The encapsulation methodology is generalized to other active ingredients, oil phases, nanodroplet sizes, and chemically crosslinked inner hydrogel cores. Overall, the capsule systems provide promising platforms for various functional nanoemulsion formulations.To improve the prognosis of glioblastoma, innovative radiotherapy regimens are required to augment the effect of tolerable radiation doses while sparing surrounding tissues. In this context, nanoscintillators are emerging radiotherapeutics that down-convert X-rays into photons with energies ranging from UV to near-infrared. During radiotherapy, these scintillating properties amplify radiation-induced damage by UV-C emission or photodynamic effects. Additionally, nanoscintillators that contain high-Z elements are likely to induce another, currently unexplored effect radiation dose-enhancement. This phenomenon stems from a higher photoelectric absorption of orthovoltage X-rays by high-Z elements compared to tissues, resulting in increased production of tissue-damaging photo- and Auger electrons. In this study, Geant4 simulations reveal that rare-earth composite LaF3Ce nanoscintillators effectively generate photo- and Auger-electrons upon orthovoltage X-rays. 3D spatially resolved X-ray fluorescence microtomography shows that LaF3Ce highly concentrates in microtumors and enhances radiotherapy in an X-ray energy-dependent manner. In an aggressive syngeneic model of orthotopic glioblastoma, intracerebral injection of LaF3Ce is well tolerated and achieves complete tumor remission in 15% of the subjects receiving monochromatic synchrotron radiotherapy. This study provides unequivocal evidence for radiation dose-enhancement by nanoscintillators, eliciting a prominent radiotherapeutic effect. Altogether, nanoscintillators have invaluable properties for enhancing the focal damage of radiotherapy in glioblastoma and other radioresistant cancers.The development of advanced materials based on well-defined polymeric architectures is proving to be a highly prosperous research direction across both industry and academia. Controlled radical polymerization techniques are receiving unprecedented attention, with reversible-deactivation chain growth procedures now routinely leveraged to prepare exquisitely precise polymer products. Reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization is a powerful protocol within this domain, where the unique chemistry of thiocarbonylthio (TCT) compounds can be harnessed to control radical chain growth of vinyl polymers. With the intense recent focus on RAFT, new strategies for initiation and external control have emerged that are paving the way for preparing well-defined polymers for demanding applications. In this work, the cutting-edge innovations in RAFT that are opening up this technique to a broader suite of materials researchers are explored. Emerging strategies for activating TCTs are surveyed, which are providing access into traditionally challenging environments for reversible-deactivation radical polymerization. The latest advances and future perspectives in applying RAFT-derived polymers are also shared, with the goal to convey the rich potential of RAFT for an ever-expanding range of high-performance applications.With the development of science and technology, the way to represent information becomes more powerful and diversified. Recent research on digital coding metasurfaces has built an alternative bridge between wave-behaviors and information science. Different from the logic information in traditional circuits, the digital bit in coding metasurfaces is based on wave-structure interaction, which is capable of exploiting multiple degrees of freedom (DoFs). However, to what extent the digital coding metasurface can expand the information representation has not been discussed. In this work, it is shown that classical metasurfaces have the ability to mimic qubit and quantum information. An approach for simulating a two-level spin system with meta-atoms is proposed, from which the superposition for two optical spin states is constructed. It is further proposed that using geometric-phase elements with nonseparable coding states can induce the classical entanglement between polarization and spatial modes, and give the condition to achieve the maximal entanglement. This study expands the information representing range of coding metasurfaces and provides an ultrathin platform to mimic quantum information.The ultrathin nature and dangling bonds free surface of 2D semiconductors allow for significant modifications of their bandgap through strain engineering. Here, thin InSe photodetector devices are biaxially stretched, finding, a strong bandgap tunability upon strain. The applied biaxial strain is controlled through the substrate expansion upon temperature increase and the effective strain transfer from the substrate to the thin InSe is confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. The bandgap change upon biaxial strain is determined through photoluminescence measurements, finding a gauge factor of up to ≈200 meV %-1. The effect of biaxial strain on the electrical properties of the InSe devices is further characterized. In the dark state, a large increase of the current is observed upon applied strain which gives a piezoresistive gauge factor value of ≈450-1000, ≈5-12 times larger than that of other 2D materials and of state-of-the-art silicon strain gauges. Moreover, the biaxial strain tuning of the InSe bandgap also translates in a strain-induced redshift of the spectral response of the InSe photodetectors with ΔEcut-off ≈173 meV at a rate of ≈360 meV %-1 of strain, indicating a strong strain tunability of the spectral bandwidth of the photodetectors.Multichromophore systems (MCSs) are envisioned as building blocks of molecular optoelectronic devices. While it is important to understand the characteristics of energy transfer in MCSs, the effect of multiple donors on energy transfer has not been understood completely, mainly due to the lack of a platform to investigate such an effect systematically. Here, a systematic study on how the number of donors (nD) and interchromophore distances affect the efficiency of energy transfer (ηFRET) is presented. Specifically, ηFRET is calculated for a series of model MCSs using simulations, a series of multiporphyrin dendrimers with systematic variation of nD and interdonor distances is synthesized, and ηFRETs of those dendrimers using transient absorption spectroscopy are measured. The simulations predict ηFRET in the multiporphyrin dendrimers well. In particular, it is found that ηFRET is enhanced by donor-to-donor energy transfer only when structural heterogeneity exists in an MCS, and the relationships between the ηFRET enhancement and the structural parameters of the MCS are revealed.