We report a 35-year-old female patient with a history of bilateral salpingectomy from ectopic pregnancies presenting with a positive serum beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (bhCG) result following in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment. Apart from per vaginal spotting, she remained asymptomatic. Initial ultrasound showed an empty uterus with a cystic mass on the right side of the uterus. Serum beta-hCG was trended. A follow-up pelvic ultrasound 1 week later showed a live pregnancy in the right adnexa. A diagnostic laparoscopy was performed, which revealed an unruptured right stump ectopic pregnancy that was successfully removed. As a stump ectopic pregnancy can be a potentially life-threatening occurrence, we emphasise caution with salpingectomy and the consideration of tubal stump ectopic pregnancies following IVF treatment.A 57-year-old man with mild haemophilia B was admitted for coronary artery bypass graft surgery. His factor IX (FIX) activity was 15% on admission. Our goal was to maintain his FIX activity at 80%-100% for post-op days (PODs) 0-3, and at 60%-80% for PODs 4-14. Preoperatively, the patient was given recombinant FIX (rFIX) bolus using the formulaDosage needed=%(desired FIX level-current level of FIX)×weight (kg)×1.3.This increased his activity to 100%. One IU of rFIX increased FIX activity by 0.8%; the half-life of rFIX is 18-24 hours. The rFIX infusion was started intraoperatively and continued after surgery to maintain target FIX activity. He was discharged on POD 9 on rFIX bolus dosing of 5000 IU every 12 hours for an additional 5 days. Using continuous factor infusion, we managed to decrease the amount rFIX used by >60% while maintaining steady state FIX activity level.Neurocutaneous melanosis (NCM) is a rare disorder characterised by giant or multiple melanocytic nevi and meningeal melanosis or melanoma. Onset of neurological symptoms is typically in children younger than 2 ye