Hyperhomocysteinemia is a risk factor for endothelial dysfunction and, consequently, for cardiovascular disease and multiple other conditions. Impairment of homocysteine metabolism is known to occur in thyroid dysfunction. In particular, patients with hypothyroidism have significantly higher homocysteine levels than healthy people. Metabolism of homocysteine occurs in methylation cycle (whose normal functioning is dependent on tissue pools of vitamins B9, B12 and betaine), and also in reactions of trans-sulfonation, where pyridoxal phosphate (a pyridoxine derivative) acts as a coenzyme. AIM The aim of this study was to perform an experimental feasibility assessment of using pyridoxine, betaine, folic acid and cyanocobalamin to correct the methionine and homocysteine metabolism impaired by hyper- and hypothyroidism. MATERIALS AND METHODS Prolonged hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism were modeled in experimental rats by dosing the animals with L-thyroxine and thiamazole, respectively, for 21 days. RESULTS Prolonelial dysfunction in hypothyroidism. © 2020 MEDPRESS.Respiratory diseases are becoming one of the most widespread threats to the world's population. It is important to focus on new public health management mechanisms for the development and promotion of public health at the national and municipal levels. Dysplastic dependent pathology (DDP) of the bronchopulmonary system (BPS) is a group of diseases or conditions, which includes bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), recurrent bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, obliterating bronchiolitis, interstitial lung disease. The formation of the risk of these diseases and pathological conditions is influenced by several (to date, almost unexplored) factors, among which are medico-social, regional ecological and other influential factors of periods of child development. AIM The aim of the study was to substantiate evidence-based (clinically and statistically) algorithm for risk assessment by a set of regional ecological factors relevant for the assessment of the health of children with dysplastic dependent pathology of the bronchlows to document the available significant risk factors and to identify individuals (and homogeneous territorially ontogenetic groups) with high risk of bronchopulmonary system diseases. RESULTS The algorithm verification was carried out among children of two groups and was stated, that the error frequency of the first kind amounted to α=3,0%, while errors of the second kind (low risk with pathology was identified) β=7,2%. Thus, the specificity of the prognostic algorithm is 92,8%, and its efficiency is 97,0%, which enables to recommend it as a stage of population monitoring. CONCLUSIONS Prospects for further research on this issue are determined by the need to develop the algorithms for population and individual prognosis of bronchopulmonary system disease in the antenatal period and at the stages of postnatal ontogeny, considering other informative (medical, organizational, genealogical and anamnestic) factors. © 2020 MEDPRESS.AIM The aim of study was to evaluate structural and biochemical changes in the tissue of intercostal muscles during the early postmortem period (PMP) - 3-13 hours. MATERIALS AND METHODS Absolute and relative values of the concentration of glycogen, acid phosphatase, lactate, lactate degydrogenase, lipofuscin and cholinesterase during the early PMP were determined on 30 human corpses by results of study of the tissue of intercostal muscles. RESULTS It was proved that the early PMP was characterized by proper biochemical and biophysical changes of the muscular tissue, the most demonstrative of them were as follows a reduction in the concentration of glycogen and dynamic increases in the concentrations of lactate dehydrogenase and lipofuscin. For all six biochemical markers, representative absolute and relative values of their popstmortem content in homogenates of intercostal muscles depending upon the prescription of death coming were obtained. It was found out that the concentration of glycogen during the anal those of them that were criterially significant for increasing the accuracy of diagnosis of prescription of death coming. © 2020 MEDPRESS.The modern practice and tactics of forensic medical diagnosis require scientific substantiation of informative diagnostic criteria for assessing the prescription of death coming (PDC), first of all during the early postmortem period (PMP). AIM The aim of the study was an evaluation of the concentration changes of biochemical markers (BCM) in muscular tissue (MT) of the oesophagus during the early postmortem period. MATERIALS AND METHODS MT of the oesophagus within the period of 3-13 hours after the coming of death was studied on 30 human corpses. MT was taken with use of special instruments, MT homogenates were prepared following the standard technique with subsequent determination of BCM content in MT homogenates by the kinetic method using for this purpose test systems. RESULTS Absolute and relative values of the concentrations of glycogen, acid phosphatase, lactate, lactate dehydrogenase, lipofuscin and cholinesterase in MT of the oesophagus in the early PMP (3-13 hours) were determined in 30 human corpseslipofuscin and cholinesterase in MT of the human oesophagus during different time intervals of the early PMP were determined. Tendencies and regularities in the dynamics of changes in BCM of the state of the oesophagus were determined by relative values. It is proved that determinations of such relationships as lipofuscin/glycogen or lipofuscin/cholinesterase within the terms of 9 hours after the moment of death coming are diagnostically significant (and of equal worth). © 2020 MEDPRESS.According to the American Cancer Society, an increasing number of children with newly diagnosed cancer has been observed since 1975. AIM The aim of the study is to present the effects of oncological treatment occurring within the musculoskeletal system and the impact of physical activity on the functional state of a small patient with cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS A systematic review of articles in the PubMed browser from 2009 under the password "childhood cancer rehabilitation" was used in the article. RESULTS Oncological treatment has many negative effects both during and after treatment. Taking chemotherapy or radiation therapy often leads to peripheral neuropathies, pain, muscle weakness, impaired coordination, balance and chronic fatigue. Consequently, this reduces physical activity. Unused muscles begin to diminish, contributing to an increased feeling of weakness during basic daily activities. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/mlt-748.html Research conducted among people who survived cancer in childhood showed that in adult life they are more often exposed to the occurrence of peripheral neuropathies, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.