Premature sexual activity has become a norm in South African society, often resulting in teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Occurrence of premature sexual activity is related to insufficient education, gender inequalities, household poverty and place of residence. The Stepping Stones project uses a 10-session programme to educate learners about relationships, HIV-prevention and teenage pregnancy. The purpose was to measure and describe learners' sexual knowledge and activities in a rural technical secondary school in North-west Province, South Africa. A cross-sectional survey. Questionnaires were distributed to learners in grade 8 to 12. Descriptive statistics was used in analysis. Seventy-nine questionnaires were analysed. Despite a young sample, 26.6% were sexually active and 24.1% engaged in sexual activity. The mean age for first-time sexual intercourse was 15.2±2.3 years. The use of contraceptives was low (41.2%) and participants reported difficulty in talking to partners abby incorporating social media and emphasising gender equality and negotiation skills in sexually vulnerable situations. Availability and affordability of sachet liquor has significantly increased adolescents' access to alcohol in Nigeria. This study investigated use of sachet alcohol and sexual behavior among adolescents in Ibadan South-East Local Government Area(IBSE-LGA), Oyo state, Nigeria. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with three-stage random sampling technique to select 390 adolescents in IBSE-LGA, Oyo state; using quantitative and qualitative instruments(5 IDIs). There were more male adolescents (61.8%); with 14.7±2.6 as mean age; equal proportion of early (10-14years) and late(15-19years) adolescents. Findings show that about 16% of the respondents have not completed Primary School education; half(50%) of the respondents had ever taken alcohol, while 39.5% are current users of sac