We found that the convergence toward the complete basis set is much faster for quite a wide range of values of μ. We also propose a specific value of μ, which essentially reproduces the results obtained with the frozen Gaussian geminal introduced by Ten-no [Chem. Phys. Lett. 330, 169 (2000)].The photodetachment spectrum of the nitrate anion (NO3-) is simulated from first principles using wavepacket quantum dynamics propagation and a newly developed accurate full-dimensional fully coupled five state diabatic potential model. This model utilizes the recently proposed complete nuclear permutation inversion invariant artificial neural network diabatization technique [D. M. G. Williams and W. Eisfeld, J. Phys. Chem. A 124, 7608 (2020)]. The quantum dynamics simulations are designed such that temperature effects and the impact of near threshold detachment are taken into account. Thus, the two available experiments at high temperature and at cryogenic temperature using the slow electron velocity-map imaging technique can be reproduced in very good agreement. These results clearly show the relevance of hot bands and vibronic coupling between the X̃ 2A2' ground state and the B̃ 2E' excited state of the neutral radical. This together with the recent experiment at low temperature gives further support for the proper assignment of the ν3 fundamental, which has been debated for many years. An assignment of a not yet discussed hot band line is also proposed.Two new species of the cockroach genus Eucorydia Hebard, 1929 from the Nansei Islands in Southwest Japan were compared to two closely related congeners, Eucorydia yasumatsui Asahina, 1971 and Eucorydia dasytoides (Walker, 1868). Eucorydia donanensis Yanagisawa, Sakamaki, and Shimano sp. nov. from Yonaguni-jima Island was characterized by an overall length of 12.5-14.5 mm in males. The dorsal side of the male abdomen was entirely dark purple and there was an obscure orange band running down the middle of the tegmen. Eucorydia tokaraensis Yanagisawa, Sakamaki, and Shimano sp. nov. was characterized by an overall length of 12.0-13.0 mm in males and a distinct orange band running down the middle of the tegmen. Eucorydia yasumatsui, E. donanensis, E. tokaraensis and the zonata population of E. dasytoides were divided into four lineages in a maximum-likelihood tree generated from a dataset concatenated from five (two nuclear, 28S rRNA, histone H3, and three mitochondrial, COII, 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA) genes. We recognized the three Japanese lineages E. yasumatsui, E. donanensis, and E. tokaraensis as distinct species, which were also supported by the pairwise genetic distances (5.4-7.8%, K2P) of the COI sequences. Morphometric analysis was performed on the genitalia. A principal component analysis plot revealed that the sizes of the genitalia in the three Japanese species were similar to each other and smaller than that of the zonata population of E. dasytoides. The analysis also revealed that the three Japanese species were distinguished from each other by combinations of the sizes of L3 and L7 sclerites and the shape of R2 sclerite, with some overlapping exceptions.Many insects show daily and circadian changes in morphology and physiology in their compound eye. In this study, we investigated whether the compound eye had an intrinsic circadian rhythm in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. We found that clock genes period (per), timeless (tim), cryptochrome 2 (cry2), and cycle (cyc) were rhythmically expressed in the compound eye under 12-h light/12-h dark cycles (LD 1212) and constant darkness (DD) at a constant temperature. After the optic nerves were severed (ONX), a weak but significant rhythmic expression persisted for per and tim under LD 1212, while under DD, tim and cyc showed rhythmic expression. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/mk-0159.html We also found that more than half of the ONX compound eyes exhibited weak but significant circadian electroretinographic rhythms. These results clearly demonstrate that the cricket compound eye possesses an intrinsic circadian oscillator which can drive the circadian light sensitivity rhythm in the eye, and that the circadian clock in the optic lobe exerts its influence on the oscillator in the eye.Eastern broad-toothed field mouse, Apodemus mystacinus, is a rocky habitat dwelling rodent distributed in Asia Minor, the Levant, the Caucasus, and the Zagros Mountains. In this study, we investigated the phylogenetic relationship between different populations of A. mystacinus throughout its range, based on the mitochondrial cytb marker. Phylogenetic analyses revealed the existence of five separately evolving lineages within A. mystacinus, of which two previously unrecognized lineages were identified in the Zagros Mountains and the Levant. Divergence between two major clades of the subgenus Karstomys, corresponding to A. mystacinus and Apodemus epimelas, is inferred to coincide with the Messinian Salinity Crisis (Late Miocene), whereas the splits between major lineages of A. mystacinus are inferred to have occurred during the Pleistocene. Colonization of the Zagros may have occurred from different refugia via eastward migration of the Turkish population and then again by a more recent colonization from the Caucasus, after reopening of the land corridor between the Caucasus and the Zagros Mountains during the Holocene drought.Almost all viviparous species possess male external genitalia; for example, the mammalian penis is an intromittent organ. Some live-bearing bony fish use their anal fins to assist in mating and internal fertilization. We previously reported a male-specific asymmetric curvature at the posterior end of the anal fin in Xenotoca eiseni, a viviparous fish of the family Goodeidae. However, three other goodeid species, Xenotoca melanosoma, Zoogoneticus quitzeoensis, and Chapalichthys pardalis, examined in that study possessed lesser anal fin curvature modifications as compared to those in the anal fin of X. eiseni. Here, we report the second case of acute-angled curvature modification of the male anal fin in the family Goodeidae. We obtained a dead specimen of the goodeid species Xenotoca variata from a city zoo in Japan, and the morphological and histological analyses indicated an acute-angled asymmetric curvature of the posterior end of the anal fin in X. variata, similar to that observed in X. eiseni in the previous study.