In detail, PE and HE inhibited the NF-κB pathway, whereas EE exerted anti-inflammatory activity via the Nrf2/NF-κB pathways. The aforementioned results showed the anti-inflammatory mechanism of EYO. These findings might be beneficial to clinical applications of EYO. The aforementioned results showed the anti-inflammatory mechanism of EYO. These findings might be beneficial to clinical applications of EYO.Nerve agents are highly toxic organophosphorus compounds that inhibit acetylcholinesterase resulting in rapid accumulation of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) causing a cholinergic syndrome including respiratory failure. In the present study, respiratory responses and antimuscarinic treatment efficacy was evaluated ex vivo using rat precision-cut lung slices (PCLS) exposed to the nerve agent VX. The respiratory effects were evaluated either by adding exogenous ACh directly to the culture medium or by applying electric-field stimulation (EFS) to the PCLS to achieve a release of endogenous ACh from neurons in the lung tissue. The airway contraction induced by both methods was enhanced by VX and resulted in lingering airway recovery, in particular when airways were exposed to a high VX-dose. Both contractions induced by EFS and exogenously added ACh were significantly reduced by administration of the antimuscarinic drugs atropine or scopolamine. Two additions of atropine or scopolamine after maximal ACh-induced airway response was demonstrated effective to reverse the contraction. By adding consecutive doubled doses of antimuscarinics, high efficiency to reduce the cholinergic airway response was observed. However, the airways were not completely recovered by atropine or scopolamine, indicating that non-muscarinic mechanisms were involved in the smooth muscle contractions. In conclusion, it was demonstrated that antimuscarinic treatment reversed airway contraction induced by VX but supplemental pharmacological interventions are needed to fully recover the airways. Further studies should therefore clarify the mechanisms of physiological responses in lung tissue following nerve agent exposures to improve the medical management of poisoned individuals.The early characterization of ligands at the dopamine and serotonin transporters, DAT and SERT, respectively, is important for drug discovery, forensic sciences, and drug abuse research. 4-Methyl amphetamine (4-MA) is a good example of an abused drug whose overdose can be fatal. It is a potent substrate at DAT and SERT where its simplest secondary amine (N-methyl 4-MA) retains substrate activity at them. In contrast, N-n-butyl 4-MA is very weak, therefore it was categorized as inactive at these transporters. Here, N-octyl 4-MA and other related compounds were synthesized, and their activities were evaluated at DAT and SERT. To expedite this endeavor, cells expressing DAT or SERT were co-transfected with a voltage-gated Ca2+ channel and, the genetically-encoded Ca2+ sensor, GCaMP6s. Control compounds and the newly synthesized molecules were tested on these cells using an automated multi-well fluorescence plate reader; substrates and inhibitors were identified successfully at DAT and SERT. N-Octyl 4-MA and three bivalent compounds were inhibitors at these transporters. These findings were validated by measuring Ca2+-mobilization using quantitative fluorescence microscopy. The bivalent molecules were the most potent of the series and were further characterized in an uptake-inhibition assay. Compared to cocaine, they showed comparable potency inhibiting uptake at DAT and higher potency at SERT. These observations support a previous hypothesis that amphetamine-related (and, here, N-extended alkyl and) bivalent arylalkylamine molecules are active at monoamine transporters, showing potent activity as reuptake inhibitors, and implicate the involvement of a distant auxiliary binding feature to account for their actions at DAT and SERT.The main objective of this paper is to elucidate the influence of drug-carrier compatibility and preparation method on the properties of Paclitaxel (PTX)-loaded lipid liquid crystalline nanoparticles (LLCNs). Here, glyceryl monooleate (GMO), glycerol monolinoleate (GML), glyceryl monolinolenate (GMLO) were selected as the lipids, and Soluplus, Poloxamer 407 (P407), Tween 80 were selected as the stabilizer to prepare LLCNs. First of all, PTX-carrier compatibility was screened by molecular dynamic simulation using Flory-Huggins interaction parameter as the criteria. Thereafter, PTX-loaded LLCNs were prepared under different energy input conditions and were characterized. Influence of lipid type, stabilizer type, drug-lipid ratio and preparation method on properties of the LLCNs was explored. It was found that both lipid and stabilizer type had significant influence on drug encapsulation efficiency. Compared to the LLCNs prepared under high energy condition, PTX-loaded LLCN prepared under low energy input had higher drug encapsulation efficiency, smaller particle size (211.6 nm versus 346.8 nm) and a sustained release behavior. In conclusion, molecular dynamic simulation is an effective tool to select the most appropriate composition of LLCNs for a specific drug substance, and LLCNs prepared using low energy input methods was particularly applicable for industrial manufacture.Protein abundance data of drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters (DMETs) are broadly applicable to the characterization of in vitro and in vivo models, in vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE), and interindividual variability prediction. However, the emerging need of DMET quantification in small sample volumes such as organ-on a chip effluent, organoids, and biopsies requires ultrasensitive protein quantification methods. We present an ultrasensitive method that relies on an optimized sample preparation approach involving acetone precipitation coupled with a microflow-based liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (µLC-MS/MS) for the DMET quantification using limited sample volume or protein concentration, i.e., liver tissues (1-100 mg), hepatocyte counts (~4000 to 1 million cells), and microsomal protein concentration (0.01-1 mg/ml). The method was applied to quantify DMETs in differential tissue S9 fractions (liver, intestine, kidney, lung, and heart) and cryopreserved human intestinal mucosa (i.