Median procedure duration was 80 minutes. Tumour coverage rate was 97% (29 of 30 patients). Perioperative side-effects were negligible; one patient experienced grade-3 ulceration and infection. One-month 18F-FDG-SUV decreased by 86%; CRR was 63% (95% CI 44-79%). Local control was durable in 24 of 30 patients (two-year LPFS, 62%). Patients reported an improvement in "usual activities", "anxiety/depression", and "overall health" scores. VEG-ECT demonstrated encouraging antitumour activity in soft-tissue malignancies; a single course of treatment produced high and durable responses, with low complications.We investigated effects of the ryanodine receptor (RyR) modulator caffeine on Na+ current (INa) activation and inactivation in intact loose-patch clamped murine skeletal muscle fibres subject to a double pulse procedure. INa activation was examined using 10-ms depolarising, V1, steps to varying voltages 0-80 mV positive to resting membrane potential. The dependence of the subsequent, INa inactivation on V1 was examined by superimposed, V2, steps to a fixed depolarising voltage. Current-voltage activation and inactivation curves indicated that adding 0.5 and 2 mM caffeine prior to establishing the patch seal respectively produced decreased (within 1 min) and increased (after ~2 min) peak INa followed by its recovery to pretreatment levels (after ~40 and ~30 min respectively). These changes accompanied negative shifts in the voltage dependence of INa inactivation (within 10 min) and subsequent superimposed positive activation and inactivation shifts, following 0.5 mM caffeine challenge. In contrast, 2 mM caffeine elicited delayed negative shifts in both activation and inactivation. These effects were abrogated if caffeine was added after establishing the patch seal or with RyR block by 10 μM dantrolene. These effects precisely paralleled previous reports of persistently (~10 min) increased cytosolic [Ca2+] with 0.5 mM, and an early peak rapidly succeeded by persistently reduced [Ca2+] likely reflecting gradual RyR inactivation with ≥1.0 mM caffeine. The latter findings suggested inhibitory effects of even resting cytosolic [Ca2+] on INa. They suggest potentially physiologically significant negative feedback regulation of RyR activity on Nav1.4 properties through increased or decreased local cytosolic [Ca2+], Ca2+-calmodulin and FKBP12.The late Ediacaran witnessed an increase in metazoan diversity and ecological complexity, marking the inception of the Cambrian Explosion. To constrain the drivers of this diversification, we combine redox and nutrient data for two shelf transects, with an inventory of biotic diversity and distribution from the Nama Group, Namibia (~550 to ~538 Million years ago; Ma). Unstable marine redox conditions characterised all water depths in inner to outer ramp settings from ~550 to 547 Ma, when the first skeletal metazoans appeared. However, a marked deepening of the redoxcline and a reduced frequency of anoxic incursions onto the inner to mid-ramp is recorded from ~547 Ma onwards, with full ventilation of the outer ramp by ~542 Ma. Phosphorus speciation data show that, whilst anoxic ferruginous conditions were initially conducive to the drawdown of bioavailable phosphorus, they also permitted a limited degree of phosphorus recycling back to the water column. A long-term decrease in nutrient delivery from continental weathering, coupled with a possible decrease in upwelling, led to the gradual ventilation of the Nama Group basins. This, in turn, further decreased anoxic recycling of bioavailable phosphorus to the water column, promoting the development of stable oxic conditions and the radiation of new mobile taxa.Systemic amyloidosis encompasses a debilitating, under-diagnosed but increasingly recognized group of disorders characterized by the extracellular deposition of misfolded proteins in one or more organs. Cardiac amyloid deposition leads to an infiltrative or restrictive cardiomyopathy and is the major contributor to poor prognosis in patients with systemic amyloidosis. In total, >30 proteins can form amyloid fibrils, but the two main types of amyloid that can infiltrate the heart are monoclonal immunoglobulin light-chain amyloid and transthyretin amyloid. Cardiac amyloidosis can be acquired in older individuals or inherited from birth. Given the nonspecific symptoms of these disorders, a high index of suspicion is paramount in making the correct diagnosis, which can involve the use of non-invasive imaging methods such as echocardiography, bone scintigraphy and cardiovascular MRI. In the past decade, the use of cardiovascular MRI with tissue characterization and bone scintigraphy to diagnose cardiac amyloidosis has revolutionized our understanding of the disease, leading to changes in patient care. However, a need remains for improved awareness and expertise, and greater clinical suspicion, because the initial clues provided by electrocardiography and echocardiography might not be typical. With specific treatments now available, timely diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis is more important than ever. In this Review, we discuss the current and novel approaches for the diagnostic imaging of cardiac amyloidosis.Anti-Markovnikov additions to alkenes have been a longstanding goal of catalysis, and anti-Markovnikov addition of arenes to alkenes would produce alkylarenes that are distinct from those formed by acid-catalysed processes. Existing hydroarylations are either directed or occur with low reactivity and low regioselectivity for the n-alkylarene. Herein, we report the first undirected hydroarylation of unactivated alkenes with unactivated arenes that occurs with high regioselectivity for the anti-Markovnikov product. The reaction occurs with a nickel catalyst ligated by a highly sterically hindered N-heterocyclic carbene. Catalytically relevant arene- and alkene-bound nickel complexes have been characterized, and the rate-limiting step was shown to be reductive elimination to form the C-C bond. Density functional theory calculations, combined with second-generation absolutely localized molecular orbital energy decomposition analysis, suggest that the difference in activity between catalysts containing large and small carbenes results more from stabilizing intramolecular non-covalent interactions in the secondary coordination sphere than from steric hindrance.