yet few studies have established either extent or direction of long-term effects. The Matlab, Bangladesh, maternal and child health/family planning (MCH/FP) program afforded a 12-y period of well-documented differential access to services. We evaluate its impacts on women's lifetime fertility, adult health, and economic outcomes 35 y after program initiation. We followed 1,820 women who were of reproductive age during the differential access period (born 1938-1973) from 1978 to 2012 using prospectively collected data from the Matlab Health and Demographic Surveillance System and the 1996 and 2012 Matlab Health and Socioeconomic Surveys. We estimated intent-to-treat single-difference models comparing treatment and comparison area women. MCH/FP significantly increased contraceptive use, reduced completed fertility, lengthened birth intervals, and reduced age at last birth, but had no significant positive impacts on health or economic outcomes. Treatment area women had modestly poorer overall health (+0.07 SD) and respiratory health (+0.12 SD), and those born 1950-1961 had significantly higher body mass index (BMI) in 1996 (0.76 kg/m2) and 2012 (0.57 kg/m2); fewer were underweight in 1996, but more were overweight or obese in 2012. Overall, there was a +2.5 kg/m2 secular increase in BMI. We found substantial changes in lifetime contraceptive and fertility behavior but no long-term health or economic benefits of the program. We observed modest negative health impacts that likely result from an accelerated nutritional transition among treated women, a transition that would, in an earlier context, have been beneficial.Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen that forms antibiotic-resistant biofilms, which facilitate chronic infections in immunocompromised hosts. We have previously shown that P. aeruginosa secretes outer-membrane vesicles that deliver a small RNA to human airway epithelial cells (AECs), in which it suppresses the innate immune response. Here, we demonstrate that interdomain communication through small RNA-containing membrane vesicles is bidirectional and that microRNAs (miRNAs) in extracellular vesicles (EVs) secreted by human AECs regulate protein expression, antibiotic sensitivity, and biofilm formation by P. aeruginosa Specifically, human EVs deliver miRNA let-7b-5p to P. aeruginosa, which systematically decreases the abundance of proteins essential for biofilm formation, including PpkA and ClpV1-3, and increases the ability of beta-lactam antibiotics to reduce biofilm formation by targeting the beta-lactamase AmpC. Let-7b-5p is bioinformatically predicted to target not only PpkA, ClpV1, and AmpC in P. aeruginosa but also the corresponding orthologs in Burkholderia cenocepacia, another notorious opportunistic lung pathogen, suggesting that the ability of let-7b-5p to reduce biofilm formation and increase beta-lactam sensitivity is not limited to P. aeruginosa Here, we provide direct evidence for transfer of miRNAs in EVs secreted by eukaryotic cells to a prokaryote, resulting in subsequent phenotypic alterations in the prokaryote as a result of this interdomain communication. Since let-7-family miRNAs are in clinical trials to reduce inflammation and because chronic P. aeruginosa lung infections are associated with a hyperinflammatory state, treatment with let-7b-5p and a beta-lactam antibiotic in nanoparticles or EVs may benefit patients with antibiotic-resistant P. aeruginosa infections.Novel MRI techniques allow a noninvasive quantification of tissue sodium and reveal the skin as a prominent compartment of sodium storage in health and disease. Since multiple sclerosis (MS) immunopathology is initiated in the periphery and increased sodium concentrations induce proinflammatory immune cells, the skin represents a promising compartment linking high sodium concentrations and MS immunopathology. We used a 7-T sodium MRI (23Na-MRI) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to investigate the skin sodium content in two mouse models of MS. We additionally performed 3-T 23Na-MRI of calf skin and muscles in 29 male relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) patients and 29 matched healthy controls. Demographic and clinical information was collected from interviews, and disease activity was assessed by expanded disability status scale scoring. 23Na-MRI and chemical analysis demonstrated a significantly increased sodium content in the skin during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis independent of active immunization.