We believe that the molecular and biochemical understanding of PAs metabolism and their physiological roles in citrus plants will help citrus breeding programs to enhance tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses and provide bases for further research into potential applications.The hazelnut skin is waste biomass rich in bioactive compounds that may affect lipid rumen metabolism, ruminant performance, and products' quality. Therefore, we investigated the effect of dietary hazelnut skin on milk production and composition and on rumen fatty acids in ewes. During 28 days, 20 Comisana lactating ewes received alfalfa hay ad libitum plus 800g/head/day of pelleted concentrate containing 36% dried beet pulp (CTRL group; n = 10) or 36% hazelnut skin (HS group; n = 10). The protein percentage was lower in HS milk. Milk fatty acids (FA) partially reflected those of rumen content. Total saturated FA (SFA), odd and branched-chain FA, and n-3 polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) were greater in CTRL milk. Total monounsaturated FA (MUFA) and 181 trans were greater in HS milk; moreover, HS milk showed a double percentage of oleic acid than the CTRL group. Individual SFA were greater in CTRL milk except for 180. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/idf-11774.html Differing from the rumen content, total PUFA, n-6 PUFA, and 182 n-6 were comparable between groups. Vaccenic and rumenic acid were greater in HS milk. To conclude, dietary HS slightly reduced milk protein percentage but improved atherogenic index and healthy FA in milk. The content of the somatic cells suggested a healthier udder in the HS group.Background Gagging during transesophageal echocardiography examination (TEE) can be distressing and even dangerous for patients. The needling of acupuncture point CV24 was described to be effective in reducing the gag reflex during TEE in patients with ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack. Methods We describe a proposal for a prospective, randomized, patient, practitioner and assessor-blinded, single-center trial with two arms/groups; real acupuncture will be compared to placebo acupuncture. A total of 60 (30 per group) patients scheduled for elective TEE in order to exclude a cardiac embolic source, endocarditis or for valve failure evaluation will be recruited according to patients' selection criteria and receive either indwelling fixed intradermal needles at acupoints CV24 and bilateral PC6 or placebo needles at the same areas. Patients, the practitioners who will perform the TEE procedure, and the assessor of the outcome measures will be unaware of the group's (real or placebo) allocation. Results The primary outcome is the intensity of gagging, measured using verbal rating scale (VRS-11) from 0 = no gagging to 10 = intolerable gagging. Secondary outcomes include the incidence of gagging, the use of rescue medication, patients' satisfaction with relief of unwanted side effects during TEE procedure, success of patients' blinding (patients' opinion to group allocation), heart rate and oxygen saturation measured by pulse oxymetry. Conclusions To study the effects of acupuncture against gagging during TEE, we test the needling of acupoints CV24 and PC6 bilaterally. A placebo acupuncture is used for the control group. Trial registration number NCT NCT0382142.LMNA encodes for Lamin A/C, type V intermediate filaments that polymerize under the inner nuclear membrane to form the nuclear lamina. A small fraction of Lamin A/C, less polymerized, is also found in the nucleoplasm. Lamin A/C functions include roles in nuclear resistance to mechanical stress and gene regulation. LMNA mutations are responsible for a wide variety of pathologies, including Emery-Dreifuss (EDMD) and LMNA-related congenital muscular dystrophies (L-CMD) without clear genotype-phenotype correlations. Both diseases presented with striated muscle disorders although L-CMD symptoms appear much earlier and are more severe. Seeking for pathomechanical differences to explain the severity of L-CMD mutations, we performed an in silico analysis of the UMD-LMNA database and found that L-CMD mutations mainly affect residues involved in Lamin dimer and tetramer stability. In line with this, we found increased nucleoplasmic Lamin A/C in L-CMD patient fibroblasts and mouse myoblasts compared to the control and EDMD. L-CMD myoblasts show differentiation defects linked to their inability to upregulate muscle specific nuclear envelope (NE) proteins expression. NE proteins were mislocalized, leading to misshapen nuclei. We conclude that these defects are due to both the absence of Lamin A/C from the nuclear lamina and its maintenance in the nucleoplasm of myotubes.Lassa virus (LASV), which causes considerable morbidity and mortality annually, has a high genetic diversity across West Africa. LASV glycoprotein (GP) expresses this diversity, but most LASV vaccine candidates utilize only the Lineage IV LASV Josiah strain GP antigen as an immunogen and homologous challenge with Lineage IV LASV. In addition to the sequence variation amongst the LASV lineages, these lineages are also distinguished in their presentations. Inter-lineage variations within previously mapped B-cell and T-cell LASV GP epitopes and the breadth of protection in LASV vaccine/challenge studies were examined critically. Multiple alignments of the GP primary sequence of strains from each LASV lineage showed that LASV GP has diverging degrees of amino acid conservation within known epitopes among LASV lineages. Conformational B-cell epitopes spanning different sites in GP subunits were less impacted by LASV diversity. LASV GP diversity should influence the approach used for LASV vaccine design. Expression of LASV GP on viral vectors, especially in its prefusion configuration, has shown potential for protective LASV vaccines that can overcome LASV diversity. Advanced vaccine candidates should demonstrate efficacy against all LASV lineages for evidence of a pan-LASV vaccine.Compaction simulators are frequently used in the formulation and process development of tablets, bringing about the advantages of flexibility, low material consumption, and high instrumentation to generate the most possible process understanding. However, their capability of resembling general aspects of rotary press compaction and their precision in simulating or mimicking sub-processes such as feeding and filling need to be systematically studied. The effect of material deformation behavior, blend composition, and feeding on tensile strength and simulation precision as compared with rotary presses of different scales is evaluated in this study. Generally, good simulation performance was found for the studied compaction simulator. Compaction profile-sensitivity was demonstrated for highly visco-plastic materials while shear-sensitivity in feeding was demonstrated for lubricated blends of ductile particles. Strategies for the compensation of both in compaction simulator experiments are presented by careful investigation of the compaction stress over time profiles and introduction of a compaction simulator-adapted shear number approach to account for differences in layout and operation mode between compaction simulator and rotary press, respectively.