The proposed model proved to be interesting in the simulations and the applications to real data; it limited the bias in parameter estimates of the excess mortality in several scenarios and improved the results and the generalizability of Touraine's proportional hazards model. Finally, the proposed model is a good approach to correct reliably inaccurate background mortality by introducing multiplicative parameters that depend on age and on an additional variable through breakpoints. Finally, the proposed model is a good approach to correct reliably inaccurate background mortality by introducing multiplicative parameters that depend on age and on an additional variable through breakpoints. In some European countries, including France, older patients with functional decline in acute units are transferred to geriatric rehabilitation units. Some patients may not benefit from their stay in a geriatric rehabilitation unit and paradoxically worsened their functional status. Previous prognostic models of functional decline are based on only baseline parameters. However, some events can occur during rehabilitation and modify the association between baseline parameters and rehabilitation performance such as heart failure episode, falls or hospital-acquired infection (HAI). The incidence of functional decline in these units and factors associated with this decline have not been clearly identified. We used a prospective cohort of consecutive patients aged ≥75 years admitted to a geriatric rehabilitation unit in a French university hospital. The main endpoint was functional decline defined by at least an one-point decrease in Activities of Daily Living (ADL) score during the stay. Baseline social and gk of functional decline before transfer to a rehabilitation unit and to test the implementation of modern and individual programs of rehabilitation outside the hospital for these patients. Falls in older adults are an increasingly important public-health concern. Despite abundant research, fall rates have not been reduced, because implementation of evidence-based fall-prevention measures has been slow and limited. This study aims to explore physiotherapists' perceptions on external factors, such as public policy, organisation and leadership, regarding the relation between knowledge translation and the three elements of evidence-based practice (EBP) to effectively address barriers and facilitate the uptake of EBP in fall prevention. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 18 physiotherapists (men = 7; women = 11) working with fall prevention in the primary healthcare system. The physiotherapists ranged in age from 27 to 60 years (median 36 years) and had worked as a physiotherapist from 1 to 36 years (median 7 years). Data are analysed using thematic analysis. The analysis revealed one main theme and four sub-themes. The main theme was 'Environmental empowerment enhances physiotherapis influenced by policy with ripple effects for the organisation and clinicians. Organisational facilitators form structural empowerment, which is the foundation for creating an EBP environment. 2018/2227/REC south-east C. Registered 19 December 2018, Norwegian Ethics Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics. 2018/2227/REC south-east C. Registered 19 December 2018, Norwegian Ethics Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics. Circular RNAs (circRNAs) play important roles in regulating gene expression through binding miRNAs and RNA binding proteins. Genetic variation of circRNAs may affect complex traits/diseases by changing their binding efficiency to target miRNAs and proteins. There is a growing demand for investigations of the functions of genetic changes using large-scale experimental evidence. However, there is no online genetic resource for circRNA genes. We performed extensive genetic annotation of 295,526 circRNAs integrated from circBase, circNet and circRNAdb. All pre-computed genetic variants were presented at our online resource, circVAR, with data browsing and search functionality. We explored the chromosome-based distribution of circRNAs and their associated variants. We found that, based on mapping to the 1000 Genomes and ClinVAR databases, chromosome 17 has a relatively large number of circRNAs and associated common and health-related genetic variants. Following the annotation of genome wide association studiesncerning circRNAs and associated genes together with data query and browsing functions at http// . To report the pregnancy outcomes on patients with chronic migraine exposed to onabotulinumtoxinA from Hull Headache Clinic. Migraines are common in women of reproductive age and those with chronic migraine have a major impact on their activities of daily living and health-related quality of life. Apart from low dose amitriptyline and beta-blockers all other prophylactic agents have proven teratogenic effects. OnabotulinumtoxinA is approved as preventive treatment for adult patients with chronic migraine, although its impact on pregnancy is unknown. We prospectively collected data for efficacy and safety on all patients treated with onabotulinumtoxinA at the Hull Headache Clinic. The toxin is administered as per PREEMPT paradigm. Female patients of reproductive age group receiving onabotulinumtoxinA are given advice on contraception and the unknown impact of the toxin on pregnancy. They are asked to report pregnancy when they are appraised on the risk/benefit of treatment continuation. All patients are c there was no impact of the toxin found on the pregnancy outcomes. Even though several computational methods for rhythmicity detection and analysis of biological data have been proposed in recent years, classical trigonometric regression based on cosinor still has several advantages over these methods and is still widely used. Different software packages for cosinor-based rhythmometry exist, but lack certain functionalities and require data in different, non-unified input formats. We present CosinorPy, a Python implementation of cosinor-based methods for rhythmicity detection and analysis. CosinorPy merges and extends the functionalities of existing cosinor packages. It supports the analysis of rhythmic data using single- or multi-component cosinor models, automatic selection of the best model, population-mean cosinor regression, and differential rhythmicity assessment. Moreover, it implements functions that can be used in a design of experiments, a synthetic data generator, and import and export of data in different formats. CosinorPy is an easy-to-use Python package for straightforward detection and analysis of rhythmicity requiring minimal statistical knowledge, and produces publication-ready figures.