The use of Cannabis-based preparations for medicinal use has waxed and waned in the multi-millennial history of human co-existence with the plant and its cultivation. Recorded use of preparations from Cannabis is effectively as old as recorded history with examples from China, India and Ancient Egypt. Prohibition and restriction of availability allowed a number of alternatives to take the place of Cannabis preparations. However, there has been a worldwide resurgence in medicinal Cannabis advocacy from the public. Media interest has been piqued by particular evocative cases. Altogether, therefore, there is pressure on healthcare professionals to prescribe and dispense Cannabis-based preparations. This review enunciates some of the barriers which are slowing the wider adoption of medicinal Cannabis.Opioids are a group of analgesic agents commonly used in clinical practice. The three classical opioid receptors are MOP, DOP and KOP. The NOP (N/OFQ) receptor is considered to be a non-opioid branch of the opioid receptor family. Opioid receptors are G-protein-coupled receptors which cause cellular hyperpolarisation when bound to opioid agonists. Opioids may be classified according to their mode of synthesis into alkaloids, semi-synthetic and synthetic compounds. Opioid use disorder (OUD) is an emerging issue and important lessons can be learnt from the United States where opioid epidemic was declared as a national emergency in 2017.The gabapentinoids are often recommended as first-line treatments for the management of neuropathic pain. The differing pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profiles can have implications for clinical practice. This article has summarised these key differences. In addition to their use in managing neuropathic pain, gabapentinoids are increasingly being used for off-label conditions despite the lack of evidence. Prescription rates for off-label conditions have overtaken that for on-label use. Simil