PURPOSE OF REVIEW Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is a severe, progressive genetic disease that affects approximately 1 in 2,500 individuals globally [Ashizawa et al. Neurol Clin Pract 2018;8(6)507-20]. In patients with DM1, respiratory muscle weakness frequently evolves, leading to respiratory failure as the main cause of death in this patient population, followed by cardiac complications [de Die-Smulders et al. Brain 1998;121(Pt 8)1557-63], [Mathieu et al. Neurology 1999;52(8)1658-62], [Groh et al. Muscle Nerve 2011;43(5)648-51]. This paper provides a more detailed outline on the diagnostic and management protocols, which can guide pulmonologists who may not have experience with DM1 or who are not part of a neuromuscular multidisciplinary clinic. A group of neuromuscular experts in DM1 including pulmonologists, respiratory physiotherapists and sleep specialists discussed respiratory testing and management at baseline and during follow-up visits, based on their clinical experience with patients with DM1. Thephy because it addresses practical issues related to respiratory management and care, which have been adapted to meet the specific issues in patients with DM1. SUMMARY The resulting recommendations are intended to improve respiratory care for the most vulnerable of DM1 patients and lower the risk of untoward respiratory complications and mortality by providing pulmonologist who are less experienced with DM1 with practical indications on which tests and when to perform them, adapting the general respiratory knowledge to specific issues related to this multiorgan disease. © 2020 S. Karger AG, Basel.Carbon material doped with nitrogen and transition metal is a kind of promising candidates of platinum for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) process due to its low cost, efficiency and stability. Here we demonstrate an original type of Fe/N/C catalyst based on pore-in-pore structures (PP Fe/N/C), showing one of the highest oxygen reduction reaction performance among all reported Fe/N/Ctype catalysts (onset potential of 0.995 V, half-wave potential of 0.881 V vs. RHE with a relatively low mass loading of 0.32 mg cm2 and longterm durability (97 % relative current in 60000 s operation) in alkaline media. Such outstanding performance can be ascribed to the efficient active sites activated by the encapsulated atomic and subnanoscale iron, and great exposure of these active sites due to the unique pore-in-pore hierarchical construction. Once assembled in lithium-O2 batteries, a specific capacity of 7250 mA h g1 at 70 mA g1 can be obtained by the PP Fe/N/C catalyst. Moreover, upon cycling, the PP Fe/N/C electrode can be cycled 150 times with no capacity loss, which is much longer than 6 cycles of pure Super P air electrode. These results evidently reveal the developed Fe/N/C catalyst holds great promise to serve as an alternative to the conventional Pt-based noble metal catalysts. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd.Advances in three dimensional (3D) bioprinting have enabled the fabrication of sophisticated 3D tissue scaffolds for biological and medical applications, where high speed, high throughput production in well plates is a critical need. Here, we present an integrated 3D bioprinting platform based on microscale continuous optical printing, capable of high throughput in situ rapid fabrication of complex 3D biomedical samples in multiwell plate formats for subsequent culture and analysis. Our high throughput 3D bioprinter (HT-3DP) was used to showcase constructs of varying spatial geometries of biomimetic significance, tunable mechanical properties, as well as reproducibility. Live hepatocellular carcinoma 3D tissue scaffolds were fabricated in situ in multiwell plates, after which a functional drug response assay against the chemotherapy drug doxorubicin was performed. Dual cell-type populations involving both live hepatocellular carcinoma as well as human umbilical vein endothelial cells were also printed to demonstrate dual-tissue fabrication capability. This work demonstrates a significant advancement in that the production rate of 3D bioprinted tissue scaffolds with controllable spatial architectures and mechanical properties can now be done on a high throughput scale, enabling rapid generation of in vitro 3D tissue models within conventional multiwell cell culture plates for high throughput preclinical drug screening and disease modeling. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd.In the field of clean solar-to-current devices, the photoelectron-transfer process is essential to the photovoltaic conversion in the typical n-i-p solar-cell structure. With regard to the oriented injection and exportation of photoelectron, the development of hole- blocking layer (HBL) materials with a high electron-transfer capability are exceedingly desirable. Profiting from the distortion of p-π electron cloud attracted by doped aprotic cation, the modified n-type PANI as the HBL of photoanode has been successfully fabricated through a facial one-pot square-wave potentiostatic electro- polymerization method. In terms of the flat-band potential, charge carrier concentration and device impedance, the synthesized n-type polyaniline layer doped by aprotic ionic-liquid ([EMIM] [EtSO4]) (AIL-PA layer) for QDSC directly facilitates the high electron carrying capacity as well as the electron-transfer driving force. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/epoxomicin-bu-4061t.html Furthermore, the n-type polyaniline layer doped by aprotic ionic-liquid ([EMIM] [EtSO4]) (AIL-PA layer) has a widely matching band gap for electron exportation and improved photovoltaic performance of CdSxSe1-x QDSC the PCE is 10.5% and the Jsc is 21.59 mA·cm-2 for the device with AIL-PA HBL. The electron diffusion length LD is 8.07 μm for the photoanode with AIL-PA I and 7.58 μm for the photoanode with AIL-PA II. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd.OBJECTIVE Loss of balance control can have serious consequences on interaction between humans and machines as well as the general well-being of humans. Perceived balance perturbations are always accompanied by a specific cortical activation, the so-called perturbation-evoked potential (PEP). In this study, we investigate the possibility to classify PEPs from ongoing EEG. APPROACH 15 healthy subjects were exposed to seated whole-body perturbations. Each participant performed 120 trials; they were rapidly tilted to the right and left, 60 times respectively. MAIN RESULTS We achieved classification accuracies of more than 85% between PEPs and rest EEG using a window-based classification approach. Different window lengths and electrode layouts were compared. We were able to achieve excellent classification performance (85.5 ± 9.0% accuracy) by using a short window length of 200 ms and a minimal electrode layout consisting of only the Cz electrode. The peak classification accuracy coincides in time with the strongest component of PEPs, called N1.