Furthermore, we found that most null models systematically underestimated the observed joint effects, with only the Stressor Addition model showing a bias for overestimation. Finally, we found that the intensity of individual stressors was the strongest predictor of the magnitude of the joint effect across all null models. As a result, studies characterizing the effects of individuals stressors are still required for accurate prediction of mortality resulting from multiple stressors.Age at first reproduction constitutes a key life-history trait in animals and is evolutionarily shaped by fitness benefits and costs of delayed versus early reproduction. The understanding of how intrinsic and extrinsic changes affects age at first reproduction is crucial for conservation and management of threatened species because of its demographic effects on population growth and generation time. For a period of 40 years in the Scandinavian wolf (Canis lupus) population, including the recolonization phase, we estimated age at first successful reproduction (pup survival to at least three weeks of age) and examined how the variation among individuals was explained by sex, population size (from 1 to 74 packs), primiparous or multiparous origin, reproductive experience of the partner and inbreeding. Median age at first reproduction was 3 years for females (n = 60) and 2 years for males (n = 74), and ranged between 1 and 8-10 years of age (n = 297). Female age at first reproduction decreased with increasing population size, and increased with higher levels of inbreeding. The probability for males to reproduce later first decreased, reaching its minimum when the number of territories approached 40-60, and then increased with increasing population size. Inbreeding for males and reproductive experience of parents and partners for both sexes had overall weak effects on age at first reproduction. These results allow for more accurate parameter estimates when modelling population dynamics for management and conservation of small and vulnerable wolf populations, and show how humans through legal harvest and illegal hunting influence an important life-history trait like age at first reproduction.Words are the building blocks of communicating science. As our understanding of the world progresses, scientific disciplines naturally enrich their specialized vocabulary (jargon). However, in the era of interdisciplinarity, the use of jargon may hinder effective communication among scientists that do not share a common scientific background. The question of how jargon limits the transmission of scientific knowledge has long been debated but rarely addressed quantitatively. We explored the relationship between the use of jargon and citations, using 21 486 articles focusing on cave research, a multidisciplinary field particularly prone to terminological specialization, and where linguistic disagreement among peers is frequent. We demonstrate a significant negative relationship between the proportion of jargon words in the title and abstract and the number of citations a paper receives. Given that these elements are the hook to readers, we urge scientists to restrict jargon to sections of the paper where its use is unavoidable.Ecological divergence is a fundamental source of phenotypic diversity between closely related species, yet the genetic architecture of most ecologically relevant traits is poorly understood. Differences in elevation can impose substantial divergent selection on both complex, correlated suites of traits (such as life-history), as well as novel adaptations. We use the Mimulus guttatus species complex to assess if the divergence in elevation is accompanied by trait divergence in a group of closely related perennials and determine the genetic architecture of this divergence. We find that divergence in elevation is associated with differences in life-history, as well as a unique trait, the production of rhizomes. The divergence between two perennials is largely explained by few mid-to-large effect quantitative trait loci (QTLs). However, the presence of QTLs with correlated, but opposing effects on multiple traits leads to some hybrids with transgressive trait combinations. Lastly, we find that the genetic architecture of the ability to produce rhizomes changes through development, wherein most hybrids produce rhizomes, but only later in development. Our results suggest that elevational differences may shape life-history divergence between perennials, but aspects of the genetic architecture of divergence may have implications for hybrid fitness in nature.Species that are distributed over wide geographical ranges are likely to encounter a greater diversity of environmental conditions than do narrowly distributed taxa, and thus we expect a correlation between size of geographical range and breadth of physiological tolerances to abiotic challenges. That correlation could arise either because higher physiological capacity enables range expansion, or because widely distributed taxa experience more intense (but spatially variable) selection on physiological tolerances. The invasion of oceanic habitats by amniotic vertebrates provides an ideal system with which to test the predicted correlation between range size and physiological tolerances, because all three lineages that have secondarily moved into marine habitats (mammals, birds, reptiles) exhibit morphological and physiological adaptations to excrete excess salt. Our analyses of data on 62 species (19 mammals, 18 birds, 24 reptiles) confirm that more-widely distributed taxa encounter habitats with a wider range of salinities, and that they have higher osmoregulatory ability as determined by sodium concentrations in fluids expelled from salt-excreting organs. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/SRT1720.html This result remains highly significant even in models that incorporate additional explanatory variables such as metabolic mode, body size and dietary habits. Physiological data thus may help to predict potential range size and perhaps a species' vulnerability to anthropogenic disturbance.Nervous systems across Animalia not only share a common blueprint at the biophysical and molecular level, but even between diverse groups of animals the structure and neuronal organization of several brain regions are strikingly conserved. Despite variation in the morphology and complexity of eyes across malacostracan crustaceans, many studies have shown that the organization of malacostracan optic lobes is highly conserved. Here, we report results of divergent evolution to this 'neural ground pattern' discovered in hyperiid amphipods, a relatively small group of holopelagic malacostracan crustaceans that possess an unusually wide diversity of compound eyes. We show that the structure and organization of hyperiid optic lobes has not only diverged from the malacostracan ground pattern, but is also highly variable between closely related genera. Our findings demonstrate a variety of trade-offs between sensory systems of hyperiids and even within the visual system alone, thus providing evidence that selection has modified individual components of the central nervous system to generate distinct combinations of visual centres in the hyperiid optic lobes.