Given the inconsistent results on the prognostic significance of triglycerides (TGs), the purpose of the present study was to investigate the association of plasma TGs with left ventricular mass (LVM) in hypertensive patients. We studied 760 never treated, non diabetic, hypertensive patients. Τransthoracic echocardiography was performed and LVMI was calculated according to the Devereux formula, adjusted to body surface area. Triglycerides were associated with LVMI after adjustment for age, gender, systolic blood pressure (SBP), smoking and fasting glucose (b = 0.08, p = 0.009). This relationship remained significant even after adjustment for BMI, LDL-C and ApoB/ApoA1 ratio (b = 0.07, p = 0.04). Gender-stratified analysis indicated that TGs were related to LVMI in men (p = 0.001) but not in women (p = NS). In addition, TGs were related with LV hypertrophy (LVH) in men, increasing the odds by 7% to present LVMI over 115 g/m2 (OR = 1.07 per 10 mg/dl increase in TGs, p = 0.01). In conclusion, TGs are associated with LVMI in hypertensive patients, independently of other risk factors, including LDL-C. Given the prognostic significance of LVH, it might be suggested that TGs may serve as a useful marker for indentifying hypertensive patients at high risk. The gender discrepancy may suggest a possible gender-specific modulatory effect of TGs on LV structure.Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is the causative agent of severe human neuroinfections that most commonly occur after a tick bite. N-Glycosylation of the TBEV envelope (E) glycoprotein is critical for virus egress in mammalian cells, but not in tick cells. In addition, glycans have been reported to mask specific antigenic sites from recognition by neutralizing antibodies. In this regard, the main purpose of our study was to investigate the profile of N-glycans linked to the E protein of TBEV when grown in human neuronal cells and compare it to the profile of virus grown in tick cells. Mass spectrometric analysis revealed significant differences in these profiles. High-mannose glycan with five mannose residues (Man5GlcNAc2), a complex biantennary galactosylated structure with core fucose (Gal2GlcNAc2Man3GlcNAc2Fuc), and a group of hybrid glycans with the composition Gal0-1GlcNAc1Man3-5GlcNAc2Fuc0-1 were confirmed as the main asparagine-linked oligosaccharides on the surface of TBEV derived from human neuronal cells. The observed pattern was supported by examination of the glycopeptides, providing additional information about the glycosylation site in the E protein. In contrast, the profile of TBEV grown in tick cells showed that paucimannose (Man3-4 GlcNAc2Fuc0-1) and high-mannose structures with five and six mannoses (Man5-6GlcNAc2) were major glycans on the viral surface. The reported results complement existing crystallography and cryoelectron tomography data on the E protein structure and could be instrumental for designing carbohydrate-binding antiviral agents active against TBEV. There is substantial interest in using networks of lower-cost air quality sensors to characterize urban population exposure to fine particulate matter mass (PM ). However, sensor uncertainty is a concern with these monitors. (1) Quantify the uncertainty of lower-cost PM sensors; (2) Use the high spatiotemporal resolution of a lower-cost sensor network to quantify the contribution of different modifiable and non-modifiable factors to urban PM . A network of 64 lower-cost monitors was deployed across Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Measurement and sampling uncertainties were quantified by comparison to local reference monitors. Data were sorted by land-use characteristics, time of day, and wind direction. Careful calibration, temporal averaging, and reference site corrections reduced sensor uncertainty to 1 μg/m , ~10% of typical long-term average PM concentrations in Pittsburgh. Episodic and long-term enhancements to urban PM due to a nearby large metallurgical coke manufacturing facility were 1.6 ± 0.36 μg/m and 0.3 ± 0.2 μg/m , respectively. Daytime land-use regression models identified restaurants as an important local contributor to urban PM . PM above EPA and WHO daily health standards was observed at several sites across the city. With proper management, a large network of lower-cost sensors can identify statistically significant trends and factors in urban exposure. With proper management, a large network of lower-cost sensors can identify statistically significant trends and factors in urban exposure. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented an acute shortage of regulation-tested masks. Many of the alternatives available to hospitals have not been certified, leaving uncertainty about their ability to properly protect healthcare workers from SARS-CoV-2 transmission. For situations where regulatory methods are not accessible, we present experimental methods to evaluate mask filtration and breathability quickly via cost-effective approaches (e.g., ~$2000 USD) that could be replicated in communities of need without extensive infrastructure. We demonstrate the need for screening by evaluating an existing diverse inventory of masks/respirators from a local hospital. Two experimental approaches are presented to examine both aerosol filtration and flow impedance (i.e., breathability). For one of the approaches ("quick assessment"), screening for appropriate filtration could be performed under 10 min per mask, on average. Mask fit tests were conducted in tandem but are not the focus of this study. Tests conducted of 47 nonregulation masks reveal variable performance. A number of commercially available masks in hospital inventories perform similarly to N95 masks for aerosol filtration of 0.2 μm and above, but there is a range of masks with relatively lower filtration efficiencies (e.g., <90%) and a subset with poorer filtration (e.g., <70%). All masks functioned acceptably for breathability, and impedance was not correlated with filtration efficiency. With simplified tests, organizations with mask/respirator shortages and uncertain inventories can make informed decisions about use and procurement. With simplified tests, organizations with mask/respirator shortages and uncertain inventories can make informed decisions about use and procurement.