and reduced their signs and symptoms significantly. It also shows some manageable side effects mostly those related to heart rhythm. In the absence of FDA-approved medications to treat COVID-19, the repurposing of HCQ and azithromycin to control the disease signs and symptoms can be useful.This article looks at the period in Shane's career when she was based in the library at the Charing Cross Hospital Medical School (1970-1984) and then the Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School (1984-1991), following the merger. The topics covered include audio-visual materials and new technology, user education, staff training and development, word processing and automation in the library and Shane's involvement and activities in the wider profession.The co-founderof African Hospital Libraries (AHL) chronicles how this charity grew from a tiny pop-up library set up by two VSO volunteers and the hospital management team, to establishing health care library services in three provincial government referral hospitals (Makeni, Bo, Kenema) in Sierra Leone, and supporting link-ups with a shared maternity and paediatric hospital library service in Freetown and two libraries in healthcare training institutions. She reflects on the impact that Shane Godbolt had and continues to have on the work and growth of the organisation. Trends of male factor causes of couples' infertility over time have been poorly investigated. We investigated trends in the causes of pure male factor infertility (MFI) throughout the last 10years in a tertiary-referral academic andrology center. Baseline characteristics at first presentation from a cohort of 1647 consecutive male factor infertility patients belonging to primary infertile couples between 2008 and 2018 have been comprehensively collected over time. Seven major causes of male factor infertility were identified varicocoele; history of cryptorchidism; hypogonadism (primary and secondary); obstruc