y presents a model that integrates clinicoradiological predictors and CT-based radiomics signature that could provide a preoperative individualized prediction of EVIT in patients with HCC. Surgical training includes the development of technical and nontechnical skills. While technical skills are more easily quantified, nontechnical skills such as situation awareness (SA) are more difficult to measure and quantify. This study investigated the relationships between different SA elements and expertise. Twenty attending and resident surgeons rated their anticipation of an impending adverse event while watching 20 videos of laparoscopic cholecystectomies with and without adverse events. After watching each video, they assessed surgeon skills and self-assessed their anticipation ratings. All participants answered a general confidence questionnaire before and after the study. Videos with adverse events led to significantly higher anticipation of adverse events (P<0.001), lower surgeon skill rating (P<0.001), and higher self-assessment in their anticipation ratings (P<0.001) across both participant groups. General confidence was significantly lower for residents than that for attending sss.Social mammals with more numerous and stronger social relationships live longer, healthier lives. Despite the established importance of social relationships, our understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms by which they are pursued, formed, and maintained in primates remains largely confined to highly controlled laboratory settings which do not allow natural, dynamic social interactions to unfold. In this review, we argue that the neurobiological study of primate social behavior would benefit from adopting a neuroethological approach, that is, a perspective grounded in natural, species-typical behavior, with careful selection of animal models according to the scientific question at hand. We highlight macaques and marmosets as key animal models for human social behavior and summarize recent findings in the social domain for both species. We then review pioneering studies of dynamic social behaviors in small animals, which can inspire studies in larger primates where the technological landscape is now ripe for an ethological overhaul.This work aims to propose new standards to assess the degree of sediment contamination in saline and brackish environments, since the legislation currently used in Brazil is based on Canadian/American regulations, which do not comply with the conditions in Brazil. This study is based on geochemical analyses of 340 surface sediment samples collected in the Green Coast region (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), including Mangaratiba, Angra dos Reis and Ribeira coves and Ilha Grande and Sepetiba bays. This region is influenced by industrial, harbor, urban and tourist activities and was affected by a dam rupture episode that released contaminated material. The results show heterogeneity in the distribution and range of metal concentrations in the study area depending on the supply of metals from natural and anthropogenic sources. Environmental characteristics such as coastal and tidal currents, water temperature and salinity, local depth, sediment grain size, sedimentary dynamics and biogeochemical processes influence the dispersion or retention of metals. The pollution load index (PLI) suggests that Sepetiba Bay is the region with the most environmental degradation due to anthropogenic contamination. In this context, we propose the establishment of new levels of contamination according to the Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, V and Zn concentrations in sediments of salt and brackish waters, considering I) background level; II) level 1 - with anthropogenic influence; and III) level 2 - contaminated. The results of this work also suggest that, except for zinc, the range of metal concentrations admitted by Brazilian legislation are quite permissive and not adequate for Brazilian coastal environments.Previous studies suggested that childhood trauma and a disturbed serotonergic neurotransmission are involved in the pathogenesis of alexithymia. Specifically, genetic polymorphisms of the serotonin receptors 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A were found to be associated with alexithymia. However, it is unclear whether these factors show main or interaction effects with childhood trauma on alexithymia. Data from two independent general-population cohorts of the Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP-Trend N=3,706, Age range=20-83, 51.6% female, SHIP-LEGEND N=2,162, Age range=20-80, 52.5% female) were used. The Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 (TAS-20) and the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) were applied. Genotypes of rs6295 of 5-HT1A and rs6311 of 5-HT2A were determined. Ordinary least-squared regression models with robust standard errors were applied to investigate associations of the main and interaction effects of childhood maltreatment and the polymorphisms with alexithymia. Childhood trauma, but none of the investigated polymorphisms showed main effects on alexithymia. However, childhood trauma showed significant CTQ sum score x rs6295 interactions in male subjects in both samples such that the presence of the G-allele diminished the CTQ associated increase in the TAS-20 sum scores. Our results support a strong role of early life stress and interactions with rs6295 on alexithymic personality features at least in male subjects.Patients with schizophrenia have altered visual cognition and retinal functions. No studies have explored if retinal anomalies are related to visual cognition and the presence of visual hallucinations (VH). We explored functional responses of the retinal ganglion cells in schizophrenia patients with or without VH and conducted a neuropsychological evaluation to explore the links between cognition and retinal function. The VH+ group showed poorer visual cognition and we found correlations between the amplitudes of the P50 and the N95 waves and visual cognition. Our results provide arguments for a link between retinal dysfunction, impaired visual processing and VH in schizophrenia. Automatic segmentation of retinal blood vessels makes a major contribution in CADx of various ophthalmic and cardiovascular diseases. A procedure to segment thin and thick retinal vessels is essential for medical analysis and diagnosis of related diseases. In this article, a novel methodology for robust vessel segmentation is proposed, handling the existing challenges presented in the literature. The proposed methodology consists of three stages, pre-processing, main processing, and post-processing. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/nx-1607.html The first stage consists of applying filters for image smoothing. The main processing stage is divided into two configurations, the first to segment thick vessels through the new optimized top-hat, homomorphic filtering, and median filter. Then, the second configuration is used to segment thin vessels using the proposed optimized top-hat, homomorphic filtering, matched filter, and segmentation using the MCET-HHO multilevel algorithm. Finally, morphological image operations are carried out in the post-processing stage.