between early life feeding practices and dietary patterns at school age was not detected. Large studies with follow-up beyond early childhood that can also adjust for the multitude of potential confounders associated with breastfeeding are needed.Working with individuals with disabilities affects the professional and social experiences and attitudes of professional groups. Accordingly, this study aimed to understand the professional and social experiences and attitudes of occupational groups working with individuals with disabilities. A qualitative, descriptive design based on thematic analysis approach was used in this study. The data were collected from 11 staff at the Center for Disability Empowerment in Finland. The results obtained from the study were thematized and eight main themes were established. Some of these main themes are as follows Opinions about and attitudes toward individuals with disabilities, the effect on personal/inner and spiritual development, satisfaction with occupational performance and key points in working with disabled groups. Working with individuals with disabilities had a positive impact on the attitude and development of the employees from both an occupational and a social perspective. Moreover, it contributed to the professional and personal development of the employees.Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) has been widely adopted in breast imaging in both screening and diagnostic settings. The benefits of DBT are well established. Compared with two-dimensional digital mammography (DM), DBT preferentially increases detection of invasive cancers without increased detection of in-situ cancers, maximizing identification of biologically significant disease, while mitigating overdiagnosis. The higher sensitivity of DBT for architectural distortion allows increased diagnosis of invasive cancers overall and particularly improves the visibility of invasive lobular cancers. Implementation of DBT has decreased the number of recalls for false-positive findings at screening, contributing to improved specificity at diagnostic evaluation. Integration of DBT in diagnostic examinations has also resulted in an increased percentage of biopsies with positive results, improving diagnostic confidence. Although individual DBT examinations have a longer interpretation time compared with that for DM, DBT has streamlined the diagnostic workflow and minimized the need for short-term follow-up examinations, redistributing much-needed time resources to screening. Yet DBT has limitations. Although improvements in cancer detection and recall rates are seen for patients in a large spectrum of age groups and breast density categories, these benefits are minimal in women with extremely dense breast tissue, and the extent of these benefits may vary by practice environment and by geographic location. Although DBT allows detection of more invasive cancers than does DM, its incremental yield is lower than that of US and MRI. Current understanding of the biologic profile of DBT-detected cancers is limited. Whether DBT improves breast cancer-specific mortality remains a key question that requires further investigation. ©RSNA, 2021.The digitization of radiographic studies along with high-speed transmission of images has formed the basis of teleradiology, which has become an integral component in the workflow of a contemporary radiology practice. It is with this advent and growing utilization of teleradiology that the significance of the source location of images has gained importance. Specifically, the importance of where the patient resides and what endemic fungi occur in that location cannot be underestimated. In the United States, histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, blastomycosis, and cryptococcosis are caused by endemic fungi occurring in the Ohio and Mississippi river valleys, the Southwest, the Upper Midwest, and the Pacific Northwest, respectively. All of these organisms enter the body through the respiratory system and have the potential to cause significant morbidity and mortality. Patients infected with these fungi are often asymptomatic but may present with acute flulike symptoms such as fever, cough, or dyspnea. Patients may also present with vague chronic symptoms including cough, fever, malaise, and weight loss. Thoracic manifestations at radiography and CT include consolidation, nodules, cavities, lymphadenopathy, and pleural disease. PET may show fluorine 18-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake with active acute or chronic infections, and it is difficult to distinguish infections from malignancy. Imaging findings may be nonspecific and can be confused with other disease processes, including malignancy. The patient demographics, clinical history, and location are clues that may lead to a proper diagnosis of endemic fungal disease. The radiologist should be cognizant of the patient location to provide a correct and timely radiologic diagnosis that helps guide the clinician to initiate appropriate therapy. ©RSNA, 2021.The present lack of suitable and efficient graphics creation techniques may place limitations on the career progression and life contentment of blind students. It is challenging for a BVI (Blind and Visually Impaired) person to draw diagrams or art, which are commonly taught in education or used in industry. The SETUP09 graphics creation system was developed to address a need for blind users to be able to create such content and consists of both navigation and computer aided drawing techniques, enabling graphics creation and manipulation through command language and intuitive, matrix-style movement. The technique can facilitate a user's ability to produce art and scientific diagrams electronically. This paper presents a comparative system evaluation of digital versus analogue drawing techniques with early and late blind individuals. Users were tested using different graphics creation tasks to assess the accuracy and efficiency of an analogue drawing technique compared with the digital SETUP09 system. The results confirmed that the SETUP09 compass-based graphics creation technique allows greater accuracy in completing a drawing task, with a noticeable reduction in effort compared to analogue drawing techniques.