An effective way of preventing undesirable boar taint in pork meat caused by the presence of androstenone, skatole and indole is surgical castration of piglets. This, however, arouses growing social opposition. An alternative method of inhibiting the development of unpleasant odour is immune castration. The aim of the study was to compare the effectiveness of both methods of castration for the elimination of the compounds responsible and to assess the suitability of oral fluid for pre-slaughter predictive testing for boar taint. The research material was pooled oral fluid and fat samples taken from gilts and surgically and immunologically castrated piglets. The samples were tested with a liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry method developed in this research. The compounds giving rise to boar taint were found only sporadically above the accepted limits; only one sample of oral fluid contained skatole at a concentration above 200 μg L and one contained indole more concentrated than 100 μg L . Indole above the limit value was also detected in one fat sample. In none of the tested samples was androstenone found. The results indicate the similar effectiveness of both methods of piglet castration on the reduction of compounds generating boar taint. The usefulness of testing oral fluid for the ante-mortem prediction of boar taint has not been fully confirmed and further investigation is needed. The results indicate the similar effectiveness of both methods of piglet castration on the reduction of compounds generating boar taint. The usefulness of testing oral fluid for the ante-mortem prediction of boar taint has not been fully confirmed and further investigation is needed. Silage quality deteriorates with spp. contamination, and if consumed, such silage jeopardises herd health and productivity. Minimising its occurrence reduces economic and animal welfare risks. The study investigated the influence of environmental and technological determinants on the genus' occurrence in silage. Analyses were conducted on 305 silage samples directly collected from farms located in all Polish provinces. Cultures and isolates were evaluated phenotypically and examined for occurrence of spp., particularly and using PCR techniques. The results were statistically analysed using the ᵡ test for continuous and Student's -test for non-continuous values. The most influential effect on spp. occurrence is exerted by factors potentially associated with primary production, like the type of fertilisation and the contamination level of the ensiled feed material. spp. was detected in 232 (76%) samples, and strains, predominantly toxinotype A, in 79 (26%). occurrence was not detected. Deterioration of silage by clostridia could be prevented by a properly conducted ensiling process with the addition of starter cultures, but the presence of spores mainly depends on primary production and the extent of contamination of the feed material. Deterioration of silage by clostridia could be prevented by a properly conducted ensiling process with the addition of starter cultures, but the presence of spores mainly depends on primary production and the extent of contamination of the feed material. Snail eggs can be the raw material for the production of a caviar substitute. The substitute varies from the original in caloric value and nutrient content which determine the nutritional value of every foodstuff. The present study aimed to determine and compare the nutritional value and protein quality of eggs from two subspecies of edible snail. The chemical composition of the snail eggs and was determined in accordance with international standards. In order to evaluate the protein quality of the eggs of the two studied snail subspecies, the chemical score (CS), and a reference protein were used. Significant differences in the content of water, ash, and carbohydrates, but comparable protein and fat contents and caloric values were found. The protein in the eggs of the snails was complete by the measure of the model adopted for this study, however, meeting the daily essential amino acid requirements of an adult would require an immense supply of both species' eggs. Snail eggs of the genus were characterised by much lower nutritional value in comparison with caviar and caviar substitutes. The protein in the eggs of the snails was complete by the measure of the model adopted for this study, however, meeting the daily essential amino acid requirements of an adult would require an immense supply of both species' eggs. Snail eggs of the Cornu genus were characterised by much lower nutritional value in comparison with caviar and caviar substitutes. The influence of inflammation on the patterns of muscarinic 2 and 3 receptor subtypes (M2R and M3R), and α-7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α-7 nAChR) expression in the porcine uterus was investigated. On day three of the oestrous cycle of gilts aged 7-8 months with body weight 90-120 kg, either an suspension ( group, n = 5) or saline (Sal group, n = 5) was administered into the uterine horns laparotomy or only laparotomy was performed on control swine (Ctrl group, n = 5). After eight days, and the onset of severe acute endometritis in the group, the uterine mRNA and protein receptor expression levels were determined using real-time RT-PCR and Western blotting, respectively, with receptor localisation by immunofluorescence. The studied receptors were in the luminal epithelium, glands, blood vessels, and myometrial muscle cells of all gilts. The M2R mRNA level was lower in the inflamed endometrium compared to the Ctrl and Sal groups. Also in this tissue, the expression of M3R mRNA and protein was lower than in the Ctrl and Sal groups. The M3R protein level in the bacterially challenged myometrium was found to be increased compared to unadministered groups. In the endometrium of the group, the α-7 nAChR protein level was lower than in the Sal group, and in the myometrium it was reduced in relation to both the other groups. P values were ≤ 0.05 in all cases. Inflammation causes alterations in the M2R, M3R, and α-7 nAChR expression in the pig uterus, suggesting their significance in the course and repercussions of uterine inflammation. Inflammation causes alterations in the M2R, M3R, and α-7 nAChR expression in the pig uterus, suggesting their significance in the course and repercussions of uterine inflammation.