By reducing the deaths caused by injury, the life expectancy level is likely to further improve.In the 1980s, during the military dictatorship, Chile was a forerunner in Latin America in radical health system reform, expanding the private sector's participation in health insurance and services provision and influencing reforms in other countries of the region. The article analyzes health policies in Chile from 2000 to 2018, in the context of four democratic government administrations, considering continuities and changes in the policies' development and their conditioning factors. The analytical reference drew on contributions from historical institutionalism. Literature and document searches were performed, besides semi-structured interviews with national policymakers from the period under study. Analysis of the trajectory of health policies in Chile during the democratic period revealed continuities and changes in the agendas and strategies adopted by governments with different political positions. Incremental reforms throughout this period produced progress and improvements in health services access and provision. However, reform proposals to alter the health system's public-private arrangement encountered resistance, and the dual and segmented structure shaped in the 1980s was maintained, with strong private participation. Historical-structural, institutional, and political conditioning factors in State-market relations and the health system's configuration under the dictatorship hindered comprehensive changes in public-private relations in health, producing an example of path dependence and corporate interests' power in the health sector.Neglected tropical diseases constitute a heterogeneous group of diseases that have as a common characteristic to affect poor and unassisted populations with little vocalization capacity and political power. As a result, they receive little attention from the pharmaceutical industry and academia. The present study aimed to summarize the state of the art regarding vaccine development for three relevant neglected tropical diseases in Brazil Chagas disease, schistosomiasis (Schistosoma mansoni), and leishmaniasis. To this end, we conducted a narrative review of the scientific literature, including publications that allowed us to outline a current overview on the vaccine development for the three diseases. Vaccines against the three diseases are in different stages of development. Vaccine development projects against American trypanosomiasis have yet to reach the clinical evaluation phase. For schistosomiasis, we have candidates for the vaccine in the advanced phase of clinical evaluation. For leishmaniasis, there are already licensed veterinary vaccines, and product candidates for human vaccine in the intermediate stage of clinical evaluation. The reduced funding for these projects has contributed to slow product development.Immunization, the most successful public health intervention to date, can only be effective if eligible individuals or their legal representatives have access to vaccines and subsequently comply with their use. Under-vaccination stems from multiple causes access, affordability, awareness, acceptance and activation. In this paper, we focus on acceptance and, specifically, on factors pertaining to individual or parental compliance, specifically the psychology of judgment and decision making. We describe how heuristics and cognitive biases - a facet of thoughts and feelings - affect vaccination decision making. Additionally, we address when and how social processes play a role and how attitudes towards vaccines might reflect a more general underlying attitude or ideology. The understanding of how decision making, with regards to vaccines occurs, and the role played by heuristics and cognitive biases can help inform more appropriate public health interventions.Due to the importance of annual flu vaccination in the elderly, the study aimed to analyze the impact of influenza vaccination on morbidity and mortality from influenza in the elderly from 2010 to 2019 in the major geographic regions of Brazil. This is an ecological epidemiological study with data from the Information System of the National Immunization Program, Hospital Information System, and Mortality Information System, available from the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Data referred to Brazil and its five major regions and included influenza vaccination coverage rates in the elderly and morbidity and mortality from causes related to influenza and pneumonia in the elderly. Simple linear regression models were used to study the relationship between morbidity and mortality and vaccination coverage rates. There was an increase in vaccination coverage during the period, and the target of 80% coverage was reached in all the regions since 2011. A directly proportional statistical association was identified between the study variables, and the increase in vaccination coverage was associated with an increase in morbidity and mortality from the target causes. These data may be related to reports in the literature showing that the vaccine's effect is modest in the elderly. However, the rates' calculation does not take the population's aging into account, using data from outdated census estimates. Besides, the hospitalization and mortality data may include other circulating viruses and bacteria besides influenza. The maintenance of high vaccination coverage may prevent the impact of influenza from being even higher on morbidity and mortality in the elderly.Serum and DNA samples from 15 naturally infected calves in Seropédica, Brazil, were obtained quarterly from birth to 12 months of age, in order to longitudinally evaluate their humoral immune response against Babesia bovis and the merozoite surface antigen diversity of B. bovis. Anti-B. bovis IgG antibodies were detected by an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Using DNA amplification, sequencing and phylogenetic analysis, the genetic diversity of B. bovis was assessed based on the genes that encode merozoite surface antigens (MSA-1, MSA-2b and MSA-2c). The serological results demonstrated that up to six months of age, all the calves developed active immunity against B. bovis. Among the 75 DNA samples evaluated, 0, 3 and 5 sequences of the msa-1, msa-2b and msa-2c genes were obtained, respectively. The present study demonstrated that the msa-2b and msa-2c gene sequences amplified from blood DNA of B. bovis-positive calves were genetically diversified. These data emphasize the importance of conducting deeper studies on the genetic diversity of B.