veronii. Total of 24 potential substrates were identified, with various functions involved in metabolism, as well as structure and signal-based cellular events. Among the identified substrates, PspA and AsmA were labeled by Flag, and expressed in the presence of the modified trans-translation system in E. coli. Their labelings with MutmRNA were validated by purification through Ni2+-NTA column followed by western blotting using anti-Flag antibody. This study provided the most abundant set of endogenous targets for tmRNA in A. veronii, and facilitated further investigations about the molecular mechanism and signal pathway of tmRNA-mediated trans-translation. GPR183/EBI2 is a key chemotactic receptor for the positioning of B cells in lymphoid organs, and also for the migration of T cells and other immune cells. Here, we demonstrate that the downregulation of GPR183 in macrophage induced during Mtb infection restrains the bacterial early infection and intracellular replication. Overexpression of GPR183 or stimulation with its natural ligand favors Mtb replication in macrophage, while treatment with its antagonist represses both Mtb early infection and intracellular replication. With mutational analysis, we find that substitution of Asp-73, Arg-83, Tyr-112, Tyr-256 abolished the promotive effect of GPR183 on Mtb early infection and replication in macrophage. In conclusion, we demonstrated that beside the known role of chemotaxis receptor, GPR183 also functions directly in the interaction between macrophage and Mtb in a cell-autonomous way. Increasing capacity to provide buprenorphine, a treatment for opioid addiction, can help mitigate the opioid epidemic in the United States. This study models black-market pricing of buprenorphine to better understand supply and demand for opioid addiction treatment. A mixed effects linear model was used to quantify the effect of county-level racial composition, health insurance coverage, and drug characteristics on price variation. From November 2010 to June 2018, there were 2481 submissions for street buprenorphine transactions in the StreetRx dataset. The mean price was $3.95/mg (SD = $23.12/mg). Price decreased 3.05% each year and was highest in the summer and spring. Brand name buprenorphine was on average 11.18% more expensive than generic buprenorphine. Buprenorphine/naloxone combinations were on average 19.75% less expensive than pure buprenorphine. Purchases in bulk were on average 10.51% cheaper than purchases not in bulk. Street buprenorphine in film form was on average 14.34% more expensive than in pill/tablet form. Buprenorphine street price was 17.12% higher in spring and 22.26% higher in summer compared to fall. For every percentage point increase in percent white, buprenorphine sold for 0.88% higher price. For every percentage point increase in health insurance coverage, street buprenorphine sold for 0.02% lower price. Findings demonstrate that geographic, demographic, and socioeconomic factors shape the diversion of opioid addiction treatment to the black-market. Buprenorphine street pricing can help estimate public need, gaps in care and emerging public health priorities. Unintentional non-fire related (UNFR) carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is a preventable cause of morbidity and mortality. Epidemiological data on UNFR CO poisoning can help monitor changes in the magnitude of this burden, particularly through comparisons of multiple countries, and to identify vulnerable sub-groups of the population which may be more at risk. Here, we collected data on age- and sex- specific number of hospital admissions with a primary diagnosis of UNFR CO poisoning in England (2002-2016), aggregated to small areas, alongside area-level characteristics (i.e. deprivation, rurality and ethnicity). We analysed temporal trends using piecewise log-linear models and compared them to analogous data obtained for Canada, France, Spain and the US. We estimated age-standardized rates per 100,000 inhabitants by area-level characteristics using the WHO standard population (2000-2025). We then fitted the Besag York Mollie (BYM) model, a Bayesian hierarchical spatial model, to assess the independent effect of each area-level characteristic on the standardized risk of hospitalization. Temporal trends showed significant decreases after 2010. Decreasing trends were also observed across all countries studied, yet France had a 5-fold higher risk. Based on 3399 UNFR CO poisoning hospitalizations, we found an increased risk in areas classified as rural (0.69, 95% CrI 0.67; 0.80), highly deprived (1.77, 95% CrI 1.66; 2.10) or with the largest proportion of Asian (1.15, 95% CrI 1.03; 1.49) or Black population (1.35, 95% CrI 1.20; 1.80). Our multivariate approach provides strong evidence for the identification of vulnerable populations which can inform prevention policies and targeted interventions. Crown All rights reserved.Little is known about the long-term impact of brief alcohol interventions (BAIs) on health and on sick days in particular. The aim was to investigate whether BAIs reduce sick days in general hospital patients over two years, and whether effects depend on how BAIs are delivered; either through in-person counseling (PE) or computer-generated written feedback (CO). To investigate this, secondary outcome data from a three-arm randomized controlled trial with 6-, 12-, 18- and 24-month follow-ups were used. The sample included 960 patients (18-64 years) with at-risk alcohol use identified through systematic screening on 13 hospital wards. Patients with particularly severe alcohol problems were excluded. Participants were allocated to PE, CO and assessment only (AO). Both interventions were tailored according to behavior change theory and included three contacts. Self-reported number of sick days in the past 6 months was assessed at all time-points. A zero-inflated negative binomial latent growth model adjusted for socio-demographics, substance use related variables and medical department was calculated. In comparison to AO, PE (OR = 2.18, p = 0.047) and CO (OR = 2.08, p = 0.047) resulted in statistically significant increased odds of reporting no sick days 24 months later. Differences between PE and CO, and concerning sick days when any reported, were non-significant. This study provides evidence for the long-term efficacy of BAIs concerning health, and concerning sick days in particular. BAIs have the potential to reduce the occurrence of sick days over 2 years, independent of whether they are delivered through in-person counseling or computer-generated written feedback.