Mechanistically, 25HC inhibits viral membrane fusion by activating the ER-localized acyl-CoAcholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) which leads to the depletion of accessible cholesterol from the plasma membrane. Altogether, our results shed light on a potentially broad antiviral mechanism by 25HC through depleting accessible cholesterol on the plasma membrane to suppress virus-cell fusion. Since 25HC is a natural product with no known toxicity at effective concentrations, it provides a potential therapeutic candidate for COVID-19 and emerging viral diseases in the future.Buckwheat is a known, though uncommon, allergen in occupational settings. It has recently gained popularity as healthy food and as an ingredient in gluten-free diets. We describe a series of six patient cases with occupational immediate allergy to buckwheat. Three cooks, two bakers, and a worker in a grocery store were occupationally exposed to buckwheat flour and developed immediate allergy to buckwheat, which was confirmed by skin prick testing and measurement of specific immunoglobulin E antibodies. Four of the patients were diagnosed with occupational asthma, four with occupational rhinitis, and two with occupational contact urticaria caused by buckwheat. Three of the six patients suffered anaphylaxis as consequence of their occupational buckwheat allergy after ingestion of food that contained buckwheat. The high rate of life-threatening reactions, together with a short exposure time to buckwheat before sensitization occurred in these cases, highlights the importance of a detailed occupational history and a high index of suspicion for occupational food allergens.We present a patient with breast cancer with multiple metastases who had an unusual cardiac mass in the right atrium. The cardiac mass was initially diagnosed as malignant metastasis by transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) but subsequently diagnosed as benign by contrast-enhanced ultrasonography, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT). TTE is the preferred imaging method for examination of cardiac masses. However, this case demonstrates that contrast-enhanced ultrasonography, MRI, and PET/CT are useful to differentiate between diagnoses of benign and malignant tumor. The combination of multiple diagnostic imaging modalities is necessary to confirm the diagnosis of cardiac tumors.Across existing fish host-parasite literature, endoparasites were depleted in δ15 N compared to their hosts, while ectoparasitic values demonstrated enrichment, depletion and equivalence relative to their hosts. δ13 C enrichment varied extensively for both endo- and ectoparasites across taxa and host tissues. In our case study, sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) were enriched in δ15 N relative to their farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) hosts, although the value contradicted the average that is currently assumed across the animal kingdom. Common fish lice (Argulus foliaceus) did not show a consistent trend in δ15 N compared to their wild S. salar hosts. Both parasitic species had a range of δ13 C enrichment patterns relative to their hosts. Farmed and wild S. salar had contrasting δ13 C and δ15 N, and signals varied across muscle, fin and skin within both groups. L. salmonis and A. foliaceus subsequently had unique δ13 C and δ15 N, and L. salmonis from opposite US coasts differed in δ15 N. Given the range of enrichment patterns that were exhibited across the literature and in our study system, trophic dynamics from host to parasite do not conform to traditional prey to predator standards. Furthermore, there does not appear to be a universal enrichment pathway for δ13 C nor δ15 N in parasitic relationships, which emphasizes the need to investigate host-parasite linkages across species.Epilepsy is a chronic brain dysfunction. Current antiepileptic medicines cannot prevent epileptogenesis. Increasing data have shown that microRNAs (miRNAs) are selectively altered within the epileptic hippocampi of experimental models and human tissues, and these alterations affect the genes that control epileptogenesis. Furthermore, manipulation of miRNAs in animal models can modify epileptogenesis. As a result, miRNAs have been proposed as promising targets for treating epilepsy. We searched PubMed using the terms "microRNAs/miRNAs AND epilepsy", "microRNAs/miRNAs AND epileptogenesis", and "microRNAs/miRNAs AND seizure". We selected the articles in which the relationship between miRNAs and target gene(s) was validated and manipulation of miRNAs in in vivo epilepsy models modified epileptogenesis during the chronic phase via gene regulation. A total of 13 miRNAs were found in the present review. Based on the current analysis of miRNAs and their target gene(s), each miRNA has limitations as a potential epilepsy target. Importantly, miR-211 or miR-128 transgenic mice displayed seizures. These findings highlight new developments for epileptogenesis prevention. Developing novel strategies to modify epileptogenesis will be effective in curing epilepsy patients. This article provides an overview of the clinical application of miRNAs as novel targets for epilepsy.In China, premarital sexual and reproductive behavior is seldom considered and poorly understood. Increases in premarital pregnancy are thought to not only illuminate a decoupling of marriage and sexual/reproductive behavior but also serve as a key feature of family change in East Asia. This study assesses change across cohorts in the likelihood of premarital pregnancy and the extent to which change differs by educational attainment. Drawing on the 2017 China Fertility Survey, we apply a discrete-time, competing-risk survival analysis to a nationally representative sample of 221,990 women born between 1960 and 1999. Women born in the 1980s and 1990s are more likely than those born in the 1960s and 1970s to experience a pregnancy prior to first marriage. This cohort trend is driven by increases in premarital pregnancy among women with a high school education or less. The less educated women and their college counterparts increasingly diverge in the likelihood of experiencing a premarital pregnancy. The diverging patterns of premarital pregnancy underscore the urgency to shift the focus of China's family planning programs from fertility control to reproductive health, with an emphasis on providing information and services to disadvantaged unmarried individuals.