Surgical care is a cost-effective intervention with major public health impact. Yet, five billion people do not have access to surgical and anesthesia care. This overwhelming unmet need has generated a rising interest in scale-up of these services globally. The purpose of this research was to aggregate available guidelines and create a synthesized tool that could provide valuable information at the local, national, and international health system levels. A systematic review identified current documents cataloging elements for surgical care provision. Items with a reported frequency of >30% were included in the initial draft of the Surgical Assessment Tool. This underwent two cycles of Delphi-method expert opinion elicitation from providers working in low- and middle-income settings. Finally, the tool underwent vetting by the World Health Organization to create an expert-endorsed survey. Fifteen surgical tools were identified, containing a total of 216 unique elements in the following domains infrastrfashion. Importantly, it has the potential to be used in all settings after adaptation to local context. Hepatitis C (HCV) affects diverse populations such as people who inject drugs (PWID), 'baby boomers,' gay/bisexual men who have sex with men (gbMSM), and people from HCV endemic regions. Assessing HCV syndemics (i.e.relationships with mental health/chronic diseases) among subpopulations using Latent Class Analysis (LCA) may facilitate targeted program planning. The BC Hepatitis Testers Cohort(BC-HTC) includes all HCV cases identified in BC between 1990 and 2015, integrated with medical administrative data. LCA grouped all BC-HTC HCV diagnosed people(n = 73,665) by socio-demographic/clinical indicators previously determined to be relevant for HCV outcomes. The final model was chosen based on fit statistics, epidemiological meaningfulness, and posterior probability. Classes were named by most defining characteristics. The six-class model was the best fit and had the following names and characteristics 'Younger PWID'(n =11,563) recent IDU (67%), people born >1974 (48%), mental illness (62%), material deprivation (59%). 'Older PWID'(n =15,266) past IDU (78%), HIV (17%), HBV (17%) coinfections, alcohol misuse(68%). 'Other Middle-Aged People'(n = 9019) gbMSM (26%), material privilege (31%), people born between 1965-1974 (47%). 'People of Asian backgrounds' (n = 4718) East/South Asians (92%), no alcohol misuse (97%) or mental illness (93%), people born <1945 (26%), social privilege (66%). 'Rural baby boomers' (n = 20,401) rural dwellers (32%), baby boomers (79%), heterosexuals (99%), no HIV (100%). 'Urban socially deprived baby boomers' (n = 12,698) urban dwellers (99%), no IDU (100%), liver disease (22%), social deprivation (94%). Differences between classes suggest variability in patients' service needs. Further analysis of health service utilization patterns may inform optimal service layout. Differences between classes suggest variability in patients' service needs. Further analysis of health service utilization patterns may inform optimal service layout.The intestine of marine fishes contributes to the ocean carbon cycle producing carbonate aggregates as part of the osmoregulatory process. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate physiological adjustments of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) intestine to a higher pCO2 environment likely in the near future (~1700 μatm). At the whole-body level, hypercapnia for 5 weeks resulted in fish having a significantly diminished specific growth rate, condition factor and hepatosomatic index. An increase in plasma osmolality and HCO3- concentration was detected, paralleled by decreased metabolites concentrations. In the intestine, high seawater pCO2 was without effect on ouabain-sensitive ATPase activities, while Bafilomycin A1-sensitive ATPase activity significantly decreased in the anterior intestine. Anterior and mid intestine were mounted in Ussing chambers in order to measure bioelectrical parameters and bicarbonate secretion by pH-Stat ex-vivo. Hypercapnia induced a 2.3 and 2.8-fold increase in bicarbonate secretion rates in the anterior and mid intestine, respectively. In the intestinal fluid, HCO3- concentration increased 2.2-fold, and carbonate precipitates showed a 4.4-fold increase in response to hypercapnia, paralleled by a >3-fold increase of drinking and a >2-fold increase of intestinal volume at any given time. At the molecular level, hypercapnia elicited higher intestinal mRNA expression levels for atp6v1b (V-ATPase B subunit), slc4a4, slc26a3, and slc26a6, both in the anterior and mid intestine. As a whole, our results show that the intestine of sea bass responds to high seawater pCO2, a response that comes at a cost at the whole-body level with an impact in the fish specific growth rate, condition factor, and hepatosomatic index.The incidence of cancer has recently risen among the women at the reproductive age. Therefore, exposure to doxorubicin (DOX) chemotherapy has become a cause of reproductive toxicity followed by secondary destructive effects. The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of quercetin (QCT) and vitamin.E (Vit.E) on doxorubicin-induced toxicity in the ovary and uterus, and the secondary bone-related effects in a rat model. Animals were divided into six groups including control normal saline/corn oil (CON), QCT at 20 mg/Kg, Vit.E at 200 mg/Kg, DOX at accumulative 15 mg/Kg, DOX/QCT, and DOX/Vit.E. After 21 days of treatment, the alterations were analyzed in histoarchitecture, apoptosis, hormones secretion, the gene expression of aromatase and estrogen α-receptor (ER-α) in the uterine and ovarian tissues, and serum levels of bone-related factors. The results demonstrated the ameliorative effects of QCT and Vit.E on doxorubicin caused altered ovarian histology, increased apoptosis, decreased ovarian aromatase and ER-α gene expression (p-value less then 0.05), decreased estrogen and progesterone levels, decreased ALP (p-value less then 0.001), and increased osteocalcin (p-value less then 0.05). The findings suggested that the studied antioxidants administration could be a promising fertility preservation strategy in DOX-treated females.