Nephroblastoma is the most common kidney tumour in children. Its diagnosis is based on imagery. In the SAIAD project, we have designed a platform for optimizing the segmentation of deformed kidney and tumour with a small dataset, using Artificial Intelligence methods. These patient's structures segmented by separate tools and processes must then be fused to obtain a unique numerical 3D representation. However, when aggregating these structures into a final segmentation, conflicting pixels may appear. These conflicts can be solved by IA techniques. This paper presents a synthesis of our segmentation contribution in the SAIAD project and a new fusion method. The segmentation method uses the FCN-8s network with the OV2ASSION training method, which allows segmentation by patient and overcomes the limited dataset. This new fusion method combines the segmentations of the previously performed structures, using a simple and efficient network combined with the OV2ASSION training method as well, in order to manage eventual conflicting pixels. These segmentation and fusion methods were evaluated on pathological kidney and tumour structures of 14 patients affected by nephroblastoma, included in the final dataset of the SAIAD project. They are compared with other methods adapted from the literature. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our training method coupled with the FCN-8s network in the segmentation process with more patients, and in the case of the fusion process, its effectiveness coupled with a common network, in resolving the conflicting pixels and its ability to improve the resulting segmentations.Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy (EUS-FNA) is useful for pathologically diagnosing gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) before surgery. However, its role in mutation analysis remains unclear. To examine the feasibility of analyzing GIST mutations using mRNA obtained with EUS-FNA, we prospectively enrolled 41 patients with subepithelial lesion from which EUS-FNA was successfully acquired tissue sample. Thirty-two, 5, and 4 subepithelial lesions were diagnosed as GISTs, schwannomas, and leiomyomas, respectively. After RNA was extracted from FNA sample, RNA was converted to cDNA. Full-length sequence of the KIT cDNA amplified via the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was successful in 31 (96.9%) out of 32 GIST and three out of 9 non-GIST (33.3%). The KIT mutation statuses of 31 GISTs in which KIT cDNA was amplified were successfully determined through directional sequencing. Furthermore, 15 of 16 surgically excised GISTs exhibited the same mutation status in both the EUS-FNA and resected samples. In vitro experiment, the minimum number of cells required to amplify full-length of KIT cDNA from RNA was one-tenth of that required to amplify KIT exon11 gene from DNA. This study clarifies that mutation analysis using RNA obtained with EUS-FNA is feasible and reliable. Moreover, our data would support that RNA-based mutation is superior to DNA-based mutation analysis in GIST.Conventional coagulation process is not effective to eliminate trace organic compounds (TrOCs). This study proposed a novel peroxomonosulfate (PMS) amended iron coagulation process and found its effectiveness in eliminating TrOCs in synthetic and natural waters. In synthetic waters containing hydroquinone (HQ) or benzoquinone (BQ), Fe(III)/PMS effectively degraded carbamazepine (CBZ), a representative of resistant TrOCs. The step of reduction of Fe(III) to form Fe(II) governed the degradation rate of CBZ as PMS activation by Fe(II) was the dominant reaction to generate SO4•-, which was the major reactive oxidant in the system. Meanwhile, HQ was quickly transformed to BQ in the Fe(III)/PMS system and BQ acted as an electron shuttle to induce Fe(III)/Fe(II) redox cycle and accelerate PMS activation. Natural organic matter (NOM) bearing phenolic and quinone moieties played similar roles as HQ and BQ and fast CBZ degradation was also observed. Finally, two surface waters spiked CBZ were subjected to bench-scale experimentation to simulate coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation processes in water treatment plants. Compared to the conventional iron coagulation process, the PMS-amended iron coagulation process increased the removal percentage of CBZ by 50%-80%. Overall, this study demonstrates that PMS enhanced iron coagulation is a promising process for the abatement of TrOCs in water treatment.UV254 is one of the main disinfection methods used in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) for the inactivation of pathogens in the effluents before being discharged into the receiving waters. The effluent organic matters (EfOM) are well-known photosensitizers for the generation of reactive species, mainly including the triplet states of EfOM (3EfOM*), singlet oxygen (1O2) and hydroxyl radical (•OH), which contribute to the removal of trace pollutants in water. However, the effect of UV254 disinfection on the photoreactivity of EfOM remains unclear. Here we investigated the photophysical and photochemical properties variation of EfOM after UV254 disinfection, along with humic substances (HS) as comparison. The UV254 disinfection caused a decrease of aromaticity, fluorescence intensity and molecular weight for all samples, while a reduction formation of triplet state of these dissolved organic matters (3DOM*), 1O2, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and superoxide anions (O2•-) under simulated sunlight was observed. In contrast, the generation of •OH was increased after UV254 disinfection. The quantum yield of 1O2 was positively correlated with triplet quantum yield coefficient (fTMP) in all cases. However, the quantum yield of •OH exhibited positive and negative correlations with fTMP for EfOM and HS, respectively. The quantum yields showed positive correlations with E2/E3 (ratio of the absorbance at 254 to 365 nm) for untreated DOM samples, while for the first time we found the trends differ distinctly after UV254 disinfection. These findings indicate that UV254 disinfection in WWTPs significantly increases the potential of •OH photoproduction from effluents and the cost-effective solar irradiation after UV254 disinfection is expected to be a novel technique for further removal of pathogen and trace organic pollutants in wastewater effluents and receiving waters.