act on the leading cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6) and/or cytokine receptors such as tocilizumab, should be administered as well. Finally, melatonin may also have supportive effects for cytokine release syndrome, resulting in mitochondrial function improvement. This paper will further explore these subjects with reports mostly from China and Europe.The Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LI-RADS) is a comprehensive system for standardizing liver imaging in patients at risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We aimed to determine the diagnostic performance of LI-RADS category 5 (LR5) for diagnosing HCC and LI-RADS category M (LRM) for characterizing other non-HCC malignancies (OM) using contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) and computed tomography (CT)/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Multiple databases were searched for articles evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of CEUS LI-RADS and/or CT/MRI LI-RADS. A random-effects model was adopted to synthesize the summary estimates of the diagnostic accuracy of LR5 for diagnosing HCC and LRM for characterizing OM using CEUS and CT/MRI. The pooled sensitivity and specificity of CEUS LR5 for the diagnosis of HCC were 69% and 93%, respectively. The pooled sensitivity was 67% and the specificity, 93% of CT/MRI LR5 for HCC diagnosis. There was no significant difference between the overall diagnostic accuracy for HCC diagnosis of CEUS LR5 and that of CT/MRI LR5 in terms of diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) (p = 0.55). The sensitivity was 84% with a specificity of 90% in the CEUS LRM for characterizing OM, while the sensitivity and specificity of CT/MRI LRM for characterizing OM was 63% and 95%. The DOR of CEUS LRM for characterizing OM was higher than that of CT/MRI LRM without significant difference (50.59 vs. 36.06, p = 0.34). This meta-analysis indicated that CEUS LI-RADS is qualified to characterize HCC and OM and may provide complementary information on liver nodules to CT/MRI LI-RADS.A new original procedure based on k-means clustering is designed to find the most appropriate clinical variables able to efficiently separate into groups similar patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2) and underlying diseases (arterial hypertonia (AH), ischemic heart disease (CHD), diabetic polyneuropathy (DPNP), and diabetic microangiopathy (DMA)). Clustering is a machine learning tool for discovering structures in datasets. Clustering has been proven to be efficient for pattern recognition based on clinical records. The considered combinatorial k-means procedure explores all possible k-means clustering with a determined number of descriptors and groups. The predetermined conditions for the partitioning were as follows every single group of patients included patients with DMT2 and one of the underlying diseases; each subgroup formed in such a way was subject to partitioning into three patterns (good health status, medium health status, and degenerated health status); optimal descriptors for each disease and groups. The selection of the best clustering is obtained through the parameter called global variance, defined as the sum of all variance values of all clinical variables of all the clusters. The best clinical parameters are found by minimizing this global variance. This methodology has to identify a set of variables that are assumed to separate each underlying disease efficiently in three different subgroups of patients. The hierarchical clustering obtained for these four underlying diseases could be used to build groups of patients with correlated clinical data. The proposed methodology gives surmised results from complex data based on a relationship with the health status of the group and draws a picture of the prediction rate of the ongoing health status.The objective of this paper is to compare conventional, ultrasound, microwave, and French press methods for the extraction of antioxidant compounds from Decatropis bicolor in an aqueous medium. This plant is widely used in Mexican traditional medicine for breast cancer treatment. Despite that, there are few studies on D. bicolor. Two response surface designs were applied to establish the best conditions of the liberation of antioxidants from D. bicolor, which were determined by DPPH• and Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) techniques. The total phenolic content was evaluated by the Folin-Ciocalteu method. The results showed that D. bicolor is a source of antioxidants (669-2128 mg ET/100 g and 553-1920 mg EFe2+/100 g, respectively) and phenolic compounds (2232-9929 mg EGA/100 g). Among the physical factors that were analyzed, the temperature was the determinant factor to liberate the compounds of interest by using low concentrations of the sample and short times of extraction. The French press was the most efficient method, obtaining values of antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds even higher than those reported by using extraction methods with solvents such as methanol.After tooth extraction, the alveolar bone undergoes a physiological resorption that may compromise the future placement of the implant in its ideal position. This study evaluated bone density, morphological changes, and histomorphometric results undergone by alveolar bone after applying a new biomaterial composed of calcium phosphate modified with silicon (CAPO-Si) compared with hydroxyapatite of bovine origin (BHA). Alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) was performed in 24 alveoli, divided into a test group filled with CAPO-Si and a control group filled with BHA. Three months later, the mineral bone density obtained by the biomaterials, horizontal and vertical bone loss, the degree of alveolar corticalization, and histomorphometric results were evaluated. Both biomaterials presented similar behavior in terms of densitometric results, vertical bone loss, and degree of alveolar corticalization. Alveoli treated with CAPO-Si showed less horizontal bone loss in comparison with alveoli treated with BHA (0.99 ± 0.2 mm vs. 1.3 ± 0.3 mm), with statistically significant difference (p = 0.017). Histomorphometric results showed greater bone neoformation in the test group than the control group (23 ± 15% vs. 11 ± 7%) (p = 0.039) and less residual biomaterial (5 ± 10% vs. 17 ± 13%) (p = 0.043) with statistically significant differences. In conclusion, the ARP technique obtains better results with CAPO-Si than with BHA.