was observed in LB+LH (150 h) in the PERIPH silages. After 7 d of air exposure, a pH higher than 4.5 and a higher yeast than 8.0 log cfu/g were detected in all the silages opened after 15 and 30 d of conservation. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/MLN8237.html A pH value close to that of silo opening was detected in the LB, LH150, and LH300 silages conserved under MASS conditions after 100 d, whereas LB+LH was the most effective under PERIPH conditions. The temperature and its fluctuation during conservation of silage in laboratory silos influenced the fermentation, which in turn had an effect on the quality of silage and on the extent of the effect of LAB inocula.Our objective was to investigate the effect of i.v. dextrose as an adjunct therapy to oral propylene glycol on the resolution of hyperketonemia (HYK; blood β-hydroxybutyrate ≥1.2 mmol/L), disease incidence, and early lactation milk yield. Cows (n = 1,249) between 3 and 16 d in milk (DIM) from 4 New York dairy farms were screened once weekly for HYK for 2 wk. Those with HYK and no previous history of retained placenta, metritis, or HYK were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups 300 mL of oral 100% propylene glycol for 3 d (PG3); 300 mL of oral 100% propylene glycol for 3 d plus 500 mL i.v. 50% dextrose on d 1 (PG3D1); or 300 mL of oral 100% propylene glycol for 3 d plus 500 mL i.v. 50% dextrose on all 3 d (PG3D3). Cows with a blood β-hydroxybutyrate less then 1.2 mmol/L at initial screening were re-screened the following week and randomly assigned to the above treatment groups if blood β-hydroxybutyrate was ≥1.2 mmol/L. Cows were assessed for post-treatment HYK resolution 1 and 2 wk after initial HYK dnosis, or for risk of adverse event occurrence (PG3 7.4%, PG3D1 8.0%, PG3D3 12.6%). Average daily milk yield (mean ± SE) was similar between treatment groups (PG3 42.7 ± 0.6 kg/d, PG3D1 42.4 ± 0.6 kg/d, PG3D3 42.6 ± 0.6 kg/d). The addition of dextrose for 1 or 3 d provided no improvement in resolution of ketosis assessed once weekly, reduction in adverse events during the first 60 d of lactation, or a difference in average daily milk yield during the first 10 wk of lactation.Yogurt is a well-known nutritious and probiotic food and is traditionally fermented from milk using the symbiotic starter culture of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus. However, yogurt consumption may cause health problems in lactose-intolerant individuals, and the demand for lactose-free yogurt has been increasing. The standard method to prepare lactose-free yogurt is to hydrolyze milk by lactase; however, this process has been reported to influence the fermentation properties of starter strains. This study aimed to investigate the fermentation properties of an industrial starter culture of L. bulgaricus 2038 and S. thermophilus 1131 in lactose-hydrolyzed milk and to examine the metabolic changes induced by glucose utilization. We found that the cell number of L. bulgaricus 2038, exopolysaccharide concentration, and viscosity in the coculture of L. bulgaricus 2038 and S. thermophilus 1131 was significantly increased in lactose-hydrolyzed milk compared with that in unhydrolyzed milk. Although the cell number of S. thermophilus 1131 showed no difference, production of formic acid and reduction of dissolved oxygen were enhanced in lactose-hydrolyzed milk. Further, in lactose-hydrolyzed milk, S. thermophilus 1131 was found to have increased the expression of NADH oxidase, which is responsible for oxygen reduction. These results indicated that glucose utilization promoted S. thermophilus 1131 to rapidly reduce the dissolved oxygen amount and produce a high concentration of formic acid, presumably resulting in the increased cell number of L. bulgaricus 2038 in the coculture. Our study provides basic information on the metabolic changes in starter strains in lactose-hydrolyzed milk, and demonstrates that lactose-free yogurt with increased cell number of L. bulgaricus can be prepared without delay in fermentation and decrease in the cell number of S. thermophilus.The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of replacing soybean hull (SBH) pellets with grass hay (GH) on growth, intake, total-tract digestibility, and rumen microbial nitrogen production of weaned dairy calves from 8 to 16 wk of age. Holstein calves (n = 16) were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 rations containing, on a dry matter (DM) basis, 76% grower with the remaining 24% being made up of different amounts of SBH pellets and GH [0% GH, 24% SBH (0GH); 8% GH, 16% SBH (8GH); 16% GH, 8% SBH (16GH); and 24% GH, 0% SBH (24GH)]. Calves were weaned at 6 wk, housed individually, and studied from 8 to 16 wk of age. From 8 to 9 wk of age calves were offered a ration consisting of 50% of texturized starter (20% CP and 35% starch), which was offered from 3 d of age, and 50% of their assigned ration. From 9 wk until the end of the study, calves were offered 100% of their assigned ration. Intake and body weight were measured weekly, and frame measurements were taken at the beginning and end of the study.ecreased fecal Xgm by ~35% compared with calves offered 0GH. In the current study, increasing the replacement of SBH with GH beyond 8% was detrimental to weaned calf performance. These results indicate that when diets containing 8% GH and 16% SBH were fed to recently weaned calves, rumen functionality and feed efficiency were optimized compared with the other GH-SBH combinations.The objective of the current study was to evaluate the relationship of body condition score (BCS) at 35 d in milk (DIM), milk production, diseases, and duration of the dry period with prevalence of anovulation at 49 DIM and then, specifically, with the prevalence of each anovular phenotype. We hypothesized that anovular follicular phenotypes, classified based on maximal size of the anovular follicle, have different etiologies. A total of 942 lactating Holstein cows (357 primiparous and 585 multiparous) from 1 herd had ovaries evaluated by ultrasonography at 35 ± 3 and 49 ± 3 DIM to detect the absence of a corpus luteum (CL), and to measure the diameter of the largest follicle. Cows were classified as cyclic at 49 DIM if a CL was observed in at least 1 of the 2 examinations, or anovular if no CL was observed at either examination. Cows considered anovular were divided into 3 groups based on the largest diameter of the largest follicle as follows ranging from 8 to 13 mm, 14 to 17 mm, or ≥18 mm. Cows were evaluated for the following diseases retained placenta, metritis, hyperketonemia, mastitis, lameness, respiratory problem, and digestive problem.