Neurosphere conditions, as opposed to monolayer conditions, cause a transcriptomic and metabolic rewiring that may be crucial for the regulation of stem-like features, where arginine biosynthesis may be a key metabolic pathway. Additionally, TCGA data from GBM patients showed significant regulation of specific components of the arginine biosynthesis pathway, providing further evidence for the importance of this metabolic pathway in GBM.In this paper, we present an approach and an algorithm aimed at minimising the energy consumption of enterprise Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) during periods of low user activity. We act on two network management aspects powering off some Access Points (APs), and choosing the level of transmission power of each AP. An efficient technique to allocate the user terminals to the various APs is the key to achieving this goal. The approach has been formulated as an integer programming problem with nonlinear constraints, which comes from a general but accurate characterisation of the WLAN. This general problem formulation has two implications the formulation is widely applicable, but the nonlinearity makes it NP-hard. To solve this problem to optimality, we devised an exact algorithm based on a customised version of Benders' decomposition method. The computational results proved the ability to obtain remarkable power savings. In addition, the good performance of our algorithm in terms of solving times paves the way for its future deployment in real WLANs.Doxepin is commonly prescribed for depression and anxiety treatment. Doxepin-related disruptions to metabolism and renal/hepatic adverse effects remain unclear; thus, the underlying mechanism of action warrants further research. Here, we investigated how doxepin affects lipid change, glucose homeostasis, chromium (Cr) distribution, renal impairment, liver damage, and fatty liver scores in C57BL6/J mice subjected to a high-fat diet and 5 mg/kg/day doxepin treatment for eight weeks. We noted that the treated mice had higher body, kidney, liver, retroperitoneal, and epididymal white adipose tissue weights; serum and liver triglyceride, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine levels; daily food efficiency; and liver lipid regulation marker expression. They also demonstrated exacerbated insulin resistance and glucose intolerance with lower Akt phosphorylation, GLUT4 expression, and renal damage as well as higher reactive oxygen species and interleukin 1 and lower catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase levels. The treated mice had a net-negative Cr balance due to increased urinary excretion, leading to Cr mobilization, delaying hyperglycemia recovery. Furthermore, they had considerably increased fatty liver scores, paralleling increases in adiponectin, FASN, PNPLA3, FABP4 mRNA, and SREBP1 mRNA levels. In conclusion, doxepin administration potentially worsens renal injury, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and diabetes.In this study, ultraviolet-C (UV-C) was utilized to improve the quality of post-harvest grape berries, and the transcriptomic and metabolomic basis of this improvement was elucidated. Berries of the red grape variety 'Zicui' and the white variety 'Xiangfei' were chosen to evaluate the effect of short- and long-term UV-C irradiation. Post-harvest UV-C application promoted malondialdehyde (MDA) and proline accumulation, and reduced the soluble solid content in berries. Both the variety and duration of irradiation could modulate the transcriptomic and metabolomic responses of berries to UV-C. Compared with the control, the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) identified under UV-C treatment were enriched in pathways related to metabolite accumulation, hormone biosynthesis and signal transduction, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis. Flavonoid biosynthesis and biosynthesis of other secondary metabolites were the shared pathways enriched with differential metabolites. After long-term UV-C irradiation, cis-resveratrol accumulated in the berries of the two varieties, while the differential chalcone, dihydroflavone, flavonoid, flavanol, and tannin components primarily accumulated in 'Xiangfei', and some flavonols and anthocyanins primarily accumulated in 'Zicui'. Based on an exhaustive survey, we made a summary for the effect of UV-C in regulating the quality development of post-harvest grape berries. The results of this study may help to elucidate the mechanism by which UV-C functions and support its efficient application.Fruits have an important economic impact in the context of plant-based food production. The consumption of fruit juices, mostly produced from concentrates, is particularly noteworthy. Conventional concentration methods do not always enable a sustainable and gentle concentration. The innovative gas hydrate technology addresses this point with its energy-saving, gentle character, and high concentration potential. In this study, the concentration of fruit juices and model solutions using CO2 hydrate technology was investigated. To find a suitable operating point for hydrate formation in the used bubble column, the hydrate formation in a water-sucrose model solution was evaluated at different pressure and temperature combinations (1, 3, 5 °C and 32.5, 37.5, 40 bar). The degrees of concentration indicate that the bubble column reactor operates best at 37.5 bar and 3 °C. To investigate the gentle processing character of the hydrate technology, its quantitative effects on vitamin C, betanin, polyphenols, and carotenoids were analyzed in the produced concentrates and hydrates via HPLC and UV/VIS spectrophotometry. The results for fruit juices and model solutions imply that all examined substances are accumulated in the concentrate, while only small amounts remain in the hydrate. These amounts can be related to an inefficient separation process.Suboptimal nutrition is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the United Kingdom (UK). Although patients cite physicians as trusted information sources on diet and weight loss, studies suggest that the management of nutrition-related disorders is hindered by insufficient medical education and training. Objectives of this study were to (1) Quantify nutrition-related learning objectives (NLOs) in UK postgraduate medical training curriculums and assess variation across specialties; (2) assess inclusion of nutrition-related modules; (3) assess the extent to which NLOs are knowledge-, skill-, or behaviour-based, and in which Good Medical Practice (GMP) Domain(s) they fall. 43 current postgraduate curriculums, approved by the General Medical Council (GMC) and representing a spectrum of patient-facing training pathways in the UK, were included. NLOs were identified using four keywords 'nutrition', 'diet', 'obesity', and 'lifestyle'. Where a keyword was used in a titled section followed by a number of objectives, this was designated as a 'module'.