The results showed that STING has an ability to activate ISRE signaling, MyD88, RIPK2 and ASC possess NF-κB signal activity, while TRIF and MAVS can activate both. Furthermore, the mutual signaling effects were assessed by NF-κB and ISRE dual-luciferase reporter assay in the co-expression experiments. STING was shown to enhance MAVS activated NF-κB signaling and MyD88 could heighten STING activated ISRE signaling. However, all other adaptors inhibited each other to varying degrees. The work provides a global insight of porcine innate immune signaling pathways and their interaction network. Defined as the union of two adjacent digits, syndactyly is one of the most common congenital deformities. The severity of the malformation depends on the fusion level, the tissues involved in the union, and whether it is isolated or syndromic. In order to improve the hand's appearance and function, surgery is recommended in the great majority of cases, ideally during early childhood (i.e., before entering school). Web space reconstruction is done using local flaps. Depending on the flap design, digital resurfacing can be done with or without skin grafts. While graftless techniques have shorter operating times and no morbidity associated with skin harvesting, their cosmetic outcomes seem to be worse than those of traditional grafting techniques, with more postoperative complications; furthermore, such techniques cannot be used in all cases, especially those with osteoarticular fusions. When the fingertip is involved, paronychial reconstruction is carried out with pulp flaps. The prognosis for these deformities directly depends on their severity, with excellent outcomes in cases of cutaneous fusion, and much less predictable ones when osteoarticular and/or tendinous tissues are involved. Photo-crosslinkable polymers have a great potential for the delivery of sensitive drugs. They allow preparation of drug releasing devices by photo-crosslinking, thus avoiding high processing temperatures. In this study, the hydrolysis behavior and drug release of three different photo-crosslinkable poly(ether anhydride)s and one poly(ester anhydride) were investigated. Three-arm poly(ethylene glycol) or polycaprolactone was reacted with succinic anhydride to obtain carboxylated macromers, and further functionalized with methacrylic anhydride to form methacrylated marcromers with anhydride linkages. The synthetized macromers were used to prepare photo-crosslinked matrices with different hydrolytic degradation times for active agent release purposes. The hydrolysis was clearly pH-sensitive polymer networks degraded slowly in acidic conditions, and degradation rate increased as the pH shifted towards basic conditions. Drug release was studied with two water-soluble model drugs lidocaine (234mol/g) and vitamin B12 (1355g/mol). Vitamin B12 was released mainly due to polymer network degradation, whereas smaller molecule lidocaine was released also through diffusion and swelling of polymer. Only a small amount of vitamin B12 was released in acidic conditions (pH 1.3 and pH 2.1). These polymers have potential in colon targeted drug delivery as the polymer could protect sensitive drugs from acidic conditions in stomach, and the drug would be released as the conditions change closer to neutral pH in the intestine. V.In infant research, various auditory/visual events are often used as attention getters to orient infants to a screen and alert them to upcoming information for their detection, discrimination, and/or recognition. Importantly, the influence of attention-getters on infants' performance has rarely been systematically evaluated, even though these attention cues could be affecting subsequent information processing. This study investigated whether specific attention-getters could prime infants' preferences for infant-directed speech (IDS) compared to adult-directed speech (ADS). Both a non-social and a social prime were chosen with the prediction that the social prime would strengthen infants' attention to IDS on a subsequent trial, but the non-social prime would have no differential effect on subsequent attention to either speech type. A total of 20 12- to 18-month old infants were presented with either a nonsocial (rotating form + chimes) or social (smiling female + voice) prime in an infant-controlled, speech preference procedure with both IDS and ADS speech types. Given previous research, we predicted that infants would show significantly more attention on trials during which looking produced IDS, but that this preference would be significantly augmented for infants in the condition receiving a social attention-getter before each trial. Results did not bear out this prediction, although we found a consistent, robust preference for IDS. The results will be discussed in terms of why these attention getters did not affect subsequent processing of two very different speech types, and what future modifications may be necessary in order to examine roles of attention getters in affecting experimental outcomes in infancy research. A secondary benefit of the findings is that we empirically established a growing preference for IDS in infants as old as 18-months of age. OBJECTIVES Amikacin is the only second-line injectable (SLI) antituberculosis (anti-TB) drug still recommended for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) treatment when a short MDR-TB regimen is designed. Mutations in rrs and eis are reported to be associated with resistance to amikacin. In this study, we investigated the incidence of rrs, eis, tap, and whiB7 mutations in amikacin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates to find the proportion of different mutations related to amikacin resistance. METHODS A total of 395 clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis were performed for phenotypic drug susceptibility testing (DST) to ten drugs with Löwenstein-Jensen (L-J) method. We sequenced rrs, eis, tap, and whiB7 genes in 178 M. tuberculosis clinical isolates (89 amikacin-resistant isolates and 89 out of 306 amikacin-susceptible ones). RESULTS Our data showed 22.53% (89/395) M. tuberculosis clinical isolates were resistant to amikacin. Of the 89 amikacin-resistant isolates, 89.89% (80/89) were MDR-TB of which 12.