AVAILABILITY LogoJS is implemented both in plain Javascript and ReactJS, a popular user-interface framework. The web application is hosted at logojs.wenglab.org. All major browsers and operating systems are supported. The package and application are open-source; code is available at GitHub. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author(s) (2020). Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email journals.permissions@oup.com.OBJECTIVE Use of medical scribes reduces clinician burnout by sharing the burden of clinical documentation. However, medical scribes are cost-prohibitive for most settings, prompting a growing interest in developing ambient, speech-based technologies capable of automatically generating clinical documentation based on patient-provider conversation. Through a systematic review, we aimed to develop a thorough understanding of the work performed by medical scribes in order to inform the design of such technologies. MATERIALS AND METHODS Relevant articles retrieved by searching in multiple literature databases. We conducted the screening process following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) in guidelines, and then analyzed the data using qualitative methods to identify recurring themes. RESULTS The literature search returned 854 results, 65 of which met the inclusion criteria. We found that there is significant variation in scribe expectations and responsibilities acrossrs to implementing such technologies in realistic clinical settings. CONCLUSIONS Medical scribes perform complex and delicate work. Further research is needed to better understand their roles in a clinical setting in order to inform the development of speech-based clinical documentation technologies. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Medical Informatics Association. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email journals.permissions@oup.com.OBJECTIVE To assess the effectiveness of cervical manual therapy (MT) on patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) and to compare cervico-craniomandibular MT vs cervical MT. DESIGN Systematic review and meta-analysis (MA). METHODS A search in PubMed, EMBASE, PEDro, and Google Scholar was conducted with an end date of February 2019. Two independent reviewers performed the data analysis, assessing the relevance of the randomized clinical trials regarding the studies' objectives. The qualitative analysis was based on classifying the results into levels of evidence according to the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE). RESULTS Regarding cervical MT, MA included three studies and showed statistically significant differences in pain intensity reduction and an increase in masseter pressure pain thresholds (PPTs), with a large clinical effect. In addition, the results showed an increase in temporalis PPT, with a moderate clinical effect. MA included two studies on cervical MT vs cervico-craniomandibular MT interventions and showed statistically significant differences in pain intensity reduction and pain-free maximal mouth opening, with a large clinical effect. CONCLUSIONS Cervical MT treatment is more effective in decreasing pain intensity than placebo MT or minimal intervention, with moderate evidence. Cervico-craniomandibular interventions achieved greater short-term reductions in pain intensity and increased pain-free MMO over cervical intervention alone in TMD and headache, with low evidence. © 2020 American Academy of Pain Medicine. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail journals.permissions@oup.com.Antizyme interacts with ornithine decarboxylase, which catalyzes the first step of polyamine biosynthesis and recruits it to the proteasome for degradation. Synthesizing the functional antizyme protein requires transition of the reading frame at the termination codon. This programmed +1 ribosomal frameshifting is induced by polyamines, but the molecular mechanism is still unknown. In this study, we explored the mechanism of polyamine-dependent +1 frameshifting using a human cell-free translation system. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/rg-7112.html Unexpectedly, spermidine induced +1 frameshifting in the mutants replacing the termination codon at the shift site with a sense codon. Truncation experiments showed that +1 frameshifting occurred promiscuously in various positions of the antizyme sequence. The probability of this sequence-independent +1 frameshifting increased in proportion to the length of the open reading frame. Furthermore, the +1 frameshifting was induced in some sequences other than the antizyme gene in a polyamine-dependent manner. These findings suggest that polyamines have the potential to shift the reading frame in the +1 direction in any sequence. Finally, we showed that the probability of the sequence-independent +1 frameshifting by polyamines is likely inversely correlated with translation efficiency. Based on these results, we propose a model of the molecular mechanism for antizyme +1 frameshifting. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Japanese Biochemical Society. All rights reserved.MOTIVATION T-cell receptors (TCRs) are immune proteins that primarily target peptide antigens presented by the major histocompatibility complex. They tend to have lower specificity and affinity than their antibody counterparts, and their binding sites have been shown to adopt multiple conformations, which is potentially an important factor for their polyspecificity. None of the current TCR modelling tools predict this variability which limits our ability to accurately predict TCR binding. RESULTS We present TCRBuilder, a multi-state TCR structure prediction tool. Given a paired α βTCR sequence, TCRBuilder returns a model or an ensemble of models covering the potential conformations of the binding site. This enables the analysis of structurally-driven polyspecificity in TCRs, which is not possible with existing tools. AVAILABILITY http//opig.stats.ox.ac.uk/resources. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author(s) (2020). Published by Oxford University Press.