We find that a thick layer of excess lubricant is always removed in just one dip, regardless of wettability, and that lubricants that do not spread fully on the substrate deplete faster due to their dewetting into droplets. We also find that lubricants that spread onto the air/water interface are more susceptible to depletion. Finally, we investigate the effect of repeated immersions on the properties of liquidlike poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) chains tethered to glass and find that dynamic contact angles on these surfaces remain constant over several dips and therefore their low hysteresis is unlikely due to unbound polymer.metaQuantome is a software suite that enables the quantitative analysis, statistical evaluation. and visualization of mass-spectrometry-based metaproteomics data. In the latest update of this software, we have provided several extensions, including a step-by-step training guide, the ability to perform statistical analysis on samples from multiple conditions, and a comparative analysis of metatranscriptomics data. The training module, accessed via the Galaxy Training Network, will help users to use the suite effectively both for functional as well as for taxonomic analysis. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Azacitidine(Vidaza).html We extend the ability of metaQuantome to now perform multi-data-point quantitative and statistical analyses so that studies with measurements across multiple conditions, such as time-course studies, can be analyzed. With an eye on the multiomics analysis of microbial communities, we have also initiated the use of metaQuantome statistical and visualization tools on outputs from metatranscriptomics data, which complements the metagenomic and metaproteomic analyses already available. For this, we have developed a tool named MT2MQ ("metatranscriptomics to metaQuantome"), which takes in outputs from the ASaiM metatranscriptomics workflow and transforms them so that the data can be used as an input for comparative statistical analysis and visualization via metaQuantome. We believe that these improvements to metaQuantome will facilitate the use of the software for quantitative metaproteomics and metatranscriptomics and will enable multipoint data analysis. These improvements will take us a step toward integrative multiomic microbiome analysis so as to understand dynamic taxonomic and functional responses of these complex systems in a variety of biological contexts. The updated metaQuantome and MT2MQ are open-source software and are available via the Galaxy Toolshed and GitHub.Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection is a global health concern infecting over 90% of the population. However, there is no currently available vaccine. EBV primarily infects B cells, where the major glycoprotein 350 (gp350) is the main target of neutralizing antibodies. Given the advancement of nanoparticle vaccines, we describe rationally designed vaccine modalities presenting 60 copies of gp350 on self-assembled nanoparticles in a repetitive array. In a mouse model, gp350s on lumazine synthase (LS) and I3-01 adjuvanted with MF59 or aluminum hydroxide (Alhydrogel) elicited over 65- to 133-fold higher neutralizing antibody titers than the corresponding gp350 monomer to EBV. Furthermore, immunization with gp350D123-LS and gp350D123-I3-01 vaccine induced a Th2-biased response. For the nonhuman primate model, gp350D123-LS in MF59 elicited higher titers of total IgG and neutralizing antibodies than the monomeric gp350D123. Overall, these results support gp350D123-based nanoparticle vaccine design as a promising vaccine candidate for potent protection against EBV infection.Surfactant wormlike micelles are prone to experience morphological changes, including the transition to spherical micelles, upon the addition of nonpolar additives. These morphological transitions have profound implications in diverse technological areas, such as the oil and personal-care industries. In this work, additive-induced morphological transitions in wormlike micelles were studied using a molecular theory that predicts the equilibrium morphology and internal molecular organization of the micelles as a function of their composition and the molecular properties of their components. The model successfully captures the transition from wormlike to spherical micelles upon the addition of a nonpolar molecule. Moreover, the predicted effects of the concentration, molecular structure, and degree of hydrophobicity of the nonpolar additive on the wormlike-to-sphere transition are shown to be in good agreement with experimental trends in the literature. The theory predicts that the location of the additive in the micelle (core or hydrophobic-hydrophilic interface) depends on the additive hydrophobicity and content, and the morphology of the micelles. Based on the results of our model, simple molecular mechanisms were proposed to explain the morphological transitions of wormlike micelles upon the addition of nonpolar molecules of different polarities.We investigate vapor-deposited glasses of a phenanthroperylene ester, known to form an equilibrium hexagonal columnar phase, and show that liquid crystal-like order can be manipulated by the choice of deposition rate and substrate temperature during deposition. We find that rate-temperature superposition (RTS)-the equivalence of lowering the deposition rate and increasing the substrate temperature-can be used to predict and control the molecular orientation in vapor-deposited glasses over a wide range of substrate temperatures (0.75-1.0 Tg). This work extends RTS to a new structural motif, hexagonal columnar liquid crystal order, which is being explored for organic electronic applications. By several metrics, including the apparent average face-to-face nearest-neighbor distance, physical vapor deposition (PVD) glasses of the phenanthroperylene ester are as ordered as the glass prepared by cooling the equilibrium liquid crystal. By other measures, the PVD glasses are less ordered than the cooled liquid crystal. We explain the difference in the maximum attainable order with the existence of a gradient in molecular mobility at the free surface of a liquid crystal and its impact upon different mechanisms of structural rearrangement. This free surface equilibration mechanism explains the success of the RTS principle and provides guidance regarding the types of order most readily enhanced by vapor deposition. This work extends the applicability of RTS to include molecular systems with a diverse range of higher-order liquid-crystalline morphologies that could be useful for new organic electronic applications.