be positively associated with undernutrition.Therefore, the implementation of nutritional programs is very crucial to improve the nutritional status of HIV/AIDS patients in the particular study. The result of this study indicated that the prevalence of undernutrition was high.Respondents with advanced clinical stage of CD4+ count less than 200 cells/ul and those that were not taking co-trimoxazole preventive therapy was found to be positively associated with undernutrition.Therefore, the implementation of nutritional programs is very crucial to improve the nutritional status of HIV/AIDS patients in the particular study. Hypertension is among the growing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in developing countries and the leading cause of death worldwide. Pastoral areas have been identified to be at a higher risk of diseases due to challenges in their daily food production, livelihoods or mobility. Unfortunately, the prevalence of hypertension and the risk factors particularly affecting rural and pastoral populations are not fully understood, making intervention efforts challenging. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of hypertension and identify the risk factors among adults living in Monduli district in Tanzania. The findings will be useful for the provision of tailored interventions focused on community-specific nutritional and behavioral practices. We conducted a community based cross-sectional study involving a sample of 510 adults aged above 18 years selected using a multistage cluster sampling in the Monduli district of Arusha region, Tanzania. Data were collected by using interviewer-administered queis study. Our findings suggest that older age, obesity or overweight, low physical activity, low income, and consumption of fatty foods increase the risk of hypertension among study population. Their diet was dominated by cereals with moderate intake of meat and milk and low fruits. There is a need to promote physical activities and consumption of fruits in the study population in order to fight against hypertension. Further research should be done to confirm the associations. Despite a decline in global adolescent birth rate, many countries in South East Asia still experience a slower pace decline in adolescent birth rates. Timor-Leste is one of the countries in the region with the highest adolescent birth rate and huge disparities between socio-economic subgroups. Hence, this study assessed the magnitude and trends in adolescent fertility rates within different socio-demographic subgroups in Timor-Leste. Using the World Health Organization's (WHO) Health Equity Assessment Toolkit (HEAT) software, data from the Timor-Leste Demographic and Health surveys (TLDHS) were analyzed between 2009 and 2016. We approached the inequality analysis in two steps. First, we disaggregated adolescent fertility rates by four equity stratifiers wealth index, education, residence and region. Second, we measured the inequality through summary measures, namely Difference, Population Attributable Risk, Ratio and Population Attributable Fraction. A 95% confidence interval was constructed for point esticymakers should work to prevent child marriage and early fertility to ensure continuous education, reproductive health care and livelihood opportunities for adolescent girls. Specialized interventions should also be drawn to the subpopulation that had disproportionately higher adolescent childbirth. This study identified disproportionately higher burden of teenage birth among disadvantaged adolescents who are, poor, uneducated, rural residents and those living in regions such as Oecussi, Liquica and Manufahi, respectively. Policymakers should work to prevent child marriage and early fertility to ensure continuous education, reproductive health care and livelihood opportunities for adolescent girls. Specialized interventions should also be drawn to the subpopulation that had disproportionately higher adolescent childbirth. Despite the promising evidence of health-promoting and preventive interventions for maintaining health among older people, not all interventions can be implemented due to limited resources. Due to the variation of content in the interventions and the breadth of outcomes used to evaluate effects in such interventions, comparisons are difficult and the choice of which interventions to implement is challenging. Therefore, more information, beyond effects, is needed to guide decision-makers. The aim of this review was to investigate, to what degree factors important for decision-making have been reported in the existing health-promoting and preventive interventions literature for community-dwelling older people in the Nordic countries. This review was guided by the PRISMA-ScR checklist (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis extension for Scoping Reviews), the methodological steps for scoping reviews described in the Arksey and O'Malley's framework, and the Medical Research Councilg all reported factors, promising candidates to be recommended for implementation in a Nordic municipality context are 'Senior meetings', 'preventive home visits' and 'exercise interventions' on its own or combined with other components. Epilepsy is the common neurological disorder in the world, affecting approximately 50 million people. Anti-epileptic medication non-adherence can be a reason for long term hospitalization, repeated emergency seizure attacks, increased health care cost and frequent absence of work due to poor seizure control. Existed studies of anti-epileptic medication non-adherence in Ethiopia have reported great discrepant and inconsistent results which calls a growing demand of systematic review and meta-analysis. Therefore, this review aimed to show the pooled prevalence of anti-epileptic medication non-adherence among people with epilepsy attending outpatient department. Literatures were searched from the PubMed/Medline, Science Direct, PsycINFO, Hinnari and Google Scholar for grey literatures. The data were extracted using a prepared data extraction Microsoft Excel format. The data were analyzed using STATA- version 14 (software). The I test was used to check the heterogeneity between primary studies with a corresponding 95% confidence interval.