PURPOSE To report the clinical findings of a patient who presented with an atypical bilateral fungal retinitis that was established by retinochoroidal biopsy. METHODS Case report. RESULTS A 56-year-old systemically healthy man presented with progressive visual loss in his left eye for 3 weeks. Visual acuity was 20/40 in the left eye, and 20/20 in the right eye and fundus examination showed macular retinal pigmented epithelium changes in his left eye. Over the following four months, his lesions progressed to serpiginous-like widespread retinal pigmented epithelium atrophy and his visual acuity decreased to 20/100, but no signs of ocular inflammation were found. Treatment with oral corticoids, valganciclovir and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole showed no efficacy. Blood analysis and cultures, laboratory investigations, and imaging tests were carried out looking for infectious and inflammatory diseases, but all tests were negative. Two months later, the patient presented with the same kind of lesions in the other eye (right eye), so he was subjected to retinochoroidal biopsy. Histopathological examination of specimen revealed the presence of intraretinal and choroidal fungal hyphae. Oral voriconazole was initiated achieving clinical remission, but no visual improvement was obtained. The source of the infection remains unknown since all tests results were negative. However, his profession as brewmaster might be related to the origin of the infection. CONCLUSION Diagnosis of intraocular fungal infection can be challenging. Retinochoroidal biopsy may be useful to establish the diagnosis in those atypical cases with nonrevealing workup and inflammation localized to the retina.In this study, we sequenced the full length HIV-2 LTR region from the proviral DNA of 23 HIV-2-infected individuals from the Southern parts of India. We identified two different promoter variant strains circulating in this region along with the globa