In this work, magnetic lignin-based nanoparticles (M/ALFe) were developed and used to adsorb phosphorus to obtain phosphorus-saturated nanoparticles (M/ALFeP). The nanoparticles were then used as renewable slow-release compound fertilizers. First, aminated lignin was synthesized via Mannich reaction, and then Fe3O4 nanoparticles were loaded and Fe3+ was chelated on the aminated lignin to prepare M/ALFe. Finally, M/ALFeP were obtained after adsorption of phosphorus. The effects of nanoparticle dosage, solution pH and adsorption time on adsorption efficiency were determined. Adsorption isotherm and adsorption kinetics results suggested that the adsorption was coincided with the pseudo-second-order and Temkin model, respectively. The cumulative release of Fe and phosphorus from M/ALFeP increased gradually and reached to 67.2% and 69.1% in soil after 30 days, respectively. After the release of nutrients, M/ALFeP can be separated by a magnet with a high recovery ratio from water or soil and regenerated for phosphate recovery again. Therefore, the magnetic lignin-based nanoparticles have a promising application potential as an efficiently separated and renewable nanomaterial for removal of low concentration phosphate in wastewater treatment and as a slow-release fertilizer in sustainable agriculture.Surface albedo and soil carbon sequestration are influenced by agricultural management practices which impact the Earth's radiation budget and climate change. In this study we investigate the impact of reduced summer fallowing and reduced tillage in the Canadian Prairies on climate change by estimating the change in radiative forcing due to albedo and soil carbon sequestration. Seasonal variations of albedo, which are dependent on agricultural management practices and soil colour in three soil zones, were derived from 10-day composite 250-m Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. Using this information, we found an overall increase of surface albedo due to the conversion from summer fallowing to continuous cropping and from conventional tillage (CT) to either no-tillage (NT) or reduced tillage (RT). The increase was dependent on soil brightness, type of vegetation and snow cover. Using data from the Census of Agriculture and taking into consideration both albedo and soil carbon changes, we estimated that from 1981 to 2016, the total radiative forcing for the cropland area in the Canadian Prairies was -405 μW m-2 due to the conversion of CT to either NT or RT and about 70% was due to the change in albedo. During the same period, the total radiative forcing was -410 μW m-2 due to a reduction in the area under summer fallow and about 62% was due to the change in albedo. The equivalent atmospheric CO2 drawdown from these two management changes from albedo change was about 7.8 and 8.7 Tg CO2 yr-1, respectively. These results demonstrate that it is important to consider both the changes of soil carbon and surface albedo in evaluating climate change impacts due to agricultural management practices.Understanding the relationships between ecosystem services (ES) and their underlying socioecological drivers is essential for forming the efficient management decisions of ecosystems. We use a large watershed area as a case-study to analyze trade-offs/synergies and bundles of ESs and identify the associated socioecological variables (SEVs). This study assessed the supply of 7 ES indicators, namely, three provisioning services (crop production, livestock production, and industrial production), three regulating services (water conservation, soil conservation, and carbon sequestration), and one cultural service (recreation), across 65 municipalities in the Yellow River Basin (YRB) in China. We analyzed the paired trade-offs/synergies using Spearman's coefficient and identified the ES bundles (ESBs) by applying principal component analysis and K-means clustering. Subsequently, we detected the SEVs that affect the ES supply using the geo-detector model and characterized the associations between ESBs and socioecolositions of the ESs with SEVs, and to support the formulation of optimal ES management in large-scale basins.Regional acclimatisation and microbial interactions significantly influence the resilience of reef-building corals facing anthropogenic climate change, allowing them to adapt to environmental stresses. However, the connections between community structure and microbial interactions of the endemic coral microbiome and holobiont acclimatisation remain unclear. Herein, we used generation sequencing of internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) and 16S rRNA genes to investigate the microbiome composition (Symbiodiniaceae and bacteria) and associated potential interactions of endemic dominant coral holobionts (Pocillopora verrucosa and Turbinaria peltata) in the South China Sea (SCS). We found that shifts in Symbiodiniaceae and bacterial communities of P. verrucosa were associated with latitudinal gradient and climate zone changes, respectively. The C1 sub-clade consistently dominated the Symbiodiniaceae community in T. peltata; yet, the bacterial community structure was spatially heterogeneous. The relative abundance of ta, while α-proteobacteria may have been the primary drivers in the Symbiodiniaceae-bacterial interactions (SBIs). Our study highlights the association between microbiome shift in distinct environmental regimes and holobiont acclimatisation, while providing insights into the impact of SBIs on holobiont health and acclimatisation during climate change.Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs), such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products, pesticides, synthetic and natural hormones and industrial chemicals, are frequently released into the environment because of the inability of conventional processes in municipal wastewater treatment plants to remove them. Some examples of alternative options to remove such pollutants are photo-Fenton and ozone-based processes, which are two techniques widely studied in Ibero-American countries. In fact, this region has been responsible for delivering frequently publications and conferences on advanced oxidation processes. This work is a critical review of recent developments in the intensification of the two aforementioned advanced oxidation techniques for CECs elimination in the Ibero-American region. Specifically for the photo-Fenton process (pF), this study analyses strategies such as iron-complexation with artificial substances (e.g., oxalic acid and ethylenediamine-N,N'-disuccinic acid) and natural compounds (such as humic-like substances, orange juice or polyphenols) and hybrid processes with ultrasound.