Plant growth, morphogenesis and development involve cellular adhesion, a process dependent on the composition and structure of the extracellular matrix or cell wall. Pectin in the cell wall is thought to play an essential role in adhesion, and its modification and cleavage are suggested to be highly regulated so as to change adhesive properties. To increase our understanding of plant cell adhesion, a population of ethyl methanesulfonate-mutagenized Arabidopsis were screened for hypocotyl adhesion defects using the pectin binding dye Ruthenium Red that penetrates defective but not wild-type (WT) hypocotyl cell walls. Genomic sequencing was used to identify a mutant allele of ELMO1 which encodes a 20 kDa Golgi membrane protein that has no predicted enzymatic domains. ELMO1 colocalizes with several Golgi markers and elmo1-/- plants can be rescued by an ELMO1-GFP fusion. elmo1-/- exhibits reduced mannose content relative to WT but no other cell wall changes and can be rescued to WT phenotype by mutants in ESMERALDA1, which also suppresses other adhesion mutants. elmo1 describes a previously unidentified role for the ELMO1 protein in plant cell adhesion.Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a developmental disorder associated with diaphragm defects and lung hypoplasia. The etiology of CDH is complex and its clinical presentation is variable. We investigated the role of the pulmonary mesothelium in dysregulated lung growth noted in the Wt1 knockout mouse model of CDH. Loss of WT1 leads to intrafetal effusions, altered lung growth, and branching defects prior to normal closure of the diaphragm. We found significant differences in key genes; however, when Wt1 null lungs were cultured ex vivo, growth and branching were indistinguishable from wild-type littermates. Micro-CT imaging of embryos in situ within the uterus revealed a near absence of space in the dorsal chest cavity, but no difference in total chest cavity volume in Wt1 null embryos, indicating a redistribution of pleural space. The altered space and normal ex vivo growth suggest that physical constraints are contributing to the CDH lung phenotype observed in this mouse model. These studies emphasize the importance of examining the mesothelium and chest cavity as a whole, rather than focusing on single organs in isolation to understand early CDH etiology.Upon the stimulation of extracellular cues, a significant number of proteins are synthesized distally along the axon. Although local protein synthesis is crucial for various stages throughout neuronal development, its involvement in presynaptic differentiation at developing neuromuscular junctions remains unknown. By using axon severing and microfluidic chamber assays, we first showed that treatment of a protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, inhibits agrin-induced presynaptic differentiation in cultured Xenopus spinal neurons. Newly synthesized proteins are prominently detected, as revealed by the staining of click-reactive cell-permeable puromycin analog O-propargyl-puromycin, at agrin bead-neurite contacts involving the mTOR/4E-BP1 pathway. Next, live-cell time-lapse imaging demonstrated the local capturing and immobilization of ribonucleoprotein granules upon agrin bead stimulation. Given that our recent study reported the roles of membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) in agrin-induced presynaptic differentiation, here we further showed that MT1-MMP mRNA is spatially enriched and locally translated at sites induced by agrin beads. Taken together, this study reveals an essential role for axonal MT1-MMP translation, on top of the well-recognized long-range transport of MT1-MMP proteins synthesized from neuronal cell bodies, in mediating agrin-induced presynaptic differentiation. To investigate whether High-Resolution peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (HR-pQCT) of two metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints can more accurately classify patients as having erosive rheumatoid arthritis (RA) compared with conventional radiography (CR) of 44 joints in the hands, wrists, and feet. In this single-centre cross-sectional study, patients with established RA (disease duration ≥ 5 years) were investigated by HR-pQCT and CR. The second and third MCP joints of the dominant hand were assessed for erosions by HR-pQCT. CR of the hands, wrists, and feet were scored according to the Sharp/van der Heijde (SHS) method. In total, 353 patients were included, 66 (18.7%) patients were classified as having non-erosive RA, and 287 (81.3%) had erosive RA by CR. The sensitivity and specificity (95%CI) of HR-pQCT for classifying patients as having erosive RA when standard CR of hands, wrists, and feet were used as the reference was 89% (84-92)% and 30% (20-43)%, respectively. Using HR-pQCT as the reference, the sensitivity and specificity of CR for classifying patients having erosive RA were 85% (80-89)% and 38% (25-52)%, respectively. McNemar's χ2 test showed no significant difference between the sensitivities of patients classified as having erosive RA by HR-pQCT or by CR (2.14, p= 0.177). The diagnostic accuracy of HR-pQCT scanning of only two MCP joints and conventional radiography of 44 joints suggest the two modalities were comparable for classifying patients with established RA as having erosive disease. The diagnostic accuracy of HR-pQCT scanning of only two MCP joints and conventional radiography of 44 joints suggest the two modalities were comparable for classifying patients with established RA as having erosive disease.Measuring enzymatic starch availability is commonly used as a quality control method to ensure steam-flaked corn manufacturing consistency in commercial cattle feeding operations. However, starch availability estimates can be variable. We conducted five experiments to evaluate factors influencing starch availability estimates of steam-flaked corn. In Exp. 1, sample handling methods were evaluated. Sifted flakes were immediately placed into a plastic bag, air equilibrated for 240 min, oven-dried, or freeze-dried. Directly oven-drying samples at 55°C decreased (P less then 0.01) starch availability compared to other sample handling methods. In Exp. 2, sifted flakes were air equilibrated for 0, 15, 30, 60, 120, or 240 min. Air equilibration time did not influence (P ≥ 0.54) starch availability. In Exp. 3, samples were evaluated for effects of sifting through a 4-mm screen (flakes + fines vs. sifted flakes) and air equilibration time (0 vs. 240 min). Both sifting steam-flaked corn samples and air equilibration for 240 min increased starch availability (P less then 0.