We describe a unique solitary kidney with duplex collecting system and vascular variation observed in an 86-year-old White male formaldehyde- and phenol-fixed cadaver during routine academic dissection. The left renal fossa was empty with an intact adrenal gland, and the right renal fossa contained a fused renal mass with apparent polarity between the superior and inferior regions and two renal pelves converging into a single ureter. There were three right renal arteries supplying the renal mass; the superior and middle arteries were noted to be postcaval and the inferior artery was precaval. There were also two right renal veins draining into the inferior vena cava and following a regional distribution with the superior vein draining the inferior portion of the renal mass. Despite generally being asymptomatic, the detection of renal anatomical variants is clinically important for appropriate patient management and surgical interventions.It is critical for surgeons to have a full understanding of the complex courses and ramifications of the human internal iliac artery and its parietal branches. Although numerous anatomical studies have been performed, not all variations at this site are currently understood. Toward this end, we characterized these blood vessels in fetal pigs to provide additional insight from a comparative anatomical perspective. Among our findings, we identified the internal iliac artery as a descending branch of the abdominal aorta. A very thick umbilical artery arose from the internal iliac artery. The superior gluteal, inferior gluteal, and internal pudendal arteries formed the common arterial trunk. Although the superior gluteal artery emerged from the common trunk from inside the pelvis, the inferior gluteal and internal pudendal arteries bifurcated at deep layer within the gluteus muscles after leaving pelvic cavity. We were unable to detect an obturator artery emerging from the internal iliac artery. A