Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) are essential regulators of plant growth and development, biotic and abiotic stress responses. Inactivation of the auto-inhibitory domain (AID) of CDPKs provides the constitutive activity. This study investigated the effect of overexpressed native and constitutive active (AtCPK1-Ca) forms of the AtCPK1 gene on abiotic stress tolerance and the ROS/redox system in Rubia cordifolia transgenic callus lines. Overexpression of the native AtCPK1 increased tolerance to salinity and cold almost in two times, when AtCPK1-Ca - in three times compare to control culture. A more interesting effect of overexpression of the AtCPK1 and AtCPK1-Ca was observed for heat resistance. The native form of AtCPK1 increased resistance to heating by 45%, while the AtCPK1-Ca increased by 80%. At the same time, another type of mutation of the AID (AtCPK1-Na, not active) did not affect the tolerance of the cell culture to stresses. We suppose, in this process, the ROS/redox system might be involved. Levels of intracellular ROS, ROS-generating enzymes expression and activities (Rbohs, Prx) and ROS-detoxifying enzymes (SOD, Cat, Apx and Prx) changed in a coordinated manner and in strict interconnection, depending of the callus growth phase and correlated with improved stress tolerance caused by AtCPK1. Because overexpression of both the AtCPK1 and AtCPK1-Ca did not significantly change callus growth, we propose that inactivation of AID of the AtCPK1 or its ortholog, might be an interesting instrument for improvement of plant cells resistance to abiotic stress.A digital colour image may be composed of hundreds of thousands of pixels, every pixel exhibiting a single colour. Each colour can be described as a combination of red, green and blue (RGB) components, of discrete values between 0-255. The RGB data contained within the pixels of an image could, therefore, be used to quantitatively establish the colour of nuclear material powders from digital images, particularly for use in nuclear forensics applications, where there is a need for consistent, objective analysis. This paper sets out a standard method for the photography and analysis of digital images of uranium oxide powder, for the objective quantification of colour by mean RGB values. Eight heat treated (up to 550°C) powder samples of studtite ([(UO2)(O2)(H2O)2]·2H2O) were photographed at room temperature and analysed by the RGB method. Hue, saturation and value of the coloured samples were obtained alongside mean RGB values, both of which were used to successfully determine the heating temperatures of unknown specimens of studtite.The development of personality pathology is an interactive process between biologically based susceptibilities, interpersonal patterns, and contextual factors across the lifespan. In this paper, we argue that these interactions begin before birth. We describe the perinatal period (i.e. pregnancy and up to one year postpartum) as a sensitive developmental window during which regulatory and stress response systems that confer risk for personality pathology begin forming. In addition, we present converging evidence for significant associations between perinatal factors and later life personality disorders. Finally, we present this perinatal perspective through the lens of dynamical systems theory and emphasize the promise of this framework for guiding future personality disorder research, prevention, and intervention.The increasing number of nosocomial pathogens with resistances against last resort antibiotics like linezolid leads to a pressing need for the reliable detection of these drug-resistant bacteria. National guidelines on infection prevention, e.g., in Germany, have already recommend screening for linezolid-resistant bacteria, although a corresponding screening agar medium has not been provided. In this study we analyzed the performance and reliability of a commercial, chromogenic linezolid screening agar. The medium was capable to predict more than a hundred linezolid-resistant isolates of E. faecium, E. faecalis, S. aureus, S. epidermidis, and S. hominis with excellent sensitivity and specificity. All isolates were collected at the National Reference Centre between 2010 and 2020. Low back pain (LBP) is highly prevalent in the general population and is responsible for increased health-care costs, pain, impairment of activity, and if chronic, is associated with a range of comorbidities. The purpose of this review was to identify the quantity and assess the quality of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for the treatment and/or management of LBP in adults. MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, and the Guidelines International Network were systematically searched from 2008 to 2018 to identify LBP CPGs. Eligible CPGs were assessed in duplicate using the Appraisal of Guidelines, Research and Evaluation II (AGREE II) instrument across 6 domains scope and purpose, stakeholder involvement, rigour of development, clarity of presentation, applicability, and editorial independence. Of 181 unique search results, 22 CPGs for the treatment and/or management of LBP were eligible. Scaled domain percentages from highest to lowest were scope and purpose (90.0%), clarity of presentation (84.0%)esources for clinicians involved in LBP care; CPGs with lower scores could be improved in future updates using the AGREE II instrument, among other guideline development resources, as a guide.A safe and biodegradable γ-cyclodextrin-metal-organic-frameworks (γ-CD-MOFs) was successfully synthesized by using an improved hydrothermal method. In this study, curcumin (Cur) was chosen for testing the encapsulation stability and release performance of γ-CD-MOFs. Results of the crystal structure measurement indicated that the encapsulated curcumin within γ-CD-MOFs via van der Waals forces, hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonding was failed to disturb the inherent microtopography and crystallinity of γ-CD-MOFs. Compared to individual γ-CD, the γ-CD-MOFs exhibited improved loading capacity, physicochemical stability as well as controlled-release property in simulated digestion, and hence can be regarded as effective carriers for curcumin. Curcumin-loaded γ-CD-MOFs with a Cur γ-CD-MOFs mass ratio of 23 (Cur-CD-MOFs/3), which showed the highest encapsulation efficiency (67.31 ± 2.25%), improved physicochemical stability and controlled-release performance, was selected for further research and industrialization.