27Mn0.73O2, the observed improvement on the electrochemical performance is primarily attributed to the mitigation of notorious Mn3+/Mn4+ redox and the enhanced stability of the oxygen charge compensation behavior. From the viewpoint of structure evolution, Ti-substitution restrains the Li+ loss and irreversible structural degradation during cycling. This study provides an in-depth understanding of the electronic and crystal structure evolutions after inactive d0 element substitution and may shed light on the rational design of high-performance P2/O3 biphasic Mn-based layered cathodes.Nonlinear optical crystals play important roles in modern laser science and technology. However, the design and growth of new nonlinear optical (NLO) materials is still a challenging issue for researchers. Due to the excellent performance of Mg3B7O13Cl crystal, we paid attention to the optimization of its structure, in order to find new NLO materials with favorable properties. Here, Zn3B7O13Cl crystals were obtained by a high-temperature solution method. Its structure was determined to be the trigonal symmetry with a polar space group of R3c, which is more highly symmetric than that of Mg3B7O13Cl (Pca21). The experimental and theoretical investigations demonstrated that the title compound exhibits a short absorption cutoff (band gap ∼6.53 eV), moderate SHG responses (2.2 times that of KDP at 1064 nm), and the improved birefringence, which results from the large distortion and anisotropy of borate groups and zinc polyhedrons. Therefore, the structural modification of Mg3B7O13Cl by zinc cations achieves a balance between the deep-ultraviolet transparency, the nonlinear optical effect, and the moderate birefringence, which is very significant for the design of practical NLO materials.Highly sensitive and stretchable strain sensors have attracted considerable attention due to their promising applications in human motion detection, soft robot, wearable electronics, etc. However, there is still a trade-off between high sensitivity and high stretchability. Here, we reported a stretchable strain sensor by sandwiching reduced graphene oxide (RGO)-coated polystyrene microspheres (PS@RGO) and silver nanowires (AgNWs) conductive hybrids in an elastic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) matrix. Due to the synergistic effect of PS@RGO and AgNWs, the PDMS/PS@RGO/AgNWs/PDMS sensor exhibits a high initial electrical conductivity of 8791 S m-1, wide working range of 0-230%, large gauge factor of 11 at 0-60% of strain and 47 at 100%-230% of strain with a high linear coefficient of 0.9594 and 0.9947, respectively, low limit of detection (LOD) of 1% of strain, and excellent long-term stability over 1000 stretching/releasing cycles under 50% strain. Furthermore, the strain sensor has been demonstrated in detecting human body motion and fan rotation with high stretchability and stability, showing potential application in intelligent robot and Internet of things.Quasi-two-dimensional (quasi-2D) materials hold promise for future electronics because of their unique band structures that result in electronic and mechanical properties sensitive to crystal strains in all three dimensions. Quantifying crystal strain is a prerequisite to correlating it with the performance of the device and calls for high resolution but spatially resolved rapid characterization methods. Here, we show that using fly-scan nano X-ray diffraction, we can accomplish a tensile strain sensitivity below 0.001% with a spatial resolution of better than 80 nm over a spatial extent of 100 μm on quasi-2D flakes of 1T-TaS2. Coherent diffraction patterns were collected from a ∼100 nm thick sheet of 1T-TaS2 by scanning a 12 keV focused X-ray beam across and rotating the sample. We demonstrate that the strain distribution around micron- and submicron-sized "bubbles" that are present in the sample may be reconstructed from these images. The experiments use state-of-the-art synchrotron instrumentation and will allow rapid and nonintrusive strain mapping of thin-film samples and electronic devices based on quasi-2D materials.Underwater superoleophobic materials due to its excellent antioil and self-cleaning performance have attracted tremendous attention. Current underwater superoleophobic surfaces usually use complex methods to construct the surface structure limiting the yield and not suitable for large-scale production. Here, inspired by the superoleophobicity of pomfret skin, we developed a strategy to fabricate superoleophobic coatings with hierarchical micro/nano structures by doping hydrophilic micro silica particle in calcium alginate hydrogel. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/FK-506-(Tacrolimus).html The introduction of micro particles significantly reduces the adhesion of oil and improves the mechanical properties of the coatings. The prepared coatings also survived in high temperature and high salinity environment and the dried for free-standing films. The free-standing dry coating films can be used like wallpaper to decorate the targeted surface and endow them with underwater superoleophobicity. We expect that this work will provide a new method for designing underwater superoleophobic coatings and the wallpaper-like coating films allow large-scale production and will also promote the commercialization of oil-repellent materials. Rapid control of abdominal hemorrhage is a potentially life-saving surgical skill. Although open exposure and control of the abdominal aorta and its visceral branches is a fundamental part of surgical training, familiarity with the anatomy and spacial relationships of the surrounding structures can be challenging for even the experienced surgeon. Using a fresh perfused cadaver, this video provides a step by step visual guide for aortic exposure from the diaphragmatic hiatus to the iliac bifurcation. Key maneuvers including control of the supraceliac aorta, left medial visceral rotation with identification of superior mesenteric and celiac arteries, and exposure of the perirenal aorta and proximal renal vessels are outlined. Damage control and definitive management strategies are discussed and potential tips and pitfalls in addressing intraabdominal hemorrhage are highlighted. The critical application of aortic exposure for hemorrhage control is a life-saving intervention if done rapidly and effectively.