This indicates that recharge for a heterogeneous profile cannot be estimated with an equivalent homogeneous profile. The value of μR was always smaller than μI and correlations were highly non-linear due to vadose zone storage. Knowledge of only infiltration volume can, therefore, lead to misinterpretation of recharge efficiency, especially at earlier times. The arrival time of the wetting front at the bottom boundary (60 m) ranged from 21-317 days, with earlier times occurring for increasing σ and Z. The corresponding first arrival location can be 0.1-44 m away from the bottom releasing point of a drywell in the horizontal direction, with greater distances occurring for increasing σ and X. This knowledge is important to accurately assess drywell recharged performance, water quantity, and water quality.In this work, a broadly-applicable and simple approach for building high accuracy viscosity correlations is demonstrated for propane. The approach is based on the combination of a number of recent insights related to the use of residual entropy scaling, especially a new way of scaling the viscosity for consistency with the dilute-gas limit. With three adjustable parameters in the dense phase, the primary viscosity data for propane are predicted with a mean absolute relative deviation of 1.38%, and 95% of the primary data are predicted within a relative error band of less than 5%. The dimensionality of the dense-phase contribution is reduced from the conventional two dimensional approach (temperature and density) to a one-dimensional correlation with residual entropy as the independent variable. The simplicity of the model formulation ensures smooth extrapolation behavior (barring errors in the equation of state itself). The approach proposed here should be applicable to a wide range of chemical species. The supporting information includes the relevant data in tabular form and a Python implementation of the mod