Further studies are required to assess the impact of such surgeries on healthcare professionals conducing or assisting with these procedures. This study aimed to culturally validate the FACE-Q - Satisfaction with Facial Appearance Overall Scale (Face-Q SFAOS) in a population of Brazilian rhytidoplasty patients. Authorization for the translation and validation of the questionnaire was obtained from the FACE-Q SFAOS distribution rights holders. The FACE-Q SFAOS was translated and then back-translated. For cultural validation, a total of 57 women were selected 5 to 8 months after undergoing rhytidoplasty. Twenty of them participated in the cultural adaptation, 30 participated in the reproducibility analysis, and 57 participated in the construct validation. The analysis identified two factors (general appearance and face geometry) that exhibited excellent internal consistency. The total satisfaction score, which comprised nine items, also presented excellent internal consistency. Good reproducibility was found for Overall Appearance, Geometry and Total. There was a difference in the satisfaction means (total and factors) between procedure locations; patients undergoing frontal, upper eyelid and lower eyelid procedures were less satisfied than those who did not undergo such procedures. Satisfaction was higher with geometry than with overall face appearance. The FACE-Q SFAOS was adapted to the cultural context of Brazilian rhytidoplasty patients and was reproducible, and the scale exhibited face, content and construct validity. The FACE-Q SFAOS was adapted to the cultural context of Brazilian rhytidoplasty patients and was reproducible, and the scale exhibited face, content and construct validity. We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of microablative fractional radiofrequency (MAFRF) in the non-hormonal treatment of genitourinary syndrome of menopause. We examined the cases of 55 postmenopausal women before and after treatment with regard to their vaginal health index (VHI), vaginal microbiota, vaginal pH, and cell maturation. Three applications of MAFRF were performed in the vagina/vaginal introitus. During the treatment, six vaginal smears were obtained and stained with the Papanicolaou stain for determining the degree of cell maturation and with Gram stain for classification of vaginal flora, as per the criteria of Spiegel and Amsel. For vaginal pH determination, pH indicator strips were applied against the vaginal wall. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS for Windows (version 17.0). Data were reported as mean±standard deviation. The differences were analyzed using the statistical method of generalized estimation equations with autoregressive correlation structure "1" and robust standard errors. The mean age was 59.8±4.2 years, and the mean time of menopause was 15.4±4.5 years. After treatment, there was an increase in the percentage of Lactobacillus spp. (p<0.001). Consequently, there was a progressive decrease in vaginal pH during the treatment (p<0.001). Regarding cell maturation, there was a decrease in the percentage of parabasal cells (p=0.001) and an increase in the rate of superficial cells (p<0.001). Additionally, there was an improvement in the VHI index. The mean VHI values before and after treatment were 13.2±5.6 and 22.5±3.7, respectively (p<0.001). MAFRF treatment is well tolerated and leads to improvement in the vaginal microenvironment. MAFRF treatment is well tolerated and leads to improvement in the vaginal microenvironment.Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis (PsA), and ankylosing spondylitis (AS) are inflammatory diseases with different bone remodeling patterns. Fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) are cells involved in the transition from an acute and reparable phase to a chronic and persistent stage in these diseases. The distinction of joint phenotypes involves inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-17, and IL-22 directly or through key signaling pathways such as Wnt. To evaluate the role of FLS as the source of Wnt antagonists (sFRP3/FRZB and Dkk1) in the synovia, levels of TNF- α, IL-17, IL-22, Dkk1, and sFRP3 were measured by ELISA directly in the synovial fluid of patients with RA, PsA, or AS. Dkk1 and sFRP3 were also measured in the FLS culture supernatants after different inflammatory stimulus. sFRP3 and Dkk1 are constitutively expressed by FLS. IL-22 and sFRP3 were positively correlated (r=0.76; P less then 0.01) in synovial fluid. The stimulation of FLS with IL-22, but not TNF-alpha and IL-17, increased the production of sFRP3. No stimulus altered the basal expression of Dkk1. These results showed, for the first time, the ability of IL-22 to increase the expression of sFRP3/FRZB by human FLS in both in vitro and ex vivo models. This finding linked IL-22 to local inhibition of Wnt signaling and possibly to blockade of osteogenesis. Furthermore, FLS presented as a source of this inhibitor in synovial fluid, assigning to this cell a bone injury mechanism.Our study attempted to compare the efficacies of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) 2, 6, and 9 in inducing osteogenic differentiation of preodontoblasts (PDBs). We immortalized PDBs by introducing a reversible SV40 T antigen-based immortalization system. Cell proliferation capability was examined by the 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2-H-tetrazolium bromide assay. The effects of BMP2, 6, and 9 on the osteogenic differentiation of immortalized preodontoblasts (iPDBs) were measured by alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity assays and alizarin red S staining. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/DMXAA(ASA404).html The expression of osteogenic markers was evaluated by semiquantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis. To assess ectopic bone formation, rat-derived iPDBs were transfected in culture with adenoviral vectors designated Ad-BMP2, 6, and 9 and subcutaneously or intramuscularly injected into mice. Several BMPs retained endogenous expression in PDBs and regulated the mRNA expression of mineralized tissue-associated proteins. ALP activity and mineralized nodule formation were significantly increased in the Ad-BMP9-transfected group relative to the control group. In addition, the most significant hard tissue formation was in this group. The results indicated that BMP signaling was involved in the osteogenic differentiation of iPDBs. BMP9 could be an efficacious accelerant of the osteogenic differentiation of iPDBs.