Watershed was the natural factor that most enhanced trace element accumulation when interacting with anthropogenic factors. Land use and smelting industry were the anthropogenic factors that most enhanced trace element accumulation when interacting with natural factors. Land use-watershed interaction accounted for 56% of Cd accumulation and smelting industry-watershed interaction for 19% of As accumulation. Land use-watershed, land use-lithology, and pH-watershed interactions accounted for 51%, 19%, and 15%, respectively of NPI values. The findings indicate that changing land use and reducing pollutant discharge from the smelting industry should be considered. Residential coals are still inevitable using in developing areas in China. Clean coal briquettes, normally using alkaline substance such as lime or red mud (RM) as the additive, were helpful in pollution emission reduction even without changes of stoves. Studies of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) emission characteristics from RM clear coal combustion were limited. In this study, emission factors (EFs), sources profiles, and health risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in PM2.5 were investigated for raw coal chunks and clean coal (with red mud) through combustion experiments. EFs of total PAHs were found to be 160.1 ± 100.9 mg·kg-1 and 19.4 ± 6.1 mg·kg-1 for bituminous and anthracite raw coal chunks (B-C and A-C), respectively. EFs values were highest for parent PAHs (p-PAHs), followed by oxygenated PAHs (o-PAHs), alkylated PAHs (a-PAHs), and nitro PAHs (n-PAHs). EFs of p-PAHs account for 80% and 52% of total PAHs emissions for B-C and A-C, respectively, while those for o-PAHs arld be paid more attention because of its high cancer risks caused by 6H-Benzo(C,D)Pyrene-6-One (1.74 × 10-5 for male, 8.07 × 10-5 for female), which are even more than the total risks caused by n-PAHs (3.59 × 10-7 for male, 1.66 × 10-6 for female). Results from this study highlighted the environment and health effects of PAHs originated from residential coal combustion, and proposed an effective way by using clean coal to alleviate the associated negative impacts. In tropics, especially Southeast Asia (SEA), heat wave (HW) research is seriously scarce although several global studies have projected this region to be greatly susceptible to increasing HW events under climate change scenarios. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/at13387.html Using the recently released ERA5 reanalysis data, we find that in most parts of SEA, HWs are becoming more frequent, longer-lasting and stronger, no matter using dry-bulb or wet-bulb temperatures to define HW. The increasing trends of HW characteristics based on minimum temperatures are larger than those based on maximum temperatures, suggesting an alarming situation of anomalously warm night. HW characteristics based on wet-bulb temperatures show higher increasing rates in the IndoChina Peninsula and Malay Peninsula than those based on dry-bulb temperatures. Nearly all HW characteristics are significantly correlated with El Niño index, but Indian Ocean Dipole only significantly impacts HW characteristics based on wet-bulb temperature in Java. Results derived from other reanalysis products exhibit general agreement with those from ERA5, lending support to the findings reported herein. This study highlights the different role of humidity in changing HW trends in different regions of SEA, and calls for attention to the associated risk of increasing nighttime temperatures during HWs. The atmosphere is the major transport pathway for distribution of mercury (Hg) globally. Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM, hereafter Hg0) is the predominant form in both anthropogenic and natural emissions. Evaluation of the efficacy of reductions in emissions set by the UN's Minamata Convention (UN-MC) is critically dependent on the knowledge of the dynamics of the global Hg cycle. Of these dynamics including e.g. red-ox reactions, methylation-demethylation and dry-wet deposition, poorly constrained atmosphere-surface Hg0 fluxes especially limit predictability of the timescales of its global biogeochemical cycle. This review focuses on Hg0 flux field observational studies, namely the theory, applications, strengths, and limitations of the various experimental methodologies applied to gauge the exchange flux and decipher active sub-processes. We present an in-depth review, a comprehensive literature synthesis, and methodological and instrumentation advances for terrestrial and marine Hg0 flux studies in recent lux measurements novel constraints to quantitatively and qualitatively assess the bi-directional Hg0 flux. Recent efforts in the development of relaxed eddy accumulation and eddy covariance Hg0 flux methods bear the potential to facilitate long-term, ecosystem-scale flux measurements to reduce the prevailing large uncertainties in Hg0 flux estimates. Standardization of methods for Hg0 flux measurements is crucial to investigate how land-use change and how climate warming impact ecosystem-specific Hg0 sink-source characteristics and to validate frequently applied model parameterizations describing the regional and global scale Hg cycle. According to the Floods Directive (Directive 60/2007/EC), the management of floods represents an obligation of each EU member state to defend human lives as well as the economic well-being of societies, especially in areas defined as critical. The purpose of this study was to develop a flood attenuation model based on detention basins in the 23 critical flood risk zones of continental Portugal, capable to eliminate the high and very high flood risk areas instead of attempting to ensure full control of the flood in all potentially threatened areas. The model workflow comprised the sequential use of engineering formulae based on historical peak flows and a zoning algorithm embedded in a Geographic Information System. The formulas allowed to set up the volume of river water to retain in a detention basin during a flood, as well as the smallest catchment area (A) producing this volume. The results were divided into sustainable (h ≤ 8 m) or non-sustainable (h > 8 m) detention basins. Thus, these results indicated the possibility to install 27 sustainable and 75 non-sustainable detention basins in specific catchments within the critical zones contributing watersheds.