The treatments also reduced scleral hypoxia, as indicated by the decrease in hypoxic signals. Furthermore, actively increasing ChBP with prazosin inhibited the progression of myopia, as well as the increase in axial length and scleral hypoxia. Our data strongly indicate that increased ChBP attenuates scleral hypoxia, and thereby inhibits the development of myopia. Thus ChBP may be a promising target for myopia retardation. As such, it can serve as an immediate predictor of myopia development as well as a long-term marker of it. Our data strongly indicate that increased ChBP attenuates scleral hypoxia, and thereby inhibits the development of myopia. Thus ChBP may be a promising target for myopia retardation. As such, it can serve as an immediate predictor of myopia development as well as a long-term marker of it. Although multiple imputation models for missing data and the use of mixed-effects models generally provide better outcome estimates than using only observed data or last observation carried forward in clinical trials, such approaches usually cannot be applied to visual outcomes from retrospective analyses of clinical practice settings, also called real-world outcomes. To explore the potential usefulness of survival analysis techniques for retrospective clinical practice visual outcomes. This retrospective cohort study covered a 12-year observation period at a tertiary eye center. Of 10 744 eyes with neovascular age-related macular degeneration receiving anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) therapy between October 28, 2008, and February 1, 2020, 7802 eyes met study criteria (treatment-naive, first-treated eyes starting anti-VEGF therapy). Eyes were excluded from the analysis if they received photodynamic therapy or macular laser, any previous anti-VEGF therapy, treatment with anti-VEGF agents oyses. This data set, combined with the statistical approach for retrospective analyses, may provide long-term prognostic information for patients newly diagnosed with this condition. Treatment options for recurrent ovarian cancer are of limited clinical benefit and adversely affect patient quality of life, representing an unmet need for tolerable effective therapies. To assess the efficacy and safety of a combination of pembrolizumab with bevacizumab and oral metronomic cyclophosphamide in patients with recurrent platinum-sensitive, platinum-resistant, or refractory epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer. This open-label, single-arm phase 2 cohort study enrolled patients from September 6, 2016, to June 27, 2018, at a single institution in the United States. Eligible patients had recurrent ovarian cancer, measurable disease per immune-related Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors (irRECIST), and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status of 0 to 1. Data were analyzed from September 6, 2016, to February 20, 2020. Patients received intravenous pembrolizumab, 200 mg, and bevacizumab, 15 mg/kg, every 3 weeks and oral cyclophosphamide, 50 mg, cyclophosphamide was well tolerated and demonstrated clinical benefit in 95.0% and durable treatment responses (>12 months) in 25.0% of patients with recurrent ovarian cancer. This combination may represent a future treatment strategy for recurrent ovarian cancer. Identifier NCT02853318. Identifier NCT02853318.Perceptual decisions are biased toward previous decisions. Earlier research suggests that this choice repetition bias is increased after previous decisions of high confidence, as inferred from response time measures (Urai, Braun, & Donner, 2017), but also when previous decisions were based on weak sensory evidence (Akaishi, Umeda, Nagase, & Sakai, 2014). As weak sensory evidence is typically associated with low confidence, these previous findings appear conflicting. To resolve this conflict, we set out to investigate the effect of decision confidence on choice repetition more directly by measuring explicit confidence ratings in a motion coherence discrimination task. Moreover, we explored how choice and evidence history jointly affect subsequent perceptual choices. We found that participants were more likely to repeat previous choices of high subjective confidence, as well as previous fast choices, confirming the boost of choice repetition with decision confidence. Furthermore, we discovered that current choices were biased away from the previous evidence direction and that this effect grew with previous evidence strength. These findings point toward simultaneous biases of choice repetition, modulated by decision confidence, and evidence adaptation, modulated by the strength of evidence, which bias current perceptual decisions in opposite directions.Come si leggerà nell'Introduzione della sezione propriamente scientifica del Volume, il presente testo nasce dalla volontà e, soprattutto, dall'esigenza culturale di omaggiare il fu Prof. Antonio Fusco. Un debito scientifico ed umano che trova il suo locus naturale in questa prima parte del testo stesso, cui farà poi seguito la parte propriamente scientifica. In siffatta parentesi dovuta per le ragioni appena menzionate, il lettore, l'amico o l'allievo dell'opera del Prof. Fusco potranno trovare un suo sintetico Curriculum Vitae, correlato da una specifica ed accurata prosa, svolta dal già Magnifico Rettore Carlo Cipolli; il quale, oltre che evidenziare, ricordando, i meriti del collega oramai scomparso, aggiunge alsuo scritto un elemento che sarebbe imprescindibile a non trasformare lo stesso in una mera sequenza di parole l'amicizia e l'affetto per un amico che, oramai, non c'è più. A fine lettura, evidente risuonerà il fatto che la vita di ognuno, se mossa dalla passione per ciò per cui si è predisposti costi di questa parentesi. Dopo di ciò, prima dei contributi prettamente scientifici dei lavori, tenutisi in occasione del Convegno Internazionale Psicologia, Arte, Letteratura. Antiche e Nuove Tendenze, seguiranno i saluti delle autorità che in quei due giorni si sono succedute a rappresentare non solo l'istituzione affiliata, ma anche la relazione di stima e di affetto che le legava al compianto Professore. Si passerà, infine, al volume tradizionalmente inteso.