This study views water as a commercial commodity, and its subject is the pricing strategies for water and the underlying legal basis of the acknowledgement of water resources in Turkey as a public asset.We demonstrated pulmonary arteriolar blood flow-mediated CO2 gas excretion in rabbit lungs. The shear stress stimulation produced CO2 gas in cultured human endothelial cells of pulmonary arterioles via the activation of F1/Fo ATP synthase. To confirm the findings in human subjects undergoing the operation with heart-lung machines, we aimed to evaluate the effects of a stepwise switch, from a partial to a complete cardiopulmonary bypass, of the circulatory blood volume (BV, 100% = 2.4 × cardiac index), on the end-expiratory CO2 pressure (PetCO2), maximal flow velocity in the pulmonary artery (Max Vp), the inner diameter (ID) of pulmonary artery, pulmonary arterial CO2 pressure (P mix v CO2), pulmonary arterial O2 pressure (P mix v O2), hematocrit (Hct), pH, the concentration of HCO3-, and base excess (BE) in mixed venous blood in 9 patients with a mean age of 72.3 ± 3.4 years. In addition, the effects of the decrease in Hct infused with physiological saline solution (PSS) on PetCO2 were investigated in the human subjects. An approximately linear relationship between the PetCO2 and Max Vp was observed. The pumping out of 100% BV produced little or no change in the Hct, pH, P mix v CO2, and P mix v O2, respectively. The hemodilution produced by intravenous infusion of PSS caused a significant decrease in the Hct, but not in the PetCO2. In conclusion, another route of CO2 gas excretion, independent of red blood cells, may be involved in human lungs.HIF-2 represents a tissue-specific isoform of the hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) which regulate oxygen homeostasis in the cell. In acute oxygen deficiency, HIF transcription factors ensure the timely restoration of adequate oxygen supply. Particularly in medical conditions such as stroke, which have a high mortality risk due to ischaemic brain damage, rapid recovery of oxygen supply is of extraordinary importance. Nevertheless, the endogenous mechanisms are often not sufficient to respond to severe hypoxic stress with restoring oxygenation and fail to protect the tissue. Herein, we analysed murine neurospheres without functioning HIF-2α and found that special importance in the differentiation of neurons can be attributed to HIF-2 in the brain. Other processes, such as cell migration and signal transduction of different signalling pathways, appear to be mediated to some extent via HIF-2 and illustrate the function of HIF-2 in brain remodelling. Without hypoxic stress, HIF-2 in the brain presumably focuses on the fine-tuning of the neural network. However, a therapeutically increase of HIF-2 has the potential to regenerate or replace destroyed brain tissue and help minimize the consequences of an ischaemic stroke. Decreased irisin levels may be associated with the development of emphysema. Similarly, emphysematous changes may develop in patients with chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD) after living-donor lobar lung transplantation (LDLLT). We investigated the severity of emphysematous changes and the relationship between irisin levels and CLAD after bilateral LDLLT and cadaveric lung transplantation (CLT). The subjects of this retrospective study were 59 recipients of bilateral LDLLT (n = 31) or CLT (n = 28), divided into a non-CLAD group (n = 41), a LDLLT-CLAD group (n = 11), and a CLT-CLAD group (n = 7). We compared the severity of emphysematous changes, the skeletal muscle mass, and the plasma irisin levels among the groups. The emphysematous changes were significantly more severe in the LDLLT-CLAD and CLT-CLAD groups (p = 0.046 and 0.036), especially in patients with bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS), than in the non-CLAD group. Although the skeletal muscle mass was similar in all the groups, the plasma irisin levels were significantly lower in the LDLLT-CLAD group (p = 0.022), especially in the patients with BOS after LDLLT, than in the non-CLAD group. Emphysematous changes and lower levels of plasma irisin were associated with CLAD, especially in patients with BOS, after bilateral LDLLT. Emphysematous changes and lower levels of plasma irisin were associated with CLAD, especially in patients with BOS, after bilateral LDLLT. In patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and multivessel coronary disease, revascularization of non-culprit lesions guided by proof of ischemia usually requires staged ischemia testing. Quantitative flow ratio (QFR) has been shown to be effective in assessing the hemodynamic relevance of lesions in stable coronary disease. However, its suitability in AMI patients is unknown. In this study, we tested the diagnostic value of QFR based on acute angiograms (aQFR) during AMI to assess the hemodynamic relevance of non-culprit lesions. We retrospectively assessed the diagnostic efficiency of aQFR in 280 vessels from 220 patients, comparing it with staged ischemia testing using elective coronary angiography with FFR (n = 47), stress cardiac MRI (n = 200) or SPECT (n = 33). aQFR showed a very good diagnostic efficiency (AUC = 0.887, 95% CI 0.832-0.943, p < 0.001) in predicting ischemia of non-culprit lesions, significantly superior to coronary lesion's geometry as assessed by quantitative coronary angiography. The optimal cut-off for aQFR to predict ischemia was 0.80 (sensitivity = 83.7%, specificity = 86.1%). Maintaining a predefined level of 95% sensitivity and specificity, we created a decision model based on aQFR lesions with aQFR≤0.75 should be treated, lesions with aQFR≥0.92 do not yield any hemodynamic relevance, and lesions in the "grey zone" (aQFR 0.75-0.92) benefit from further ischemia testings. This model would allow to reduce staged ischemia tests by 46.8% without a relevant loss in diagnostic efficiency. Our data demonstrate that aQFR allows an effective assessment of hemodynamic relevance of non-culprit lesions in AMI and may guide interventions of non-culprit coronary lesions. Our data demonstrate that aQFR allows an effective assessment of hemodynamic relevance of non-culprit lesions in AMI and may guide interventions of non-culprit coronary lesions.