In vertebrates, DNA methylation predominantly occurs at CG dinucleotides however, widespread non-CG methylation (mCH) has been reported in mammalian embryonic stem cells and in the brain. In mammals, mCH is found at CAC trinucleotides in the nervous system, where it is associated with transcriptional repression, and at CAG trinucleotides in embryonic stem cells, where it positively correlates with transcription. Moreover, CAC methylation appears to be a conserved feature of adult vertebrate brains. Unlike any of those methylation signatures, here we describe a novel form of mCH that occurs in the TGCT context within zebrafish mosaic satellite repeats. TGCT methylation is inherited from both male and female gametes, remodelled during mid-blastula transition, and re-established during gastrulation in all embryonic layers. Moreover, we identify DNA methyltransferase 3ba (Dnmt3ba) as the primary enzyme responsible for the deposition of this mCH mark. Finally, we observe that TGCT-methylated repeats are specifically associated with H3K9me3-marked heterochromatin suggestive of a functional interplay between these two gene-regulatory marks. Altogether, this work provides insight into a novel form of vertebrate mCH and highlights the substrate diversity of vertebrate DNA methyltransferases. Despite the use of service learning in other health care education programs, little is published about its use in doctor of chiropractic programs. Since 2017, the public health course at our institution has included a service-learning assignment in which students volunteer for nonprofit organizations and write an essay about their experience. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of the assignment on students' self-reported public health knowledge and attitudes. Between April 2017 and June 2018, 56 essays were collected from students who volunteered at a nonprofit organization focused on 3 categories youth, the environment, or poverty. Each essay was deidentified and assigned random 4-digit-number file names. Ten files were randomly selected from each of the 3 categories for qualitative thematic analysis using deductive and inductive coding. Student essays demonstrated competency in public health concepts, including organizational systems, levels of prevention, and the social ecological model. In addition, a majority of the students went beyond discussing knowledge gained from this assignment and described the impact of their experience on their personal growth. This study demonstrates that students respond favorably to a service-learning assignment that addresses public health competencies and may foster personal and professional development. This study demonstrates that students respond favorably to a service-learning assignment that addresses public health competencies and may foster personal and professional development.Various global public health agencies recommend minimizing exposure to sweet-tasting foods or beverages. The underlying rationale is that reducing exposure to the perception of sweet tastes, without regard to the source of sweetness, may reduce preferences for sweetness, added sugar intake, caloric intake, and body weight. However, the veracity of this sequence of outcomes has yet to be documented, as revealed by findings from recent systematic reviews on the topic. Efforts to examine and document the effects of sweetness exposure are needed to support evidence-based recommendations. They require a generally agreed-upon methodology for measuring sweetness in foods, beverages, and the overall diet. Although well-established sensory evaluation techniques exist for individual foods in laboratory settings, they are expensive and time-consuming, and agreement on the optimal approach for measuring the sweetness of the total diet is lacking. If such a measure could be developed, it would permit researchers to combine data from different studies and populations and facilitate the design and conduct of new studies to address unresolved research questions about dietary sweetness. This narrative review includes an overview of available sensory techniques, their strengths and limitations, recent efforts to measure the sweetness of foods and diets across countries and cultures, and a proposed future direction for improving methods for measuring sweetness toward developing the data required to support evidence-based recommendations around dietary sweetness. To quantify the risk of death among people with rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases (RAIRD) during the UK 2020 COVID-19 pandemic compared with the general population, and compared with their pre-COVID risk. We conducted a cohort study in Hospital Episode Statistics for England from 2003 onwards, and linked data from the NHS Personal Demographics Service. We used ONS published data for general population mortality rates. We included 168 691 people with a recorded diagnosis of RAIRD alive on 1 March 2020. Their median age was 61.7 (IQR 41.5-75.4) years, and 118 379 (70.2%) were female. Our case ascertainment methods had a positive predictive value of 85%. A total of 1815 (1.1%) participants died during March and April 2020. The age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR) among people with RAIRD (3669.3; 95% CI 3500.4, 3838.1 per 100 000 person-years) was 1.44 (95% CI 1.42, 1.45) times higher than the average ASMR during the same months of the previous 5 years, whereas in the general population of England it was 1.38 times higher. Age-specific mortality rates in people with RAIRD compared with the pre-COVID rates were higher from the age of 35 upwards, whereas in the general population the increased risk began from age 55 upwards. Women had a greater increase in mortality rates during COVID-19 compared with men. The risk of all-cause death is more prominently raised during COVID-19 among people with RAIRD than among the general population. We urgently need to quantify how much risk is due to COVID-19 infection and how much is due to disruption to health-care services. The risk of all-cause death is more prominently raised during COVID-19 among people with RAIRD than among the general population. We urgently need to quantify how much risk is due to COVID-19 infection and how much is due to disruption to health-care services.