Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) consists of various autoimmune subtypes in which the peripheral nervous system (PNS) is attacked. CIDP can follow a relapsing-remitting or progressive course where the resultant demyelination caused by immune cells (e.g., T cells, macrophages) and antibodies can lead to disability in patients. Importantly, the age of CIDP patients has a role in their symptomology and specific variants have been associated with differing ages of onset. Furthermore, older patients have a decreased frequency of functional recovery after CIDP insult. This may be related to perturbations in immune cell populations that could exacerbate the disease with increasing age. In the present review, the immune profile of typical CIDP will be discussed followed by inferences into the potential role of relevant aging immune cell populations. Atypical variants will also be briefly reviewed followed by an examination of the available studies on the immunology underlying them. "Loss-of-only-child family" refers to the family in which the only child died and the mother has passed her child-bearing age. The parents who are unable to reproduce or do not foster other children are known as "shidu parents" in China. This study aimed to estimate the quality of life (QOL) and the mediating role of social support between perceived stress and QOL in Chinese shidu parents. 502 shidu parents were recruited in Shenyang city. Shidu parents were asked to complete a questionnaire including the MOS item short from health survey (SF-36), the perceived stress scale-10 (PSS-10) and the functional social support questionnaire (FSSQ). Hierarchical linear regression was performed to assess the associations among perceived stress, social support and QOL. Asymptotic and resampling strategies were used to explore the mediating role of social support. The mean score of PCS and MCS was 64.83 ± 22.66 and 59.36 ± 21.83, respectively. Perceived stress was found to be negatively associated with both PCS (β =  - 0.21, p < 0.001) and MCS (β =  - 0.28, p < 0.001), while social support was positively associated with both PCS (β = 0.32, p < 0.001) and MCS (β = 0.32, p < 0.001). For shidu parents, the proportion of mediation of social support between perceived stress and QOL was 36.85% for PCS and 29.45% for MCS, respectively. Perceived stress was associated with QOL and social support had a partially mediating effect between perceived stress and QOL in Chinese shidu parents. Low PCS and MCS of shidu parents highlight the need of timely developing interventions to reduce stress and reinforce social support to further improve their QOL. Perceived stress was associated with QOL and social support had a partially mediating effect between perceived stress and QOL in Chinese shidu parents. Low PCS and MCS of shidu parents highlight the need of timely developing interventions to reduce stress and reinforce social support to further improve their QOL.The circadian clock is an endogenous timekeeper system that controls and optimizes biological processes, which are consistent with a master circadian clock and peripheral clocks and are controlled by various genes. Notably, the disruption of circadian clock genes has been identified to affect a wide range of ailments, including cancers. The cancer-immunity cycle is composed of seven major steps, namely cancer cell antigen release and presentation, priming and activation of effector immunity cells, trafficking, and infiltration of immunity to tumors, and elimination of cancer cells. Existing evidence indicates that the circadian clock functions as a gate that govern many aspects of the cancer-immunity cycle. In this review, we highlight the importance of the circadian clock during tumorigenesis, and discuss the potential role of the circadian clock in the cancer-immunity cycle. A comprehensive understanding of the regulatory function of the circadian clock in the cancer-immunity cycle holds promise in developing new strategies for the treatment of cancer. Video Abstract. This paper critically discusses the use and merits of global indices, in particular, the Global Health Security Index (GHSI; Cameron et al. https// ) in times of an imminent crisis, such as the current pandemic. This index ranked 195 countries according to their expected preparedness in the case of a pandemic or other biological threat. The coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic provides the background to compare each country's predicted performance from the GHSI with the actual performance. In general, there is an inverted relation between predicted versus actual performance, i.e. the predicted top performers are among those that are the worst hit. Obviously, this reflects poorly on the potential policy uses of this index in imminent crisis management. The paper analyses the GHSI and identifies why it may have struggled to predict actual pandemic preparedness as evidenced by the Covid-19 pandemic. The paper also uses two different data sets, one from the Worldmeter oistics are suggested, which may be more useful than a global index. From the analysis, the question is raised if the policy community might have better tools for decision-making in a pandemic. On the basis of data from the INGSA Evidence-to-Policy Tracker, and with backing in studies from social psychology and philosophy of science, some simple heuristics are suggested, which may be more useful than a global index. The skin wound healing process is regulated by various cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors. Recent reports have demonstrated that spermine/spermidine (SPD) promote wound healing through urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA)/uPA receptor (uPAR) signaling in vitro. Here, we investigated whether the systemic and topical administration of SPD would accelerate the skin wound-repair process in vivo. A skin wound repair model was established using C57BL/6J mice. SPD was mixed with white petrolatum for topical administration. For systemic administration, SPD mixed with drinking water was orally administered. Changes in wound size over time were calculated using digital photography. Systemic and topical SPD treatment significantly accelerated skin wound healing. The administration of SPD promoted the uPA/uPAR pathway in wound sites. Moreover, topical treatment with SPD enhanced the expression of IL-6 and TNF-α in wound sites. Scratch and cell proliferation assays revealed that SPD administration accelerated scratch wound closure and cell proliferation in vitro.