Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a well-established microalgal model species with a shorter doubling time, which is a promising natural source for the efficient production of high-value carotenoids. In the microalgal carotenoid biosynthetic pathway, lycopene is converted either into β-carotene by lycopene β-cyclase or into α-carotene by lycopene ε-cyclase (LCYE) and lycopene β-cyclase. In this study, we overexpressed the LCYE gene in C. reinhardtii to estimate its effect on lycopene metabolism and lutein production. Chlamydomonas transformants (CrLCYE#L1, #L5, and #L6) produced significantly increased amounts of lutein per culture (up to 2.6-fold) without a decrease in cell yields. Likewise, the expression levels of LCYE gene in transformants showed a significant increase compared with that of the wild-type strain. These results suggest that LCYE overexpression enhances the conversion of lycopene to α-carotene, which in turn improves lutein productivity. Interestingly, their β-carotene productivity appeared to increase slightly rather than decrease. Considering that the inhibition of the lycopene cyclization steps often induces higher expression in genes upstream of metabolic branches, this result implies that the redirection from β-carotene to α-carotene by LCYE overexpression might also enhance upstream gene expression, thereby leading to auxiliary β-carotene production.Our study examined how misinformation and other elements of social media messages affect antecedents to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination of adolescents. In 2017-2018, we randomly assigned a national sample of 1206 U.S. parents of adolescents to view one tweet using a 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 between-subjects factorial experiment. The 16 experimental tweets varied four messaging elements misinformation (misinformation or not), source (person or organization), narrative style (storytelling or scientific data), and topic (effectiveness or safety). Parents reported their motivation to vaccinate (primary outcome), trust in social media content, and perceived risk about HPV-related diseases. Tweets without misinformation elicited higher HPV vaccine motivation than tweets with misinformation (25% vs. 5%, OR = 6.60, 95% CI4.05, 10.75). Motivation was higher for tweets from organizations versus persons (20% vs. 10%, OR = 2.47, 95% CI1.52, 4.03) and about effectiveness versus safety (20% vs. 10%, OR = 2.03, 95% CI1.24, 3.30). Tweets with misinformation produced lower trust and higher perceived risk (both p  less then  .01), with impact varying depending on source and topic. In conclusion, misinformation was the most potent social media messaging element. It may undermine progress in HPV vaccination. This review describes the rational for bisphosphonate holidays, summaries key evidence to support the concept, and provides a roadmap to help clinicians initiate, monitor, and discontinue a bisphosphonate drug holiday. Randomized trials and data from large observational studies are available to determine the short and long-term bisphosphonate benefits (prevention of fracture) and harms (principally atypical femoral fractures and osteonecrosis of the jaw). Mounting evidence points towards a causal relationship between bisphosphonate use and AFF and ONJ, particularly with > 5years of use. Multiple studies now confirm the risk of AFF falls rapidly after BPs are discontinued. Osteoporosis patients without previous hip, vertebral, or multiple non-spine fractures who are successfully treated with oral bisphosphonates for 5years (3years if intravenous), should be offered a 3-5year drug holiday, particularly if hip BMD T-score is > - 2.5. Bisphosphonates should only be continued beyond 10years (6years if parenteral) in patients at very high risk of fracture.  - 2.5. Bisphosphonates should only be continued beyond 10 years (6 years if parenteral) in patients at very high risk of fracture.Gambling on the lottery is a prevalent behavior, and lottery products are increasingly available in online and electronic formats. As lottery-purchasing is prevalent in adolescents, this study systematically examined relationships between lottery-purchasing and problem-gambling severity and gambling perceptions and attitudes, as well as differences in the relationships between problem-gambling severity and measures of health/functioning and gambling characteristics among lottery-purchasing groups. Participants were 1517 Connecticut high-school adolescents with past-year gambling. Chi-square and logistic regression models were conducted, and interactions between problem-gambling severity and lottery-purchasing status on multiple outcomes were determined. Lottery-purchasing, compared to non-lottery-purchasing, adolescents had greater problem-gambling severity and reported more permissive gambling attitudes and greater parental approval of gambling. Significant between-group differences were observed, with at-risk/problem-gambling more strongly associated with having friends and adult gambling partners among non-lottery-purchasing adolescents, and machine and online gambling, and gambling alone more strongly associated among lottery-purchasing adolescents. Greater problem-gambling severity, permissive gambling attitudes, and parental approval of gambling in lottery-purchasing adolescents suggest that parenting contexts are important considerations in prevention efforts targeting problem gambling in youths. Between-group differences in associations between problem-gambling severity and gambling types and partners may identify high-risk groups associated with more solitary gambling behaviors for whom targeted interventions may be adapted. The relationship between antiretroviral therapy (ART) and cancer treatment outcomes among people living with HIV (PLWH) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is complex and poorly understood for many cancers. We aimed to summarize existing evidence from LMICs regarding the benefit of ART on cancer treatment-related outcomes. We included twelve observational studies that reported associations between ART status and cancer treatment outcomes among HIV-positive patients in LMICs. Most confirmed ART was associated with improved cancer treatment outcomes. Heterogeneity in cancers under study, outcome measurement, categorization of ART status, and reporting of HIV-related immune function made formal comparison between studies untenable. Where evaluated, ART generally has a positive effect on cancer outcomes in people with HIV in LMICs. However, there remains a substantial gap in the literature regarding the impact of ART on treatment outcomes for most cancer types. Future research should focus on the optimal timing and integration of ART and cancer treatment for PLWH with strategies applicable to constrained-resource settings.